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A very good friend of mine used to be one of the instructors for PDL 1 From about 2000 until the cuts were made at National. (Has now moved to work as an SE)

He never mentioned anything about DE's taking Volunteer Training's.

I have here on my desk the big red BSA District Operations File and the New Unit Organization Process File that was given out at the PDL 1 Training's.


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Again I don't know about 2000 onwards, but I had to go through CS Basic Leader Training, already ddi the other two prior to being a pro, before goignto PDL-1. Also all my coworkers had to do the same. grant you this was before all the Position Specific training came out, so one course covered all CS leader PORs.

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Our program training piece at National (1987)consisted of spending a day and evening at the Circle 10 camp and given a crash course in Cubbing, Boy Scouts, Varsity, and Exploring by staff members of the various and now defunct program divisions. We were never asked to take volunteer training in our district prior to coming to NEI. However a year later while still a DE I was a volunteer Webelos leader for the pack at my church, and the volunteers loved having me at the district cub leader training as a participant. I think it showed them that I respected the job they were doing, and I learned a lot of useful information. Like I said before a DE is only as good as the team he selects, and having the respect of the volunteers.

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I have to agree the volunteers seeing the Pros work side by side in any activity other than FOS and RU really motivates people to respect you. My CS trainer was shocked to see me in her class, and appreciated that I did it to get a better understanbding of CS.


The best memory as a DE is when I was covered in mud from working at an Ordeal with the chapter ceremony team. We were away from the rest of the chapter and when we met up with the chapter asdn the question "Where were you sleeping at?" arose, the CA said, " We got ourselves a REAL DE," and proceeded to discuss how we worked on the ceremony ring and I gaave saome last minute coached the ceremony team.

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DE's must have either Cub position specific or SM/ASM position specific before completing PDL-1. They can either take it before the go or they get to take it on their Saturday off while in Irving.

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Where do you get your information, its not true, a friend of mine has just been accepted into professional scouting, a couple of months ago, and is heading to PDL-1 next week and he was not required to take any training prior to his leaving. Besides Cub or Scout leader training will be of little use with what they are going to be taught at National anyway. The emphasis is on building a community financial campaign, and how to set up new units and getting adults to volunteer as scout leaders etc., so the idea of taking volunteer training prior doesn't even make sense.

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Again I don't kow what is current, but in '98 the purpose of having compelted CSBLT, SMF, and EBLT was to give us a basic understanding of program. Every DE, EE and LFLE, had to have taken those courses prior to PDL-1, otherwise you made up for it on your own time durign the course.


But you are right the course focused on the 3Ms.


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HMMMM, thats interesting Eagle, as I said my friend wasn't asked to do that since it is supposed to be part of the curriculum there. Times have changed, no more individual programming departments and I guess they don't go out to the Circle 10 camp anymore to play boy scout. This PDL training sounds about as interesting as WoodBadge 2001 (yawn), lol.


It is no wonder the new DE's are so far out of touch with the program and even more alienated from the volunteers nowadays the training they receive today is all about money and manipulation and multiplying your numbers. In my experience with SE Mazzuca in the past I don't see this getting any better in the future now that he is Chief Scout Exec.

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I don't remember what camp we went to, but we did visit one near the training center. I don't think it was a council one. No camping just an afternoon of stuff. They provided dinner, and we did a campfire program. Some DEs got into some trouble with the Owa Tago Siam Skit. Is all I really remember.

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Eagle 92 - " Some DEs got into some trouble with the Owa Tago Siam Skit. Is all I really remember. "


Funny, son and I were at a council-wide Fun w/ Son this past weekend and the council staffer who was MC'ing the campfire program opened the night with that one.... things that make you go Hmmmmmm ?

(This message has been edited by DeanRx)

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The execs in charge of training division threw a hissy fit and stated that the skit was hazing. Yes we had one LFLE get upset, but the rest of the Geese had a good laugh.


I wonder what the exec staff would have thought of Boudreaux's Candy Store, especially if I got that Cajun accent going.

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That's what I mean... always someone looking for a reason to get their panties in a wad about something... SE states - "add that to the list of thins we can no longer do.... Hmmm, why can't we seem to recruit and retain more boys and volunteers ?!?!?" Maybe because alot of the "fun" is missing because too many people in places of authority had their sense of humor sucked out along the way (I think this happens the 2nd weekend of Wood Badge), and it gets replaced by hyper-vigilante policital correctness B.S. meters.

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So the various CSLS courses are no longer required? I know I had to attedn a day long training for that cert, and glad I did. I had one of the best CS trainers do CSLBT as it was called back then and covered all CS positions.


Also what about SMS and IOLS? I had to have those, but luckily already did them as a volunteer.


Now I know Exploring Basic Leader training has been replaced with venturing, so is the Venturing leader Specific training required?



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