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Posts posted by Chris1

  1. On 5/11/2018 at 8:25 PM, Eagle94-A1 said:

    ... Skirts are not practical in the field,... 

     I have to disagree with you about Skirts being impractical in the field. I am a guy and my utili-kilt is one of my favorites for hiking and field activity particularly in hot weather. No chaffing, cooler, more airflow, great freedom of movement.  As long as they have decent pockets they are great.  

    I would love BSA to add a utilikilt to the uniform options, but I won't be holding my breath on that one. I know several scouters and outdoors people who wear kilts in the field regularly, and several who do long backpacking trips in kilts.

    Time will tell if the skorts/skirts will be popular. 

  2. You are welcome to wear a neckerchief with any t-shirt or other gear now. A current field shirt is not necessarily the best for outdoor field use ironically. Though better in some aspects to previous designs.  Most units, Camp staff, and NYLT that I know of around here use t-shirts or polo shirts during the days with the official field uniform (aka class A) used for evening meal and flag ceremonies.

    I don't expect the uniform to completely go away. After all "uniform" is one of the 8 methods of Scouting. 

  3. It depends a bit on the maturity and drive of the youth. It is a great program, and when I have staffed NYLT 20% or more are 13 and don't have significant problems with the course. 

    Talk to the course Director or senior youth staff and see what they suggest.

    If you are still unsure, send him next year or at 15yo. But I would suggest not waiting until he is 16. He will still gain valuable skills and have a good experience at that age, but he will benefit from having those skills and training for 2 more years, when it is a greatest impact if he goes sooner.

    But as in all things, do what is best for your youth.

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