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What should I really take to Philmont?

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I'm going to Philmont for an outdoorsy conference. What should I take? What kind of hiking boots are better for the terrain, over the ankle or under? Do I really need to wear my uni every day? Daypack? Should I pack my snake stick? Can I take my black trunk on the plane? Maybe I'll just drive.


God, what have I gotten myself into.

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Are you going to the Training Center?


OR are you going to a backcountry training program sponsored by the Training Center?


If you're going to the Training Center, you need Class A, Class B, and recreational clothes for the time you're there. Good boots are nice to have. I have a couple pair of "field" walking shoes that I used there in addition to my field boots.


Towel, fart-sack, and a blanket (you want a good moisture absorbing layer between you and the BSA approved vinyl of your mattress). Pillow.


Oh... bring your camera OR your videocam.


Oh... bring your laptop. PTC has wi-fi now.



IF, however, you're going to the backcountry, bring your pack as you'd go on a 50-mile trail, plus at least one Class A uniform. You can buy Philmont Nalgene bottles on site.


Oh... be prepared for a great week!!!



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I'm going to Geocaching in Scouting, which is supposed to be mildly exerting. I have the official list, but we are moving this summer and most of my stuff may already be crated up on a slow boat to China. I have to figure out the logistics on gear, clothing in baggage for 6-8 weeks that I'll need once we get where we're going, etc. Not to mention my kids' stuff.

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Ok, so you're going to the PTC.


Here is the equipment list for PTC: http://www.scouting.org/highadventure/philmont/ptc/equipment.aspx


Info on PTC is here: http://www.scouting.org/HighAdventure/Philmont/PTC.aspx


Yes, take 'class a' and 'class b' uniforms. While everyone will be in one of those uniforms, its fairly relaxed. You will probably be doing some active geocaching, so prepare for day hikes in NM (day pack, first aid kit, good boots, sunscreen, hat, water bottle, etc.). Bring your GPSr. And a good camera.


It can rain, so prepare for that. It can get cool in the evening, so prepare for that. It can be hot and sunny, so prepare for that.


You will be housed in large wall tents with cots (with matresses) and a light. So pillow/bedding will be needed (it can get cool in the evening).


They have wifi, so you can bring your laptop. You will get a chance to check out the area on wednesday. Expect to get souvenirs at the trading post.

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Relax and be ready to have a great time. I was able to attend a conference last summer. Never went to Philmont as a boy, so this was a great opportunity. My son went with me and participated in the Trailblazers program. It was the experience of a lifetime for an 11 year old Scout. His tales have gotten taller in the months since we have been home.


You will meet some of the nicest Scouting folks from all over the country. For me, that was the best part. I can now count John-in-KC as a personal friend since we attended the same conference. It was fun to meet different people every day at meal times.


PTC itself is a cool place. I'm a rather round Scouter, and never struggled physically at all. Temperatures are warm during the day, but not unbearable if you like the sunshine. Nights were cool and great for sleeping. And there is nothing like hearing the coyotes just outside camp. Or coming face to face with a giant mule deer behind the Villa on your way to breakfast.


Let us know how the geocaching goes. We found most of the caches in the area during our stay. I'm looking for a reason to get back to PTC in 2011. Geocaching might be a fun course.



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