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Posts posted by drhannon

  1. OGE I was there when that happend. I mean it was in our site, we shared the site with another troop and the boy was from the other troop. The other thing was the boys had plastic bags tied to the end of their bunks for garbage and you could guess what was in the bags, empty candy bar wrappers, etc. I have pictures of what the tent looked like after the bear went thru it as well as the boys foot locker. I tell the boys not to leave garbage around or in their tents and we have one boy assigned during summer camp to take what garbage their is dumpster every night.

  2. I was a Cub Scout and made it to Tenderfoot as a Boy Scout before quitting for sports. When our son was going into First Grade my wife came home from a Parent Teacher meeting and said some one from Cub Scouts talked to them and that this would be something good for our son. That was 11 years ago and at first I didn't want to be a leader, but ended up being his Den Leader, Webelos Leader, CubMaster, and when he crossed over Assistant ScoutMaster and now ScoutMaster. He made Eagle Scout last year and is now an Assistant Scoutmaster. I also serve on the district Cub Scout Round Table and District Committee.


    The recruiting lesson I learned over the years is you will find a small number of people who really want to help and those who run away as soon as you mention you are looking for Leaders.

  3. We have had problems in the past with peoples checks bouncing and have a hard time getting the money from them. To eliminate this we require that the popcorn orders be prepaid. We will not submit any scouts order if they have not collected the full amount. This way we have no problems paying council when the money is due to them. By collecting all the money up front if a check should bounce we have time to go and collect the cash from them.

  4. I'm curious would OGE still find this situation humorus if in the process of getting the younger scouts quiet the drainage bag broke and spilled its contents on the scouts.


    Or one of the younger scouts told his parents that an older scout threaten him with a bag full of urine beacuse he wouldn't be quiet and go to sleep.


    I know that if it was my son I would not be looking at it as effective teaching. I would be rather upset that he resorted to something like that, would have told him he used poor judgement to accomplish the intended goal.

  5. It has happened by our Troop too. About a year ago Council started a new Troop about 3 blocks from us. We currently have 12 boys and only get 2-3 Webelos a year. The new Troop I hear isn't much bigger than ours. At one time there were 4 other Troops is a 1-2 mile radius of us, now there are only 2, plus ours. The other 2 have folded due to lack of boys.


    So I agree it seem like they only care about the number of troops and new troops. To me it would make more sense to build up a small troop than starting a new one close by, only to possibly have 1 fold in the near future.

  6. If I have a bunch of parents that won't stop talking during a pack meeting I have stood in front of the pack with "Signs up" and will stand there until everyone is quiet. If they don't get the hint usually the boys themself will say something about being quiet. Only have to do this usually the first and second meeting and then these parents catch on that I won't continue until they stop talking.

    As far as some parents not controling their boys I've stopped pack meetings until they settle down and I remind them that the meeting takes longer each time I have to settle them down. The parents get the hint realy quick especially after a meeting runs an hour later cause the child was out of control.(This message has been edited by drhannon)

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