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Best Day For Pack/Den Meetings

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I don't think there's necessarily a "best" day for pack or den meetings. It has a lot to do with what's going on your community.


For instance in our neighborhood, troops meet on Monday nights. Don't know why, but they do. So we don't want to have pack or den meetings that day to avoid conflicts. Same with Thursdays, because those are district nights for roundtable and training. Wednesdays tend to be bad because of church activities for many folks around here. So that only leaves Fridays (bad night - people are winding down, busy, tired, out of town) and Tuesdays (when we have our pack meetings).


As for the dens, they are all over the place. One of mine meets on Tuesdays to be consistent with pack meetings. But my webelos den meets Sunday afternoons. The boys are involved in so many sports that not one week night worked out for even half of them. I hate it (Sunday should be a day of rest and family for us), I go along with it.

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Most of the units in our District meet Monday or Tuesday. Wednesday is out because all of the units are chartered to religious organizations and there are Wednesday evening family and youth services. Also seems that all of the units and dens meet at the charter organization, not in homes. I suspects that's because of convenience and not enough adult leadership to go around.

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We meet on Thursday. It's not perfect. I have a Scoutmaster friend in a neighboring town, who alternates between Monday and Wednesday. 1st and 3rd meetings per month are Monday, 2nd and 4th are Wednesday. Pretty wild, eh? In our Troop, we suggested changing the day, and the troop said "NO!" Another Troop I know of meets after church on Sunday. Most of the Scouts go to that church and are already there. They wear their uniforms to church on a regular basis, and that helps with recruitment.

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