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Charles Atlas and Scouting


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According to this article in the Smithsonian Magazine, Charles Atlas was an "active promoter" of Scouting:




But that's all it says -- does anyone know anything more about Charles Atlas and his relationship to Scouting? It would be nice if BSA could find a spokesperson today that has the appeal that Atlas had in his day . . .

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Not to change the subject, but membership just got mentioned and that is a buzzword for me. I beleive our current "membership woes" are a result of the overinflation of membership stats in years past. I honestly believe that the current stats are 99.9% more accurate than in the past. I bet that IF we keep to the traditional outdoor program, we will grow. Heck I bet we have grown, albeit not as great as has been reported in the past, because the membership stats have been so far off.


As for Atlas and Scouting. I do believe he did advertise in BL.(This message has been edited by eagle92)

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