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OK, a spin off as I didnt want to distract the discussion.


Beavah asks "Is it against da rules to use representations of cartoon humans as targets? "


At Camp School I was told that the scouts could not shoot at representations of animate objects. Ok, no pictures of your personally selected political figure, but what about cartoons? Mickey Mouse? Could a Venturer training for a Moose Hunt in Canada shoot at Bullwinkle?


My initial thought is no, you can't but I could be wrong





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Is Philmont excluded from the target rules? No images of living objects as targets?


I see 3D animal targets in their online adverts and videos...


I think my son said they had stuff like that at the last Jambo.



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Ditto I was also told no living representations at NCS, so animals and humans are out. But when we did a space themed CSDC, we did use battle droids, droidekas, droid tanks, etc.



BUT thinking about it, a new shooting sports book came out, don't know if it's CS specific or all programs.

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One thing to remember is Venturing Crews may go huning as an approved activity so if a Crew does plan a trip to Canada to hunt moose, the first time the youth sights in a Moose should not be first time they have ever seen something other than a target in their sights.



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Yah, what about Barney the Dinosaur? A cartoon representation of an extinct animal? I reckon that would be a favorite target!


This PC stuff really does get silly, though. It begs all kinds of questions like whether yeh can shoot at Darth Maul? Or perhaps at Jabba the Hut? At a Harry Potter Giant Spider?


Now, if cartoon humans really aren't allowed for the lads, perhaps as a supplemental activity during a WB course we could have adults take aim at smiling Tonka Joe and his safety sandwiches. ;)



(This message has been edited by Beavah)

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I'm sorry, but if someone is setting up a 3-D range for our boys in the Troop (or the co-eds in the Crew), it ain't gonna be no over-sized slug. It's gonna be the prey we find in the wild. And if even half the crowd is hunting age, we may set up a 2-D range with paper targets with images of animals.


Never letting boys shoot effigies of people makes sense. There's a time and a place for that, but scouting isn't it. But animals ain't people.


Cruelty is never teaching a youth what a kill shot is, how to make it at different angles, and what the chances are of success or failure. Humanity is teaching them what parts not to aim at and when not to take that shot. That way if they are in a survival situation (or just getting some extra on the table to help folks make ends meet), they will dispatch their prey quickly and not offend their Maker by inflicting unnecessary pain and suffering.


I can understand the rules for a BSA range where folks from all walks of life are passing through on an hourly basis. But blanket admonitions just don't make sense.

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Current wording in G2SS:

"Scout units may plan or participate in paintball, laser tag or similar events where participants shoot at targets that are neither living nor human representations"




So, targets aren't living Cub Scouts, dogs, cats or goats; shooting is approved.

Targets aren't human representations like Palin, Obama, Hitler, or Tebow; shooting is approved.


G2SS DOES NOT SAY no shooting at representations of living things. If that was what they had meant, they would not have listed representations of humans separately, since humans are living things and would have been included as 'living'.

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