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Does anyone have any design plans for the "ideal campsite"? Our chartering partner is having their anniverasry and they would like us to be involved someone and wanted to do something other or in addition to garbage patrol and setting up tables. I thought if their members could take a walk thru a Boy Scout campsite it can also be used as a recruiting tool.

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What is a garbage patrol?


What I think a perfect campsite WOULD be:


Each patrol setup far enough away from each other so they could see what the other patrols are doing, but not be so close that they are tempted to go see what the other patrol is doing every few minutes. Each Patrol has their own cooking gear/chuckbox/fire/stove. Each patrol would have there own dining fly.

The SPL and ASPL and leaders camped out in the middle of it all, but at least 50 feet away from the patrols. Kind of like the leaders being the hub of a wheel?

A place to have PLC meetings. US flag and troop flag centrally located or in the entrance to the campsite. Each patrol has their patrol flag flying proudly at there patrol camp. Camp gadgets at each patrol site, and through out the campsite, Tripods holding water buckets, wash basin stand etc.

Troop Guides and Instructors working with 1st year scouts.


Service patrol and Program patrol working toward the goals of a good campout.


Reminds me of a training I went through a few months back!

I use to be a Fox.


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A green tent pitched with its back to a cool breeze on some high ground with a grove of shade trees near by. My backpack hangs on a nearby tree. Food and garbage are hung in trees upwind outside of camp. A buck and doe wonder through camp as I sit on the edge of the stream at the bottom of the hill, drowning worms on the end of a fishin' line and contemplating life in general.


No gateways, no ropes, no flagging tape, no big campfire, no lanterns. The only lights I need God has hung in the night sky for me to use for free. I fall asleep listening to crickets call to their mates.



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I've heard this expression used in reference to inspections for District Camporees.


When I asked the people running the camporee what this meant, they told me it could be found in the Camping Merit Badge Pamphlet.


I've never checked, but this might be where you can find it.


By the way, I would say that it would be real close to what Dan wrote, even though I would prefer Bob White's version. Oh well... Maybe someday again...

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