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Ancient Insignia Bonanza


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I am in the process of scanning three pages that came from Boys' Life magazine in the late 1950's. Between the three pages are pictures of every piece of insignia authorized by the BSA at that time, from Chief Scout Executive to Bobcat. There are also guides that tell what they all are. This was in the days when you had to know what office a badge stood for, because they didn't say on the badge.


These scans are very large files. If anyone is interested, I will either post them on my website and give the url or email them to you. Please email me privately in either case.


These are really unique and scan really well. Some of the stuff on there is things I had completely forgotten about (Ground Observer Corps wings, for instance).

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These pictures are now up on the web. I can't get them any larger than this on geocities, so I may try later putting them on a business server. They are fairly good quality, so if you download them, you can probably enlarge them. Sorry that part of the key is torn off of the general insignia page, but you can pretty much figure out what the missing badges are.


I can't date these exactly, but they are after the 1957 jamboree and prior to the 1960 jamboree and there is no 50 year troop insignia, which would have been 1960.








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