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Zorn Packte

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Posts posted by Zorn Packte

  1. it is not the fault of that girl because of her birth. she did make some poor decisions, but God still loves her. and, should she ask for him to change her, he is more than capable of doing so. I am taken aback by your stance. I have a feeling that you don't have that many boys trying to get into your troop


    Give me a break. Why is it all of you Bible thumpers like to play psychoanalyst?


    Face it, God doesn't change people, people change themselves. The girl was bad news from day one, nearly destroyed her family and you think that she deserves another chance. Maybe you think that Charles Manson deserves parole as well?


    As for my troop, it is good sized and growing every year.


    Maybe it was YOU who was thrown on the "cowpie" at birth.

  2. "Children are our future. If that isn't precious. . . "


    Aren't you special? :-)


    The children may be the future but that doesn't mean that they all can be saved and that saving them is a good thing. The world would be better off if certain children were drowned at birth.


    Case in point: I know a family that has three children. Two girls and one boy. The older girl and the boy have grown up to be reasonably normal members of society with no more than your standard teenage quotient of trouble.


    The other girl was nothing but trouble from day one. Disobedient. Defiant. Destructive. The family nearly went bankrupt paying for "counseling" for this girl. Before she graduated from high school she ran away from home twice. After graduation, she ran away again and got pregnant by her new boyfriend who was on his way to jail for attempting to kill a cop. Now she has a second illegimate child.


    She's come home to live a few times and her parents always take her in but that has proved to be a disaster every time. Once, the cops had to be called because she was beating her father who has a heart condition. Mom's had a nervous breakdown because of this child. To make life more interesting, since this girl is never hooked up with a boyfriend with a job, the parents are living in near poverty to pay her rent so their grandchildren don't suffer.


    The world would be better off if this girl had been deposited on a dung heap at birth.




  3. It's insulting to his memory, and the memory of millions of wonderful adult volunteers over the decades, to now flippantly suggest that some kids are disposable and just not worth the effort.


    The fact is that some kids aren't worth the effort. Our society thinks that children are precious but they really aren't. There are children that cannot be saved and will never become a useful member of society.

  4. It sounds like it is time for an intervention. Get the Commmittee Chair, Unit Commissioner, Charter Org Rep, and maybe the DE together with him and discuss the situation. The need run the program the way that BSA says. He may say, "My God, you're right. Will you help me" or he may say, "Go to Hades, I'm quitting" and stomp out. Either way, your problem is solved.


    Could you become the new SM?



  5. Interesting how a thesaurus can give bad information, these are the synonyms that is lists for "reef knot":running knot, slip knot, granny knot. Not one of these is a "reef knot."


    That maritime tradition must have stuck in Canada. I was recently talking to a mom who moved here from the heartland of Canada and she asked me why I was wearing a little reef knot on my uniform. Luckily I know what a reef knot is so I explained it.



  6. My apologies to Zorn or Mreg or whoever you are. You're just so abusive with your snide comments to OGE about the rest of us as if we are not here and can't see what you write. So what if we misspell. Lazy smazy, they are just mistakes for the most part caused by hasty typing.

    Maybe you are from Hungary.


    I'm from Pennsylvania. As I believe that I've said before on this forum, my mother was Slovak, she had a Hungarian uncle. Is that unusual in your part of the world? If you want the rest of my family tree, my father's family was Austrian but settled in Slvoakia. Very similar to what happens here with someone from New York moving to Idaho for work.


    If you had paid attention to my comments to OGE, you would have seen that I excluded typos. I was commenting on the gross misspellings and the use of the wrong homophones ("there" instead of "their" or "they're", etc.)


    With all of the ire that you display on a regular basis, perhaps you name should be changed to Verdriesslicher Vogel" :-)

  7. OK, so I used an obscure definition of proscribed - controlled, restricted, imposing restraint or restriction.


    I've checked three dictionaries and two thesauri and I cannot find a reference that agrees with your usage of "proscribe." Could you supply me with a source?


    For kwc57,


    BTW, if my grammar or spelling isn't perfect in this post.....I really don't care. The message is important, not the wrapping


    Classic American attitude toward language but consider this, how do we know what your message is if we can't understand it?


    I've usually found that those who say, "get a life" are usually the ones with nothing meaningful in their lives.


    For Bob White


    Did you use a translation engine to "decipher my name"? The idiomatic nuances of "zorn packte" are much more than simply "packing anger." However, that is my given name. I was named for my mother's Hungarian uncle. It is a diminuitve of something but I was never told what. Not that it really matters.


  8. Are these a part of the proscribed JLT program? No, but it's a value-added reflection/discussion that supports and I hope makes the program more fulfilling within the boundaries set by BSA.


    Oh 74th Eagle, what were you attempting to convey? As I read what you wrote, I see, "Are these part of the forbidden JLT program?" Is there part of the JLT program that is forbidden? Does it involve dancing girls?


