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Everything posted by blw2

  1. Now..... I'm asking myself, "should I attend the Leader Specific training slated for next weekend?" I just found out that they aren't requiring any sort of RSVP or registration, so they really have no idea if it'll just be me as the only student, or all new Tiger Leaders, or one Cubmaster and the rest Den Leaders. Can't really be too "specific" in my estimation. Still, it might be a good networking opportunity, and a chance to knock ideas around a bit.
  2. I guess I might agree re. the quality of trainers.... but a lot might be driven by inconsistencies in course content. I was just reading this thread where I left off at my last post..... "perdidochas commented - BALOO was basically just about the rules for family camping." It's clear that the agenda outlined for the class I took was very different than perdidochas' class. See, my BALOO that I just attended was very little about the rules. It was more about basic camping tips and tricks....... and frankly a lot of noise about how to plan a trip, etc... I would argue that just
  3. I must admit, as Assistant DL every time I crack open the "Den Meeting Resource Guide" to get ideas to help my DL, my eyes just gloss over....... words.... way too many words...... I like dedkad's approach, in theory at least. I think it would be great to start the year with a plan. As a parent, it would help me to know which tings in the book to do at home and which ones to skip in saving for the den meeting. I can't even remember how many things in Tiger and Wolf my son & I did at home, just to do them over again at a meeting down the road. Even if the plan changes a bit due
  4. Kindof seems to me that it says what is needed to be said.... No need in helping to dumb down language. It already has enough steam on that heading if you ask me. in the context of scouting clean = not dirty, neat, tidy, not vulgar, not rude, nice and yes KDD, camping is inherently mixing with "dirt", but there should be a pointed effort by a scout to keep his camp site tidy, to keep his cookware tidy, and keep his body tidy. I see it as a relative thing, not a concept to be taken to any extreme, such that clean only means sterile as in hospital operating room sterile.
  5. Interesting. Seems like the majority of folks seem to think just the opposite. I must admit to thinking that it seems like Scouts will be more fun as a Scouter. I sure did as a youth.... seemed like all we did in cubs was arts and crafts.
  6. Ever been in a rowing shell?
  7. Well I just spent my Saturday this past weekend in BALOO. A Saturday I'll never get back. My hats off to the instructors. They put their hearts into it and did their best to fill the day. There was some good info, and some not so good info. They tried to stay on track, but there were several times when the presentation drifted off to stuff that Cubs can't even do. The students kept pulling us back on track. I'm really hesitant to say this, but..... I've been camping nearly my whole life. I really don't need a lesson on ground cloths under a tent, but apparently there was at least one
  8. Or maybe set up a tour at the local hospital..... pharmacists and all sorts of lab techs, docs, etc.....
  9. Would a pharmacist at Walgreen work? Could get a tour and a talk out of it?
  10. Yeah, I gotta agree with that. Who cares when.... I can see it getting a little more important if the pack is active through the summer.... and by active I mean den meetings ad pack meetings continue the same all year..... then it may be a little more of something to concern yourself with.
  11. I thought I read someplace that the "official" change date was June 1. Prior to June they could still work on Wolf electives. After that, they would be working on bear stuff. Yeah, I think the BSA makes all of this way more confusing that it needs to be. EVERYTHING we do is based on the school year, except council drives dues on the calendar year.
  12. "jblake47 commented Today, 09:03 AM Editing a comment No, but thanks for the link, it looks cool! Mine is nothing really all that elaborate, If anyone were to tie a normal man's suit time with the cheater knot rather than the Windsor knot, you would know what I'm talking about. Usually one end of the necker is longer than the other, but pulling on it releases the one end of the necker. The slip ability of the knot would make it easier to remove than any other knot. The nice thing about it is the ends of the necker hang straight down rather than sticking out as they would with a n
  13. nah, I'm done. I've made my point. Basement made his.
  14. Got curious about this special knot. Is this the one you use jblake? http://guidinguk.freeservers.com/necker.html
  15. Of course you have the same issues. Everyone with kids does. You're pushing so hard to do the training in October, November, or whatever.... that tells me that this time is slower for you. Maybe only slightly, but slower none the less. that just so happens to not be the slow time for the students of BALOO..... so I'm pushing for somebody (not you) to offer the required training when I can take it, OR don't require the training! So, I suggest that we not try to make me as a Pack Scouter fit into your schedule as a Troop Scouter anymore than I should try to make you fit into mine. Aga
  16. Well, actually my real complaint is that the paid folks down at council should be doing it, not sloughing it onto the volunteers that already take on plenty at the unit level. If they don't have the skillset, they should learn it. I know that's not how it operates, but from my perspective it should be...... Given how it is currently set up, I think the paid folks should at least be facilitating in a big way, so that the volunteer teachers have minimal time demands to make it happen. You're right, it's never a great time....... if the date is set well enough in advance then it can ofte
  17. That's right, basement. I don't remember the exact situations now, but there was only one or maybe two times.... and they conflicted with something big..... so no, I'm not going to have my son & I miss out on a major pack event to do something that should be offered much more often than it is. I'm not talking about a den meeting, I'm talking about a camp or a trip or something. Honestly, there should be no reason for me to even have to miss a den meeting for training. I thin it's mainly my district, but to a lessor extend the neighboring districts too..... but these things should be of
  18. Oh, I think I'm starting to track. he started in a regular pack since you folks don't do tiger..... but he's now switching to your LDS pack. So he's not really intending on keeping both tracks going in parallel. Do I have that right? That being the case, then this question is just about the overlap transition. Sorry, not LDS so I can't help.... just trying to understand.
  19. I've been trying to help my CO's troop re-engage with the pack, and get support for the pack at the same time. More and more of our boys are crossing into other troops, since our troop has been shrinking. I think there were also some other issues, either with a leader or perhaps some of the boys that have since aged out. Anyway, they are now "under new management" and growing. I put the question out to or Committee chair, which is also the new SM.... But I figured I's put the same question out here to see what ideas you folks might have.... Can you think of any cool stuff that scouts
  20. Thanks. I'm signed up to take baloo next month. The first opportunity in all this time.
  21. "Basementdweller commented #16.7 Today, 11:19 AM The right thing to do is follow the rules....have a baloo trained person....and not worry about it." Kinda hard to do when they don't offer the classes. I've been trying to find a class, even out of my district, since spring 2011. Aggressively looking for something over the summer when our pack slows down, and I have been in contact with several districts, DE's and council higher ups. Not a one that didn't conflict with a pack event, and I think there was only two that did. I'm signed up to take one at my first opportuni
  22. "JoeBob commented Today, 07:59 AM Editing a comment I'm trying to figure out what the boy will do to participate in two packs. Does he do everything twice, once in each pack? Does he use two books to keep straight what he's done where?" I'm thinking he might pick and choose...... when pack A is doing something fun, he'll do that.... but won't bother himself when Pack A is doing something "not fun".... because pack B is doing something fun. Just weird. Shouldn't be allowed IMO based on what little I know about the situation.
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