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Pro American parts of the Country.

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"We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation."


She, of course, explained what she meant.

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Real America is found in those places where neighbors know each other and help each other instead of just scooting inside as soon as they get home from work so they never know who lives next door. Real America is found in those places where Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day are not just an extra day in a long weekend. Real American is found in those places where strangers say "Hello" as you walk down the street.


I find it interesting that you'd describe people who are believe in the bible and the 2nd Ammendment as "bitter."

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She did later say that she basically meant the entire country, but it's pretty clear that's NOT what meant when she first said it.


I think most people would probably define the "real America" as the kind of place THEY live. There probably are millions of different definitions floating around, all self-serving to the person doing the defining. So when TheScout says that you know in your heart what it means, yes, I know in my heart that whatever it means, it must include me, since I know I am am a real American living in the real America. The fact that others may have a definition that excludes me, since I don't vote for them or their candidate, is mildly interesting but ultimately not important.

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The real America could be defined as those areas which still can be defined by less people per square mile as can be supported by that area of land. The other areas would be classified as cities which by their nature must have support in the nature of food imports, centralized water and sewage disposal, and other government organized support systems. If one would view a county by county electoral map one would easily see the dichotomy of red vs blue. That government is the answer does not occur to the people living outside the blue zones it is a fact of life to those within.

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scottteng, I suppose it "could" be defined that way, but it would not be defined that way by me. You seem to be proving the point I made earlier, that people define it the way they want to define it, usually in such a way that they are included in the "in group." Actually, I am hoping that you are just kidding but forgot the "smiley face."


TheScout, I am pretty sure I know exactly what Governor Palin meant when she said it, rather than when she explained it later. I suspect it is the same meaning you are talking about. For me, it is one more reason not to vote for her. Your mileage may, and in this case most likely does, vary.

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"one would easily see the dichotomy of red vs blue. That government is the answer does not occur to the people living outside the blue zones it is a fact of life to those within."


Gee Scott, I think you're making some pretty broad assumptions, and incidentally they're not necessarily supported by fact.


Just to fling a little sand on things I live in a fairly rural area. I'm as blue a Democrat as there is. I have good friends who are urban Republicans, though I pity them for their misguided ways.


The red/blue county divisions also don't work so well once you get past the few really large cities. In fact, county-by-county breakdowns tend to show a lot of very purple counties on the map.


As for Palin, I think her narrow-mindedness is showing. I think she probably meant exactly what it sounded like she meant when she first said it, and that's not a good thing in my book. Why we should elect someone who plays to the basest emotions to pander for votes, I'm not sure I can fathom. I defy her to tell me that I'm not "pro-American" just because I hold different political views than she does.


(Heck, even Pat Buchanan agreed this "real America" thing was silly this weekend on Meet the Press. Not like Ole Pat is a flaming liberal now either)(This message has been edited by lisabob)

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