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In da previous thread, someone writes:


I voted for Bush twice, and I'd do it again, if I could.


And I was just wonderin' "Why?" :)


Seems like an interestin' off-topic thread.


If yeh voted for W. at least once, would yeh vote for him again, and Why/Why Not?


Goal bein' to understand each other's perspectives, not startin' an argument. Though I'm sure the arguments will come, eh? :p



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I'll start.


Remember Beavah said the "Goal bein' to understand each other's perspectives, not startin' an argument."


I voted for Bush twice, and if I had to make those votes knowing what I do today, I would vote the same way.


The main reason is that I think Bush has been a better president than either Gore or Kerry would have been. I don't agree with everything he has done, but I believe he has always acted on his principles, not on what the poll numbers say. He showed leadership in a time of crisis after 9-11, and I don't believe Gore would have.


Would I vote for Bush if he could run again? Probably not if Fred Thompson runs, and maybe not if I had to choose among the existing candidates.

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Pretty much a ditto of mtm25653. I voted for GWB twice. I would again if possible, but not is Fred Thompson were in the mix.


I've never contributed to a presidential candidate before, but I will contribute to Thompson's campaign if he runs - which he probably will.


The main thing I like about Bush is that he did what he said he would. I believe if Gore had been elected, he would have treated the 9/11 attack as a criminal matter and not a military matter - like it shuld be, a military matter. If Gore were elected, we'd all be riding bicycles to work.


I do not agree with everything Bush has said or done, like illegal immigration. I like lower taxes.


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Ok I am on the opposing view, I am not a Bush fan, however I do feel that the initial reaction he took to 9/11 was correct. Now if he had concentrated on and secured Afganistan first before rushing into Iraq this war would have been over a long time ago. Now there is a real danger that both countries governments will collapse and the terrorists will have won in the long run and thats not acceptable. If Bush had taken the advice of his field commanders instead of constantly replacing them when they disagreed with him things would have been more in control today instead of the chaos that now controls things. He used the death threat against his dad by Sadam as an excuse to launch a personal vendetta into Iraq based on false/manufactured evidence, and now he has lost the support of his party and the American people, and most of the world. And thats what he will be remembered for, not our strong economy, low unemployment or lower taxes, and thats the truly tragic end of this story.

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I voted for him twice as the lesser of two evils. We have had an over the edge enviro-nut socialist and a traitorous socialist running against him. The dems don't want my advice but they need to find another governor of a small obscure state with a puffable record to be their standard bearer. Senators don't cut it they are all part of the Washington problem. Given a choice between Socialism and socialism light I guess I had to go with Socialism light. I refused to vote for Bob Dole in 96 and voted for Harry Brown. I would have liked to see Steve Forbes over GW Bush in the primaries because of his tax plan. I will not vote for Mr. Bush again as he will not be running. I would love to see him resign a few months to a year early and give Dick Cheney a term as president in reward for his years of service and to see the dems go apoplectic over it. Things I did not like: the immigration bill,non permanent tax cuts, expansion of medicare, backing off of privatization of Socialist security, kid glove ROE for the Iraq and Afganistan engagements ie the purpose of a military is to kill people and break things not to make nice with the natives. As for Iran they want to play with nukes lets send them three or four on the tips of missiles and see how they like them then.

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Yah, OK, that's interestin', eh?


A vote for Bush in many cases is a vote against a Democratic Party platform or a liberal dingbat like Kerry. I understand completely. I still wish McCain had been da Republican nominee back in 2000. I think then we would have seen real leadership. W to me always seemed like he was pantomiming an act of real leadership through 9-11.


Why I wouldn't vote for him again:


He doesn't listen to anyone with expertise or experience. Worse than that, he cuts out people with expertise if they don't agree, and surrounds himself with cronies and "yes-men". Harriet Meyers for Supreme Court, for cryin' out loud? He doesn't listen to his field commanders. He ignored Powell and the entire State Department. His appointment of cronies ruined Homeland Security, FEMA, DoJ, the Iraq occupation. Gotta bunch of friends and former scouts servin' in the sandbox right now and it's clear to them it's been another politically micromanaged war. W let Bin Laden get away at Tora Bora he was so busy micromanaging. They tell me even the "surge" numbers were determined by what was readily available and politically easy, not what they really needed. The man is so incompetent he's a menace.


