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Everything posted by Wiz458

  1. First off, only tomahawks should be thrown. They are meant for this (balance, forged steal, easily replaced handles). Our Council camp had hawk throwing for several years and the Scouts and families enjoyed it a lot. As for controlling the group, there was 1 target meaning 1 thrower at a time. The only time hawk throwing was open was after dinner on parents night. The target was in a secure area next to the archery range and manned by the archery staff. The archery range was not open at the same time. Scouts as well as family members could throw at the target. Either a string or a p
  2. I agree with Tiny1pj about going up the chain of command of the chartering org. Unfortunately, I have encountered simmiler problems in the past. Council's responce through the D.E. is allways the same party line -- "it's a matter for the unit committee and the chartering org.". We sure wouldn't want to hurt the D.E.'s pressious numbers now would we?
  3. I agree with a whole lot of the responces so far. My best addvice is they are not just people you are talking in front of, they are FAMILY! As I like to tell my newer Scouts, this stuff is a lot more fun if you take part in the sillyness. If you can't be silly and mess up in front of family, where can you?
  4. In reply to smt75, 30 years ago puts you into the 7th edition of the Boy Scout Handbook, my era as well. The required merit badges were Camping, Cooking, Cit in the Community, Cit in the Nation, Nature, Soil and Water Conservation (Conservation of Natural Resources after Dec. 1,1967), Personnal Fitness, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving, and Safety. Notice the glaring lack of options! I personaly hate to swim. But, I set my goal at Eagle and swam. Same with Lifesaving. As I look back at my merit badge experiences, these were all chalanging merit badges taking several years to earn (rem
  5. I've never tried soup on the outside of my pans, but I know that soap sure does the trick.
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