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Posts posted by wearrepair

  1. It would seem that you could only wear it on the pocket as a temporary patch; however, using a plastic protector over the button above that pocket would work or on a jacket or vest. In 1960 they had a bunch of jubilee patches

  2. For Eagle92

    I know that it is difficult when the very active scouters are trying to add requirements (time) to the advancement program. The lodgic is that if they add or take away from the requirements they no longer have the program set out by Scouting...they have their own program; not a "better" something just different. Your only real hope is from the scout office (district exec.) or leave the troop for a "real" BSA troop. Regards, Jim Wood

  3. Two points 1)Troops must follow Scouting policy. Some use the "show scout spirit" requirement to throw in road blocks...that is wrong and not policy. National Scouting has added requirements into Eagle to make earning it a longer process than it used to be. 2)Scouts leaving after Eagle etc. tells me the troop has to improve their program. Is it youth lead? Do older scouts have meaningful things to do?

    I was a 12 year old Eagle in the 50's and a Scoutmaster who worked to remove troop road blocks.(so have seen both bad sides of this topic) Hang in there it is a great program.

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