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Eagle Palms Beyond Silver ?


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Last night we had an Eagle scout earn his silver palm. Quite an achievement and well deserved. In looking at the Requirements book, I thought this was the end of the line. Another leader tells me they can earn double palms, etc for each five additional mbs and keep on going. Where can I find info on this?

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The handbook should mention the possibilty of earning them past the silver palm in a footnote. As to tracking requirments, you just have to set your own method up for doing so. But yes, it is possible to earn them again (Silver + Bronze for 20, Silver + Gold for 25, 2 Silver for 30, 2 Silver + Bronze for 35, etc.).


Most I've ever seen is 5 or 6 silver on one ribbon before.

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As I recall, there is guidance either in the Uniform book or Requirements on how to correctly wear palms beyond 1st Silver.


As far as the advancement program goes, the Scout can earn palms until he's within 3 months of his eighteenth birthday ... then he runs out of youth time!


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