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Splitting a Den up - Anyone done it

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I am the current leader for a Tiger Cub den. I have 12 Tigers and they are a handful (of course they are.. what else are 6-7 year old boys going to be, right?)


If last year was any indication, at the fall recruitment in September 2008, I will probably pick up at least 2 more boys that will be joining my den (of now freshly minted Wolf Scouts). This will cause me to have a den of 14 boys.


Here is my thought... I was thinking that it would be better for all involved if I split the den into two dens. This would make two dens of 7 boys (give or take depending on recruitment). My problem is the logistics of it are a little hard.


First.. I will need to recruit a leader to step up to take the Den Leader role for the "new" den.


Second.. How do I decide which boy will go to which den? random? keep friends together? ask the boys, parents which den they want?


I can see quite a few issues from this kind of actions and wanted to hear some real life experiences in performing this action by forum members that have done it...


So.. how did it go?

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... a good method is by meeting night. Split it into two meeting nights, get yourself another den leader ... 2 volunteers for the new den are even better (first thing before parents), have a talk with the parents about the situation and intro the new leader(s), have them sign up for the night of their preference, and then divide the rest based on relationship preference. Worked well before when we had to split 15 cubs.


Good luck.

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"I will need to recruit a leader to step up to take the Den Leader role for the "new" den."


You can help of course. It is the responsibility of the Cubmaster and the pack committee to select and recruit den leaders. Ask them what their plan is, and offer to help. But it's really not your problem. Your job is to lead a den of 6-8 boys. My guess is that unless you are adamant about a limit, they will be perfectly OK letting you flounder about with a group of 14.

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Yep, under most circumtances 14 is too big for a Den, especially Tigers & Wolves. Get the Cubmaster and Committee Chair involved. If they are unwilling to take care of the situation, you probably need a new ones as that is their job. Recommend new leaders, approach them about it too. You probably know these people better than anyone else in the Pack at this point. If the other Den will meet on another night or time, ask preferences. Do NOT ask people to sign up for den or you will probably get 3 in one and 11 in the other (then they will be upset because this isn't the one they wanted ;) )

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We split when we became Webelos last year, but under different circumstances.

The existing den had 8 boys in it, and three were going to quit because the meetings were out of control (mostly because of the den leaders' kid, but that's another story).

We took those 3 (inc. mine and the current leaders' child) as well as another boy, and added 2 more that only joined because of the split.


We DID offer it up to the parents when we split, giving them thier choice of dens. however, we pretty much knew who would come with us and which boys wanted to stay with the leader that would let them run wild. Pack meetings are still hair-raising, but we keep them seperated as much as possible!


Do you have another parent you could stand to lose? Anyone that you think would be able to handle/ WANT to handle another den? We seriously limit combined den activities, but sounds like that wouldn't be necessary for yours. Do you have a big enough space to split up now? You could divide meetings into stations, and assign different parents to each station.

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I would suggest you telling the CM and CC your den is now "closed" and that you also want to reduce the size of it.

If you want to help out you can suggest parents that may make good leaders but it is not your responsibility to set that den up. If you want to continue with the 12 you have then parents need to step up and take control of their sons. They need to take a bigger role in helping with activities and all around. Just ask them and tell them you need them to help.

Put 6 at each table and a parent in charge of leading that table. The good news is that I have noticed a consiserable maturing of the boys this year from last year (of course you will always have an instigater that takes up most of your time). I have found doing some den "yells"' and active items at the start can let them blow off steam. The Wolf year lends well to this as there are all sorts of requirement that can be met at the same time. I told them anytime I said "wolves" they could howl but had to stop as soon I put up the cub scout sign. Ths worked very well.As soon as they started to get out of hand I did it and then got them to refocus.

How to decide who goes where? If not doen by meeting nights put all names in a hat and take turns with new leader drawing names.

Good luck.

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