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Fundraiser guidelines

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Happened to be reading over the BSA fundraiser application today; while it's pretty straightforward, would be nice to see what's between the lines...

Can anybody share the details from the Council Operations Handbook that we always hear about and never get a chance to view in person? Where might a District or Council Finance Committee go for some real information? Honestly not interested in anything beyond the pale, just would like to know exactly where we stand with respect to the letter of the BSA policy before the interpretations commence.

Thanks in advance

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Hello, Buffalo!


I liked the rhyme.


There isn't a Council Operations Handbook -- you probably mean the Guide to District Operations which is given to every professional at PDL-1. It addresses FOS, but isn't very clear on fund-raising.


Most of the rules you need are on the Unit Fundraising permit (on the back.) Interpretation should be guided by common sense and a professional staff advisor.


But, if you really want to bore yourself, there is a fund-raising guide for councils (I forget the title, but it's almost as dry as the rules and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America and twice as thick. It is usually only referenced by Finance Directors, Assistant Scout Executives, and the occasional Scout Executive who doesn't happen to have a Finance Director or ASE to do it for him.


If no one in the office happens to have a copy (which happens because few dare to delve into it's depths that don't need to be there) it is available to professionals on the BSA's finance web site.


If I were you, I'd refer specific questions to the committee's professional advisor . . . but only after common sense and the unit fundraising permit have been consulted.

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