    If you were not refering to the currently approved JLT program, please inform us.


    What I prefer is not important. The words are yours to choose, you only need to choose those that convey your meaning.



  9. OGE, it would require an extreme effort to be more sesquipedalian than you.


    Something that amuses me is that the handouts that come home from my kids' school often, if not always, have egregious spelling and grammatical errors. A friend, who writes for a living, recently nearly became homicidal when his son turned in an essay and the teacher handed it back with corrections were flawed both syntactically and grammatically.

  10. Whattaya talkin about, faggedaboutit, howyoudoin and wassup, I always just thought of them as charming colloquialisms...


    Colloquilisms are one thing, the inability to understand standard English is another. When you comment, "he's an amicable fellow" and no one understands you, there's a problem. Also, just look at the writing on these internet groups (or as many would say, "them internet groups"). I'm not speaking of typos such as "hte" instead of "the" or ommitting a "letter" and saying "leter". I'm refering to the inability of many to selcet the correct homophone and the gross misspellings.



  11. I do disagree with your comments that Americans are lazy


    When it comes to language, Americans are very lazy. How many languages does the average American speak fluently? How about passably? Our kids moan about having to take a foreign language in school and most parents complain along with them.


    If you have a large vocablulary and use it in this country, you are either "putting on airs," "talking down to people" or "showing off."


    How many supposedly educated people say to their kids, "I want you to bring this note to your teacher."?




  12. And how much to blue jeans cost where you live? The brand names cost $40.00 or more.


    I get my kid's jeans at Wal-Mart for about $15 a pair. If you are silly enough to buy the anti-Scouting Levis, that's your problem.


    I also want to know how many of those parents who don't want to lay out the $40 have their kids in sports where 40.00 is on the beginning.


    Don't you know. Sports are "important."


  13. You are sure to receive some flack with the above. Are you trying to voice an opinion that the Navy is not a branch of the U.S. military?


    It really isn't. Historically "military" refers to land forces. American are lazy speakers and change historic meanings of words on a regular basis.


    We have military, naval and now "air" forces. The military is the army. Naval forces are the navy and marines. Guess what are the air forces are.


    The Coast Guard is an "armed force," of a different category but for the most part follows a naval tradition.


    Americans, being lazy, have made "military" mean everything that is involved in war fighting.(This message has been edited by Zorn Packte)

  14. "In addition to Bob White's admonition, there are practical reasons for Scouts not to wear military uniform items. For one thing, they can introduce or encourage a militaristic overtone. Although BSA's roots are with the British Army and we are a uniformed movement, my impression is that we try very hard through policy and practice to not appear as a military auxiliary."


    I think that is a new philosophy in BSA and Scouting in general. I still recall the days when Scouts did close order drill and actually MARCHED in parades instead of shuffling along like zombies. The original BSA uniform was a knock-off of the Army's uniform and according to the article in a recent magazine, during WW I steps were taken to prevent Boy Scouts from being mistaken for soldiers by putting a Scout badge on their hats.


    If you are going to wear BDU pants get green ones. BDU pants make more sense than baggy jeans and are practical although I don't care for them (I don't like the double seat).


    Mr. White likes to quote scripture about uniforms but the reality of the situation is that many parents just don't want to lay out $40 for pants and another $40 for shorts so jeans are permitted. If it is a choice between blue jeans and green BDUs, go with the green.


    The admonition agains wearing a uniform that imitates a military uniform seems pretty weak if you look at the Sea Scout uniform. Although, technically, it isn't imitating a military uniform, it is imitating a naval uniform.


  15. Reading old threads can be interesting.


    (NO one who is a serious outdoorsman uses shirts like the BSA uniform shirts in the outdoors outside of the BSA...does that tell you something?)


    During my time in service, I knocked about a bit. I've known professional hunters and guides in far flung bits of the world who wore shirts with pockets, usually the shirts were a khaki color. I think that the desire to run around in an undershirt with printing on it is somewhat of an American affectation.

  16. For tens of thousands of years certain segments of our society WERE EXCLUDED from certain things and they WERE NOT HAPPY


    Do you have any proof that women were not happy when they were excluded from hunting the giant bear?


    I don't recall ever hearing a man complain about being excluded from a baby shower, bridal shower, or any other female type ritual. It seems that the primary role of the modern woman has become to complain. Maybe they should be worrying about raising the children instead of building a career.





  17. it's about your reluctance to answer a simple yes-or-no question.


    No, it's about my refusal to answer a question that doesn't deserve an answer.


    "Neo-nazi?" Sorry, I have all my hair, no tatoos, and I dated many Jewesses. Even went out with a black girl once in college but her dad told me that if I took her out again, he'd break my neck. It seems he wanted her to date only black guys.

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