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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Occupation
    Biological Science Technician
  • Interests
    Camping, sailing, electronics, all things scouting!
  • Biography
    Cub scout through boy scouts, earned my eagle award. Married with 3 kids, my son is presently a boy scout.

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  1. Well said! You have summarized it much better than I could have. I cannot agree more, especially with your last paragraph. So, how do convince national to bring back the Rovers?
  2. Agreed! We need this in the BSA. Too many scouts dont even know their knots.
  3. You are welcome! I think its only 20 bucks to join per year as a Rover. https://www.bpsa-us.org/rover
  4. I know several people that have dual memberships in both organizations. You can actually enroll as a Lone Rover in the BPSA if you want to try it out. That is what I am doing. I have no intention of leaving the BSA just want to see what being a Rover is like.
  5. I think bringing back Rovering is the BSA is a great idea and worthy of serious consideration! Rovering, as originally envisioned by Baden Powell himself started at 18 and had no upper age limit. I think this is the way it should be not ending at 20 or 25. He wrote several books on rovering including Rovering to Success. Currently, another scouting organization in the US, the BPSA, has a successful Rover program which has no upper age limit. I also think going back to some of the basics of scouting would be a good move for the BSA.
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