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Wiccan Scout Kicked Out of Troop

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The Scout Oath is a goal with several parts, none which is more important than the other and is aspired to but seldom obtained by its' practitioners. Most of the development is done by the individual in solitary thought, thinking about the lessons imparted by the leaders and related experiences. There are but a few times in the life of any one Scout that a lesson is driven straight home for the Scout to accept. There is always freedom to think through the high ideals and morals that are learned, taught and demonstrated. Scouting is a game where reason is paramount and forced acceptance of dogma is generally not the key method, unless there is immediate danger. Scouting is not a religion and should not be treated as such because the leaders are generally not professionally trained in the religion, generally do not have a degree in the religion or the teaching of it and the participants do not come there for religious training.


The very idea of God is difficult to understand or to accept, unless a person decides that they can instantly arrive at Good Works as well as a solid Faith in a being much higher, stronger and more knowledgeable than themselves. It takes time to emulate such a Being and it is a lack of time that appears to be a problem in such cases as this. FB


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