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Longhaired_Mac last won the day on July 24 2014

Longhaired_Mac had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

37 Excellent

About Longhaired_Mac

  • Rank
    ⚜️ Tataliya #614 Lodge Advisor ⚜️
  • Birthday 09/27/1975

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    East Wenatchee, WA
  • Occupation
    Small Business Owner
  • Interests
    Fatherhood, Archery, Hiking, Camping, Wood working, Fishing, BSA Scouts, Order of the Arrow, Pow Wows, Hammocks.
  • Biography
    Bobcat to Arrow of Light,
    Pack 32.
    Scout to Eagle, Eagle palms
    Troop 8
    and Order of the Arrow as well.
    Ump Quah 335.
    Lodge Advisor for Tataliya 614 since 2019.
    Was beaded the end of 2020.
    Awarded Silver Beaver May of 2021.
    Now it's my son's turn.
    He started in Tigers and earn his Bear early this year despite covid.
    Pack 32 (Same I was in),
    Apple Valley District of the Grand Columbia Council,
    in North-Central Washington.

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  1. Just back from NLS 2022 in Boring Oregon. Took 4 youth and they had a blast! Had another Advisor with me at NLS and 2 others doing DYLC as well. Our Lodge is small but I feel like there is some serious momentum. Feeling hopeful as spring clears way to prime camping season.

    1. Mrjeff


      I absolutly loved the NLS and so did the guys.  I also attended the DYLC the following year and it was ok but the NLS was fantastic.

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