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Socrates: Culture defines Politics

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Socrates in the Republic:

Must we not acknowledge, I said, that in each of us there are the same principles and habits which there are in the state; and that from the individual they pass into the state?how else can they come there? (1)

Do you know, I said, that governments vary as the dispositions of men vary, and that there must be as many of the one as there are of the other? For we cannot suppose that States are made of oak and rock, and not out of the human natures which are in them, and which in a figure turn the scale and draw other things after them? (2)

for as the government is, such will be the man. (3)


Even the Bible says the same thing:


The book of Sirach 10.2:


As the judge of the people is himself, so are his officers; and what manner of man the ruler of the city is, such are all they that dwell therein.


The character of the individual passes into the state. The state is only the reflection of the individuals it contains. Culture defines politics.


Before Alexander the Great stood the Persians on one side and the Greeks on another. He commanded all to kneel to him as a God. The Persians knelt but the Greeks under the influence of their general remained standing and refused to kneel. A Macedonian laughed at this and Alexander leaped up from his seat and smashed his head against the wall. How dare anyone laugh at a God? Nine months later, the Greek army general was murdered.


Only the Hellenes stood. Only the Hellenic resist unjust orders. Cicero and the Roman poet Horace, who were schooled in Athens, resisted against the destruction of the Republic and Cicero paid with his life.


Do you now understand why the hate against you? The Boy Scouts are a dangerous institution to some persons because you undermine what they attempt to do.


You dont live in a cocoon. Cause and Effect. Everything you do has ripple effect. What you do or fail to do has political ramifications. You are not immune. You are struggling against forces you do not understand or willing to face.


What do you study in the handbook about biology? Everything is interconnected. The rise of rabbits give rise to foxes. Destabilize the biosphere and the ecosystem becomes unbalanced. The web of life?


We are no different. We have our own biosphere. The parts make up the whole. The whole is made up of parts. One cannot divorce the part from the whole. Culture defines politics.



(1) Platos Republic, trans. By B. Jowett M.A., Vintage Books, NY. Sec 435, pg 151

(2) Ibid, Sec 544, pg 293

(3) Ibid, Sec 557, pg 311





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This is an excerpt of two pages from The McAlveny Intelligence Advisor, January, l993  pg2-3


Has the incredible transformation of American traditions and values, of our government, and our whole way of life over the past two decades happened spontaneously, or by accident?


            No! There have been powerful forces behind the scenes orchestrating and manipulating the transformation of America according to a well laid out plan that has been in operation for many decades, if not centuries.


              As Igor Shafarevich wrote in his excellent essay  Socialism In Our Past And Future and Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote in From Under the Rubble, the destruction of religion and the family are central to socialist ideology.

              The socialists, internationalists, and communists of the world (they no longer call themselves communists) are now following the revolutionary strategy of Antonio Gramsci the late founder of the Italian Communist party and a Marxist theoretician who died in 1937. (Franklin Sanders wrote in detail recently about Gramscis strategy in his Moneychanger Newsletter (P.O. Box 341753, Memphis, TN 38184.) After spending time in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, Gramsci concluded that the clenched fist revolutionary approach of the Bolsheviks was not a winning strategy, but that socialism (i.e., communism) would triumph through the reshaping of consciousness in society.


              Gramsci, concluding that the cultural superstructure determines the political and economic base and not the other way around, wrote: In a developed society, the passage to socialism occurs neither by putsch [ED. NOTE: A sudden revolt or uprising] nor by direct confrontation, but by the transformation of ideas, which is to say, a slow reshaping of consciousness. At stake in this war of positions is the culture (i.e., the source of values and ideas). The seizure of political power is not possible until after the seizure of cultural power. Culture is transformed through government (and its agencies), schools, universities, social sciences, trade unions, churches, and the print and broadcast media.

              In essence, Gramsci said the socialist revolution would be brought about by the transformation of a societys culture and values, not through political or military power. By changing the values and very mode of thinking of the enemies of socialism without their conscious knowledge, they would become socialisms allies. We are not talking about a communist revolution or military takeover in the traditional sense, but a wholly different danger: the establishment of radical socialism by the undermining and transformation of traditional Western values.

           [ED. NOTE: And that is precisely what the socialists in the American government, universities (and lower schools), media, Hollywood, churches, etc. have systematically done over the past two to three decades. They have been preparing Americans for acceptance of a socialist/Nazi/Marxist-Leninist-style police state and to willingly become slaves by undermining our culture from top to bottom. And this is the great danger of the Clinton Administration. It is likely to continue the Bush/Wall Street economic policies, but is rapidly going to culturally transform America and its values to conform to the Gramsci strategy.  The whole process took only about 14 years in South Africa which now stands on the brink of a socialist/communist abyss.]


