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scouting heritage merit badge


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Okay, I know that there are 4 badges the Boys Scouts can work on for only the year of 2010. But I read (Scouting Magazine, I think) that 2010 will also see the addition of 4 new badges - badges that will continue past 12-31-2010 until/unless they are discontinued sometime in the future. They are to be introduced at different times throughout 2010.


As far as I am aware, the first one has already been released: Scuba. The other badges are scouting heritage merit badge, GPS/GIS merit badge (I think) but I can't recall the fourth.


My question to anyone who may be able to answer me is this: Am I correct about the scouting heritage merit badge, and if so, do you know what the requirements will be? I really hope this is a separate badge and not confused with the 2010 heritage badges because such a badge would be tailored to my son who reenacts WWII Boy Scouts and has already been researching the history of the BSA.



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The requirements for the new badges have not been announced. The shedule for their release is as follows:


A NEW merit badge, for Scuba Diving, was released and made available to Scouts as of December 1, 2009. In addition, BSA has announced that four other new merit badges will be released later in 2010. These will include Inventing in the first quarter, Scouting Heritage and Geocaching in the 2nd quarter, and Robotics in the fourth quarter.




I hope that your son enjoys the Scouting Heritage MB when he is able to work on it.

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