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David CO

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Posts posted by David CO

  1. The boys should be planning and running the fundraisers.


    No it isn't. The boys are supposed to pay their own way.


    So which is it?


    BSA has always suggested that boys do small fundraising projects like collecting recyclables, mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling sidewalks, washing cars, etc.. This is what I meant by boys planning and running their own fundraisers. 


    These small fundraisers are not at all inconsistent with the scouting ideal of pay your own way. So it is not really a question of "which is it".


    Also in other good news.  In the 10 years that I have been working with the troop until now we have never had any parents step up and handle any fund raising activities with the troop.  Just completed an very successful BBQ Pork plate and raffle fund raiser this weekend that all details involves were handled by the parents.  


    This is not good news. The boys should be planning and running the fundraisers.

  3. I also know for a fact that the Charter Organization Rep and the Executive Officer of the Charter Organization would have signed off on what was done if they would have been asked.



    Then why didn't you ask them?


    When I was an IH, I would have never approved an arrangement whereby the unit is run by a defacto leadership different from the one I appointed and listed on the recharter papers. 

    • Upvote 2

    We took over the den due to the fact that there den leaders had no idea how a Boy Scout Troop worked to be able to complete most of the requirements for the Arrow of Light Award. 



    If I were the IH of this cub scout unit, I would be irate. First, I would ban your troop from my building. Second, I would raise all sorts of "Cain" with the council.


    Those den leaders were appointed by their Chartered Organization. You weren't.


    The fact that you consider this unit to be your "feeder" unit doesn't give you ownership or authority to make any changes in its leadership or programs.

  5. Should that control and justify giving adults control of an organization for boys? How is the fact adults take over at this level any different than adults taking over a troop or lodge? It’s the same excuse being used just on a larger scale. I get that working with kids is tough and it takes longer to get things done because we don’t see the big picture. But isn’t that what Scouting is about and why adults stay in scouting so long? Or is it really about reliving your youth? I’m starting to think for many adults it’s the latter though not necessarily you.


    Scouting was started by adults. Your unit was chartered by adults. I think you are going just a bit too far when you suggest that adults stepped in and took over scouting. 


    The role of adults in a boy scout troop is to provide oversight, guidance, and supervision. It is not to run the activities. Scouting is a game for boys.


    Don't be so quick to dismiss the importance of the proper role that adults play in scouting. Yes, you can and should speak out when you see adults stepping outside of their assigned roles and getting involved in playing a boys' game. Just don't confuse that with the actions of adults who are simply carrying out their proper duties.


    I had to laugh at the notion that old people like myself in scouting are trying to relive our youth. We are very well aware of the fact that it is not possible. Youth and childhood are fond and distant memories now. 


    My parents, aunts and uncles, teachers, coaches, and scout leaders are all gone now. All the adults from my childhood have passed on. I don't miss being a boy scout and playing boy scout games.  I miss my leaders. I loved them, and I do sorely miss them.

  6. Well, camped this weekend and he was either laughing or miserable.  Claims it was a waste of his time but say him happy when he allowed himself to be happy.  Just don't know what to do.


    It speaks very highly for your son that he is able to be pleasant even when he is not having a good time. A scout is cheerful.


    They say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. People give in to the kids who act out. It is often the cheerful, respectful, well-behaved boys who are forced to stick it out in an activity they don't enjoy.

  7. Polls to be fair should be equitable (one person one vote no weighting), secure (keeps people voting more than once) and id specific (the person voting is the person registered). It’s the same premise for our political elections.


    It has long been a tradition of scouting that we vote as a unit. One unit, one vote. I don't think the problem is with scouts not having a direct individual vote. The real problem is that the unit votes don't count for anything anymore.


    In an ideal poll, the voices of the scouts would be reflected in their units' votes. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. Stop this.


    No, I won't stop this. The execs can stomp all over us on their home turf, but they can't do it here. Scouters need a place like this where we can speak out and tell the truth without fear of retaliation.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Wasn't the original cost of the Summit around $400m? And they took out a bond too with the local county (or through the local county). Don't recall the cost of that but I cannot imagine they are even close to paying it off. 


    I've always thought of the Summit as a luxury lodge for the senior execs, much like the exclusive retreat for generals in The Dirty Dozen.


    My unit has never gone to any of these places. They are way beyond our budget.


    I don't much like the idea of national raising our fees to pay for other peoples extravagances. I like even less the idea that national might have changed the membership policies in order to pay for it.

    • Upvote 2
  10. We are truly in trouble if question marks are interpreted as hostility.



    In my case, they are absolutely right. I am hostile towards the people who are ruining BSA. I am very hostile, and I will freely admit it. 


    I will agree to tone down my language, in an effort to have a more civil discourse, but that will not alter my hostility. If some people on the forum can still sense my hostility through my use of punctuation marks, I can only applaud them for their insight. 

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