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Eagle Project for your Chartered Organization

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Service to the CO is (or should be) a given, a "no brainer". The Scout Troop of my youth mowed the church lawn. Every other weekend, each Patrol took it's turn. Sometimes after school in the evening, sometimes Saturday morning. Then we go off on a hike!. Trim the bushes, sweep the walks, dads help service the mower. And, back then, there was no Eagle requirement for a "service project", only to serve.

When the project requirement was instituted, there was much discussion about what the difference was. It was seen that it was to be outside of the Scout world. Can't organize a project at a Scout Camp, but a National Park, or a Lions Club Camp for disadvantaged kids is an appropriate spot to consider. Can't paint the Scout closet, (now there's an image. All our gear in a closet. Now, it overflows a twin axle trailer), but the church hall way and library might be okay. Now, doesn't mean the Troop can't paint the closet, just that it can't be Sam's Eagle project. Build and install benches and tables in the churches new picnic shelter. Build a bench and walkway for the transit bus stop out front. One Scout proposed building a stage/picnic deck at his church's camp (not the Troop CO) and was approved, but had to change because it was too far away and the logistics wouldn't cooperate.

His church chartered a different Troop, but the camp was not a Scout camp, so no conflict there.

Our local high school had a very non-descript sign out front. Scout took on cleaning up and landscaping the area appropriately. Now, the school SGA takes on trimming and upkeep.

So encourage the project out in the larger world, away from the Scout world. Encourage the Scout to look for and see a need and then meet it.



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Bronco, there is a phrase that I have heard come up a few times. It is something along the lines of "sounds like a worthy service project, but not a worthy Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project."


So in the case of your Sunday School Cabin, sounds like a worthy troop service project. Lots of scouts available. Lots of parents probably willing to help out and lead it, too. But it really doesn't fit the intent of what an Eagle project is supposed to be.

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