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Scoutmanage contact?


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I don't like the fact there is no contact information on their main website. It took some digging to find out their location.....again no contact phone number, or email address. I am not sure that Muskrat software is even a company anymore...


I would never do business with a company like that.....

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  • 3 months later...

support@scoutmanage.com is their email address.


I had a complaint because they've removed the ability to credit duplicate belt loops/pins. I sent an email to this address and received a reply from Lee Atchison who made up some new rules, "Each award can only be earned once. Even belt loops, you are required as a Webelos to redo the requirements for some belt loops, but thats not the same as earning the belt loop again (there are some units that allow the belt loop to actually be earned more than once, but this is not common)." Of course, this is baloney. Webelos must earn some belt loops again and it is clearly stated so in the handbook.


So I replied and respectfully gave Mr. Atchison the correct information from various BSA collateral, and I am now being ignored. I tried the Facebook suggestion as someone else said, but I have not heard anything on their wall. I think I am going to have to create custom awards to make sure these are all recorded.


I hate this because ScoutManage is not a good system; however, it's a tremendous undertaking to switch software and we all know how much spare time there is for something like that. My only saving grace is my son is about to cross over and I hope to God his Troop uses a better system.

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After starting this thread, I did find the email address you posted, gautreaux. I think it was added after I looked and posted here in frustration. My email about the issues I listed came back with a canned answer several weeks later from Lee that did not answer my questions and concerns. So my frustration continues.


I hear you too, about the pain of switching systems again. I don't know if I am up for it this year.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am assigned the task to look for other software. Scout Manage was picked by another committee member in the past without consulting the committee. After doing some testing, I feel for the price, this is truly a piece of software that is part of the 90's. I cannot wait to switch over to the new software that I finally choose.

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You get what you pay for. I'm on my third troop using TroopMaster, and while it is only as good as the person updating it, we've had great support over the years when its been needed. Haven't used PackMaster, but I suspect the support is coming from the same folks.

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I will let you know sasha, and thanks eolesen. I am looking into something a little bit cheaper, we are a small pack. Plus we have different requirements. Right now with the trials that I am playing with, I am leaning towards Troop Track. I just like it, it is really user friendly.

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Not trying to cheerlead for TM, but if price is the main consideration, TroopTrack ($99/year) is higher than Packmaster or Troopmaster ($70/three years) or even ScoutManage ($50/year). Adding online access to Troopmaster is $60/year, which still comes out to be a little cheaper than TroopTrack.


Personally, I like the fact we aren't dependent on an internet connection, which we haven't had available at the meeting places for any of the troops I've been registered with. The portability also allowed us to bring the advancement laptop with to events like merit badge college or summer camp. But a troop is different from a pack, in that only one person is keeping the records, and some packs are allowing parents to log advancement online vs. in their Cub's book for a den leader to do.



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