            Gramsci articulated the importance of Lenins Long march through the institutions (i.e., the penetration of the media, the universities, public interest groups, churches, and cultural institutions) stressing that by working through such institutions, cultural values could be altered and morals softened irreversibly, setting the stage for political and economic power to drop into the hands of the Left (as it has done over the past decade or so, and will do like an avalanche under Bill and Hillary Clinton and Al Gore).


               According to Gramsci once socialism dominates the cultural and ideological scene, revolutionary power and control by the state will quickly follow in one short easy step. The strategy of the socialists then, is to change the way society thinks about problems to gain control over the minds of the population.

            An essential element of Gramscis strategy was to replace the religious (or Christian) inclinations in a targeted society with a social gospel (i.e., a Marxist-Christian dialogue, liberation theology, etc.) which is totally devoid of all supernatural content. Gramsci did not want to destroy religion, but rather to neutralize all spiritual aspects and use what remains as a vehicle for the pollitical struggle and socialism. Worship, faith, prayer, the sacraments would be replaced with what Gorbachev calls human values, human solidarity, abolition of social injustice, and the end to oppression of women, children, blacks, native peoples, homosexuals, the disabled, etc.


              Gramsci therefore strategized a convergence of religion and socialism and a takeover of the entire field where culture is elaborated and diffused (i.e., schools, universities, the media, Hollywood, etc.).  Following Gramscis strategy, the socialists of our day (in America, Europe, South Africa, and throughout the West) have developed a superstructure reflecting socialist culture replete with socialist literature, films, plays, poetry, and various forms of art and music.

         The stage is now set in America (and throughout much of the West) where the closet communists are ready to build more openly upon this well-established superstructure.

              It is important to note that the new thinking in the old Soviet Union (CIS); the New South Africa of F.W. de Klerk and Pik Botha; the New Covenant of Bill and Hillaiy Clinton, Al Gore, and their entourage of socialist advisors and staffers, is based either directly or indirectly on the writings and strategies of Antonio Gramsci.

              [ED. NOTE: I should be remembered that Bill Clinton has studied under and highly praised Italian socialists and communists. (See the November 92 ML4 for details); and it should also be remembered that many of Clintons top advisors come from the Institute for Policy Study, an influential socialist group which follows the agenda of the Marxists and Gramscians.]

              This writer is reminded of a quote by John Stratchey, the former head of the British Labor Socialist Party and a communist, who said in the 1930s:

            There cannot be a direct transition from capitalism to communism. First we must move to socialism, as a necessary stepping stone to communism.

              Sun Tsu, the Chinese military strategist, wrote in 50 B.C. that to conquer your enemy, you must destroy their will to resist.  Of course, that will is destroyed if you can

convert your enemy without him ever knowing it.  Eventually, it becomes impossible to oppose socialism.  In 1984, Orwell said that the purpose of the new language, Newspeak, was to make opposition to Big Brother impossible to even conceive. Anyone who failed to embrace the politically correct socialist mentality was, by definition, mentally ill. It was not enough to destroy Winston Smith. It was necessary to turn him to the point where he would love Big Brother.


               So, in the 1990s, America is plunging rapidly into ~Antonio Gramscis socialist quagmire not by accident but by clever, well-orchestrated and well financed design. Behind this socialist transformation of America (culturally, socially, politically, and economically) is the Liberal Eastern Establishment (epitomized by the socialist/globalist Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Fabian Socialists, Socialist International, etc.  Behind these groups is probably the centuries old Illuminati, with its occultjc/Luciferian substructure.

              The Clinton Administration, the Bush Administration, and the Carter Administration are (or were) wholly owned by these socialist/globalist groups, and the Nixon, Ford, and Reagan Administrations were partially owned by same. Their goal: the emersion of America (and the West) into a socialist world government called the New World Order, on or before the year 2000.

              Elements of his socialist New World Order include a global financial ,system replete with a one world Central Bank and currency, global currency controls, and eventually a cashless, computerized society); one world environmental control (replete with a global Environmental Protection Agency which can track down and punish corporate or individual environmental criminals); a one world educational system (to

prepare the citizens of the world to think politically correct i.e., as socialists, slaves, and citizens of the New World Order); a one world economic system; one world population control (which will be anti-family, anti-reproduction, anti-children, and pro-homosexual, and which will lead the charge globally for abortion, euthanasia, and other population control measures).


