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OGE writes: "We had to bail the banks out by Friday or the worls would end, or some such argument"


Uh, just for reference, that wasn't the current administration's doing, but the last administration.


I can buy the notion that this all seems to be happening (or not happening) too quickly. On the other hand, the last time we had a serious discussion about national health policy was in 1991 and we know how that ended up. Sometimes "slow down" is just another way to say "keep it from ever happening!"



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There is ample reason to slow down the process. When our representatives cannot explain the proposals and/or refuse to read the legislation altogether, it is time to slow down. When the non partisan Congressional Budget Office projects in excess of a trillion of additional deficits resulting from the legislation, it is time to slow down.


I am betting that some kind of legislation will be signed by the end of 2009. Afer all, the democrats have solid majorities in both houses and the presidency. So there will be a piece of legislation, the question is what will be in it.

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If you go to one of the other threads, we seem to have at least three now, that discusses health care, I gave a detailed description of my own personal experience with COBRA, as well as scary examples of private coverages from major carriers. I also touched on VA and Medicare. I do not know what the cut off is for no pay Medicare, but I do know that I have to pay just under $100 a month, and I had to sign up or have it increase each year when the sign-up period came up. While I have not had to pay directly for VA, it is not always very easy to get in, or very efficient; and "real" doctors are heavily replaced by "nurse practitioners".


There are no easy answers. I do know that I would rather pay the $100 to VA, or have VA incorporate their coverage with Medicare when the time comes, so as to not put us in the "have to choose which is best this time" mode. As long as I am healthy, or relatively so, VA works well; but not having Medicare could be disastrous if I should get seriously ill. But neither cover the two most common issues with aging, eyes and teeth; I have put off new glasses because of the out of pocket cost for my serious prescription, and because I have had to deal with major dental issues. They finally came to a head, and now am paying on a no interest loan to cover the cost of removal and dentures.


Just one "real" picture.

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"We are God's partners in matters of life and death," Obama said, according to Rabbi Jack Moline, quoting from the Rosh Hashanah prayer that says that in the holiday period, it is decided "who shall live and who shall die." 8/19/2009


Interpret for yourselves.



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Lisa, I was trying to explain why there is a lot of emotion out there. I was wrong, I wasnt trying to assign blame to any particular adminstration, if it came off that way I aplologize, after all we liberals should stick together.


As far the Clinton's approach to changing healthcare, I thought it stopped because Hillary wanted it a certain way and would not compromise. Then again, I sould be wrong, I have been before. Had we serious discussions then, we would be nearly 20 years into a new era. Change will occur, can we be sure we understand what we are doing? Nobody walks away from the table until its done?

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