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Pinewood derby ideas

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Our school hall tables are the kind that are on wheels and fold in half like a giant A. We just fold a table up and tape a big sign on it.


We have-


Registration - Sign in and get car number

Inspection - Car gets weighed and inspected

Pit Stop - Race repairs, and fixes/corrections to problem cars prior to re-inspection.

Parking Lot - Cars are set in lot by car number

DMV - Scouts get drivers license with picture and car number

Race Central - Announce racers and tabulates results


We string caution tape around the 4 pillars in the center of the room, and put the track inside. We will also string extra caution tape directly next to the track on either side, using school parking lot cones, and attach red STOP signs on either side.


Chairs are set up in a U, outside of the pillars, behind the tape. Line judges and racers watch the race from the finish line.

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I used a template for a sheet of name cards, changed it to reflect PWD, and put in each Scouts information. We punch a hole in the card, and attach the license to a string so the Scout can wear it around their neck. They don't lose them that way, and can easily look to check their car number when they are called.






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I like the license idea but the logistics sound challenging. I'm going to stick with plan a which is to take portrait shots of the boys and their cars when they arrive, the print them and have special PWD frames that they can color when their heat is not running.


I'm going to do licenses ahead of time with boys names individually printed though, so when they check in their car they get their license. That was a big hit at the space derby so I'm going to ramp it up and get laminator out...I think. Lots of time for fine tuning.

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We have run a similar format for years. We have a fairly small pack, 29 boys this year,but we number each den scout, 1,2,3 etc, 1 stays on lane one, races 2,3,etc on lane two, then 2 goes on lane one, races 1,3,4 etc on lane two. Who ever has the most wins is first, etc. We rarely have a tie, but if we do, they race on both lanes. We have no score board,etc. The adults and boys keep track on there own, and pretty well know who the winners are. This moves along pretty quickly and allows each Cub maximum races for the hard work. We then race each den winner for the leader of the pack.

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Just an update on this.


After checking in, boys were given a driver's license, patch, and car-themed craft project. They then went to the "Pinewood Portrait Studio" where they got a picture taken of themselves with their car. (Siblings got pictures and crafts too).


They used their license to present to the "garage" to check in their car.


We got several boy scouts back to help run the race which worked great.


I did not end up printing any big traffic signs, instead using the natural layout of the space to send people around in a logical progression. It worked very well.


After all the cars were checked in, boys were given a ballot and called down to the garage to vote for their two favorite cars. (Voting for 2 was meant to avoid ties, or having each boy simply vote for his own car.) Votes were tallied and best of show ribbons were awarded.


As it turned out, all the boys stayed in the arena to watch the races. The fact that we used the PPN system this year helped things run much smoother than our "tick mark" system from years before.


Also, the PPN system accomplished its goal of having the boys "in it" until the end. For instance, a boy could lose his first two races, then win his next four, whereas in previous years he would have been done racing. Of course, some cars lost every race, but that happens.


The best part: the grand champion car was a Scout who had made his car at a den derby-building day, so it was definitely not "dad made." It was made in 30 minutes and never lost a race!!!

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