            Also included is a one world police force, now called the New World Army (under the control of the United Nations), designed to keep the peace globally, eliminate global dictators (or resisters to the New World Order), and enforce global socialism and world government. The U.N.s New World Army (pushed so hard by George Bush over the past two years) is establishing itself as the world police force, first in Operation Desert Storm, next in Somalia, next back in Iraq, and next in Serbia/Croatia/Bosnia and/or South Africa (where it is likely to be sent to install the communist ANC in power). Eventually, it is envisioned that New World Army (U.N.) troops will be sent anywhere in the world (even into America) to stamp out resistance to the New World Order.

           There is a supernatural (occultic) dimension to the New World Order, called by some the New Age Movement (and epitomized by Maurice Strong, Shirley MacLane, Jane Fonda, Ted Turner, John Denver, Zbigniew Brezezinski, George Thousand Points of Light Bush, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, the Dahli Lama, and a cast of millions worldwide), which also promises world government and sharp population reduction by the year 2000 the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

           Herein lies the interesting paralel to the supernatural, occultic underpinnings of the Nazi Third Reich.


The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, Arizona 85071        



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What have you learned, Dorothy?



Well, I -- I think that it -- that it

wasn't enough just to want to see Uncle

Henry and Auntie Em -- and it's that -- if

I ever go looking for my heart's desire

again, I won't look any further than my own

backyard. Because if it isn't there, I

never really lost it to begin with! Is

that right?



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Ed, the book is also known as Ecclesiasticus and is one of the deuterocanonical books in the Catholic Bible.

The imfamous WHEELIE can't even spell the name of his favorite goldslinger McAlvany correctly. McAlvany is popular in the survivalist community. Looks like he found a kindred soul to quote for his fearful fantasies.

BTW, McAlvany, Donald S. (1998). The Y2k Tidal Wave: Year 2000 Economic Survival  Phoenix: Western Pacific Publishing Co.  can be picked up used on Amazon for 29 cents. When will his publications drop to their actual value - less than the paper on which they are printed.

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I am an Orthodox Christian. I use the text that was common among all the early Christians. Most of the early Christians used the Septuagint.


One can order this online just type in Septuagint.


I use "The Septuagint Version; Greek and English with Apocrypha". from Samuel Bagster and Sons Limited, 4 New Bridge Street, London. My copy was printed in Great Britian.


The Orthodox Church considers the Septuagint an inspired translation. There is a seperate book of wisdom and ecclesiasticus in the apocrypha section. These are considered by both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches as inspired scripture.


The bible found at St. Catherine monastery by the Protestant Bible scholar included these books.


Firstpusk and Old Grey Eagle want to slander the messanger because of the message. But notice the author at the beginning refers to Alexander Scholzentizen. This famous Russian philosopher sees the same thing. The references are at the beginning of that article.(This message has been edited by WHEELER)

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What? No mention of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateralists, the international banker conspiracy (sometimes known as the international Jewish banker conspiracy) or the Bilderbergers?


Or maybe, Wheeler, you didn't want to make it too obvious that you were part of the international conspiracy theory, black helicopter, tin-foil-antennae-to-hear-the-messages-from-outer-space crowd. But your Mr. McAlvany is clearly a part of all that, as a quick Internet search demonstrated. Here are a couple of choice links:





The first one, by the way, praises both the work of Mr. McAlvany and a book about the "international conspiracy" (not yet called the New World Order) published by the John Birch Society. Both of these links associate Mr. McAlvany (favorably)with those who believe in this stuff.


But here, for some balance, is an interesting twist on the whole thing, in which the "international conspiracy" loses its "Jewish connection" and becomes a part of a supposed evangelical Christian plot to take over the world.




I think this last one may be either a parody, or semi-tongue in cheek, "just to make a point," though I didn't read it closely enough to figure out which.

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You would think that a guy who spends so much time in a library and collecting quotes would realize the importance of correct spelling and comprehension.


Its Solzhenitsyn not Scholzentizen as Wheeler has it in the preceeding post. Its St Thomas Aquinas not Aquanas as he posted in another thread.


And at least one other poster has pointed out another mispelling of a last name. Normally I don't concern myself with spelling unless it gets in the way of the message, but when a self-prolaimed teacher of the ignnorant masses talks down to his audience, you would think he would make sure his spelling is correct. The spelling of Scholzentizen was so bad I had to use the title of one of his books to get the correct spelling.


I don't want to slay the messenger, but I do expect messengers, especially self-annointed ones to be accurate and precise.

(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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Thank you Old Grey Eagle. I was in a rush and from the edit, I could not scroll down and find it, so I guessed at it. My apologies.


Irregardless of MacAlveny's authorship, the article shows what is going on today. If you don't want to take from MacAlveny, then read, as I have been corrected, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.


This modality is alive and well everywhere. Just like computers are infected with viruses, so is this society infected.

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