More than that, he's betrayed almost every conservative principle. His federal budget is out of control, borrow-and-spend. He's engaged in nation-building which he promised he would never do. He presided over the biggest expansion of federal interference in state's rights with NCLB. He's increased our energy dependence. He's duplicated LBJ's failed programs, expanded Medicare and Rx drug entitlements while prosecuting a war, expanded farm subsidies more than ever. Warrantless domestic spying, passport requirements for American citizens without makin' any real effort to secure our most problematic border. Allowed most of our manufacturing base to move overseas into the hands of adversaries. And the way he's abused the military and national guard with long deployments, stop-losses, and poor care on their return should earn him time in Leavenworth.


But he does claim to pray and be a man of principle. That's why despite goin' on about makin' judges adhere to the federal sentencing guidelines, he pardons a crony because the low end of the sentencing guidelines is "too onerous." Perjury and obstruction are impeachable offenses for the other side, but just a winkin' offense if it's "our guy." And then of all things badmouths Fitzgerald, a true man of principle. Yah, and real men of principle render citizens of allies for torture by foreign powers, eh?




So I wouldn't vote for him again just because it's important for the Republican Party to learn that when we vote for conservatives, we expect real conservatives. And competent leaders. And principled folk who put America ahead of party.


All that havin' been said, I look at the Democratic field and wanna be sick. :p Republican field as well, for that matter.




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Those who don't learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.


My sage advice to those who are inclined to support another "conservative" in 2008 is to take a breather next election. Just sit back and enjoy the show. Have a cold one on me. Come 2012, you should be tanned, rested and ready to win one for the Gipper. Heck, the democRATS can't do any worse can they?

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I voted for him twice and even though it could not happen without modification to the Constitution I would again without hesitation or reservation! The things he has done that have not been reported in the main stream press are awe inspiring. I listened to or watched each and every post 911 address he gave before invading Iraq and I have to wonder did anyone else. My recollection is that he did not make the claims that the press and others have stated and his reasons were much broader than WMD and the attempt on his father's life. There were real human right's issues. Sadam was a threat to our security and that of our allies. He is not nation building yet the other side seems to want that to happen with their requests for timelines and progess markers.


The alternatives then were much much worse IMHO. The other side has not had a candidate in my lifetime that I would have ever voted for. I have serious disagreements with much of what they believe in. McCain belongs in the liberal side of the isle, about the only area he is conservative is when it comes to defense matters. His campaign finance reform law is an insult. The fact that W signed this and other liberal laws does not make me happy but no President has ever been perfect.

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A Scout is loyal. Unfortunately, I feel G.W. Bush values loyalty above all else to a fault. If a doctor or scientist puts forth evidence that Bush feels in anyway contradicts his beliefs he feels that the doctor or scientist in question is disloyal.


I feel very deeply that G.W. Bush is a prime example on why MBAs are the worst possible candidates for President.(This message has been edited by acco40)

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I grew up during Reagan, and was inspired to what seemed a clarion call: rugged individualismbelief that America was the role model for the world, and actions that warranted itgovernment that DIDN'T try to solve problems that communities were better suited to solve (education, moral teachings, etc), government that DID solve problems it was better suited to solve (national defense, disaster recovery, etc)Millions from my generation defined conservatism as such. But there's nothing in today's Republican party that even remotely resembles my indoctrination.


During the past few years, I discovered the kooks with agendas to the right of me became harder to relate to than the kooks with agendas to the left of me. The hypocrisy and disingenuity of those that hijacked what I knew as conservatism became too hard to accept.


But here's the real rub... Bush/Cheney, the neocons and the evangelicals have done more to influence the "next generation" than Reagan ever dreamed... it's worth a read, if you want a view of the next decade's leaders, radicalized by the current bunch by defining what they are not.


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To be fair, I do think that W's federal "no call" list has really helped allow me to enjoy my dinner uninterrupted (although it is anti-business) and the terrah alert color coding has kept America from another attack. Without it, how could the public unite in a consistent and unified degree of anxiety.

Those are just two shining examples of the success of this administration. Ok, perhaps the only successes but I'm a person reflecting a half-glass-full mentality.

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I remember saying back when Bush was first elected that I didn't think he was competent, but fortunately he had experienced and solid people like Cheney and Rumsfeld to run things.

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