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Idea for demo during pack meeting

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I'm kinda fighting with myself over an idea for a pack meeting demonstration.


Well, wait. Let me rephrase that. I have an idea for something that would take ONLY 10 minutes ( 2 1/2 to prep, 7 1/2 to cook) to show, and I'm thinking of doing it at a pack meeting in order to show everybody at one time.



Not sure if you remember the post I did about bag omlettes, but we have enjoyed them quite alot at my house. My wife, son and I eat them at least once every wekend. We do it inside on the stove, but still, the principle of the idea is eactly the same.


So maybe some other parents would like to learn about and do this too? And truth be told, the scouts could do it themselves up to the point of the boiling water - at which time mom or dad could assit or at the very least, supervise.


Now, the thing is, Like I said< this can be done at home exactly like when camping: stil no mess , no cleanup.


But I don't want to wait a 3 or 4 months at our next campout to show this. Den meetings are too disassembled ( each den in a different room) and already have plans and agendas.



So while this may or may not be the usual Pack meeting fare, it will reach the target crowd and it also mixes things up from the usual routine.


So, I am open to your thoughts.

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Well, personally, while they are fun at camp, at home I prefer to make my omelets in a fry pan. Less time, fuss, bother, and landfill.


But, for a fun Pack snack demo, why not. Throw in some armpit fudge for dessert, and there you go!


I should have bought shares in ZipLock!



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Eggs & Fudge in one serving! Yummmmmm...


I know a few of our scouts when shown it at camp, ran home to do it at home and show their parents. But I don't think it was something they continued to cook forever after at home. As ScoutNut stated great easy at camp, but I am not sure it is truely an omlete or more scrambled eggs with stuff thrown in it.. That can be done with ease at home in a pan.


But for a demo for cub scouts? Why not?

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Sounds like a good idea. I'd just be prepared with someone else to step in and lead some sort of song or other quick activity to hold their attention during the 7.5 minutes while the eggs are cooking. (No Cub Scout is going to stay focused on a demonstration for that long unless it involves dogs, firefighters or police officers.)


Also be sure to have the recipe/instructions printed out with enough copies for every parent, so they *can* try it at home.

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Our troop did things like this for packs so the cub families could see boy scouts in action. We did this before the meeting so everyone could watch and ask questions. And we had samples ready as well while we cooked as well. This would be a great opportunity to get a troop working with your pack. And it wouldn't take any of your fun meeting time.



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Oh , absolutely..I will do something in the middle of the cooking part. Maybe a song and a skit..possibly two. It would take about 2 and a half minutes to show them how to prep the omlettes. The rest of the 10 minutes is the omlettes cooking, which means they are in a pot with lid - can't see them.


I'd use a filler here: a skit or two, trhen when the omlettes were done, show them to everybody.

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Armpit fudge? Think I might have heard of the process, just not the name.

Definantly buy stock in ZipLock. Wife and son love the hag omlettes. We eat them at least once each weekend if not both days. Only mess is the bags.

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Although I like the idea of the bag omelets, when researching this last year I found some not so pleasant issues with using typical plastic bags for cooking. Ziploc and other storage bags are designed for storage, not cooking, and there are toxins produced when you use them for cooking. Do your own research, though.

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