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Posts posted by Tiny1pj

  1. As a hunter education instructor, avid hunter and fisherman, and lover of meat on the table, I also know that hunters have spent more money on wildlife than ALL the "anti"s put together.


    It is depressing that these people have never taken their arguments to their logical conclusion (with very few exceptions). The only way to do as they want is to destroy the entire human population. A few antihunters have actually taken to shooting at hunters during hunting season.


    They condemn leather, so wear synthetics. Of course they are made from oil, and oil is to be banned.


    We cannot plant cotton because it disrupts the ecosystem, and we cannot cut down trees to use for the same reason. Hmm There goes all their clothes and papers.


    Greenpease uses old ships, and a lot of fuel oil, to fight fishing. Peta and HSUS wants to ban all farming, so forget wool.


    Can someone tell me what is left?


    Paul Johnson

  2. KL - Thanks for reminding me about the "special order" section.


    The problem is that wheelchair bound individuals need a significantly differant cut to be comfortable. I just do not know how to modify the uniform (pants especially) for this fit.


    Some things that are differant include in the pants - Higher back (to accomodate constant sitting), pockets on lower legs (cannot get to rear and waist pockets while seated), differant cut on leg cuffs (just look at your own when seated!)


    As you may have noticed, those of us in chairs loose abdominal tone, so the fit of shirts need to be looser in the arms (for pushing), abdomen and back (to allow turning while seated).


    Simply buying larger clothing makes us look "dissheveled" as the appropriate size of chest would be several sizes too large for the neck. And even buying larger pants has done nothing for comfort. I sat through a 3 hour recognition dinner tonight, and was never comfortable. I usually wear sweats because they are significantly more comfortable. However I try to provide my pack, troop, and den with an appropriately dressed role model.


    Paul Johnson,

    Troop CHair, Cubmaster, Den leader

    Lander, WY

  3. I have a problem that some of you may have a solution to.


    Due to multiple disabling conditions, I am in a wheelchair 95+% of the time. As anyone who works with the disabled knows, most clothing is not cut for those of us in wheelchairs. This is especially true of BSA uniforms, which are ALWAYS smaller than standard sizing.


    If anyone has some suggestions as to how I can modify my shirts and pants for W/C life, I would appreciate ths comments.


    Thank you,


    Paul Johnson

    Cubmaster, Pack 17

    Lander, Wyoming

  4. In reply to Bob R., as an Army Officer, I always had to purchase my own uniforms, and because I was nowhere near a post clothing sales, I had to buy these things from traditional retail outlets. I still paid LESS for my officers uniforms than the BSA uniforms. And if you remember your history of the BSA uniform, you know that a military surplus uniform was chosen to keep the costs DOWN!


    There may be areas of the country that the average income makes the cost of the regulation BSA uniform look reasonable, but that is not so for the people I know. That is why EVERY clothing store in this county that catered to the "middle to higher end" has gone bankrupt - the populus just cannot afford to spend $100 or more to clothe their children with a single outfit that lasts only a year (or less!).


    You mention never having a problem with your uniforms falling apart - you are very lucky. I have had to repair EVERY modern manufacture uniform I have come across, new or used, due to poor workmanship, poor quality thread, mismatched seams, etc.


  5. While I am not opposed to unions, and have belonged to 2 differant unions, my guess is that this is a major reason for the outrageous costs for scouting uniforms. EVERY piece of official uniform I have seen has a union label. How much does that add to the cost of our uniforms?In the US, less than 10% of the working population belongs to a worker's union.


    Why can we not buy uniform pants for under $25? I pay only $19 for my US made jeans, that are much more serviceable than the cotton/poly pants and shorts.


    Why can we not have access to patterns and make our own uniforms out of BETTER material. And BETTER SEWN! Every piece I have purchased has had to be repaired after less than 10 wearings. Not to mention the sizes are not stadard for US wear. I purchased several shirts of 3X size, only to find out they were closer to an XL! And I did not have time to replace them before woodbadge, as they had to be special ordered, and had already taken almost 3 months to get.


    It is time BSA and Supply Divisino take notice that they are harming the movement by their actions.


    Paul Johnson


  6. In my opinion, this belongs in a differant discussion. The issue of homosexuals being banned as leaders has had a POSITIVE overall effect here (Wyoming). The boys are often complemented on their uniforms, and get told lots of stories about "when I was your age, I was a scout (cub, brownie, etc)".


    The uniform was originally used to brint the boys together as part of a group. They now "belong" to a group, and have their own "gang colors" - only this "gang" has a positive effect!


    As for the poor excuses for human beings that will hurt the boys, the boys need to be warned about them. Your unit needs to do Youth Protection every year, and this may need to include "hate groups", which the person mentioned in a reply eluded to.


    The BSA already teaches tolerance of other opinions, as evidenced by the acceptance of all religious faiths. It is time for the special interest groups to realize that their speech of hate is no more acceptable than the KKK's retorhic is.

  7. It is going to be an increasing problem with the attitude against any uniformed organization. This is especially so with our current president and v.p., who cater to the homosexual vote, and not doing anything to support scouting.


    The number one thing you can do to get the boys to wear their uniforms is the easiest: WEAR YOUR COMPLETE UNIFORM AT ALL APPROPRIATE EVENTS. If you are unwilling to wear your COMPLETE uniform, with pride, why/how can you expect the boys to? As a Tiger Coach and Webelos Den Leader, I wear my Den Leader uniform to ALL Pack and den functions. I make it clear first by my example, then by my regular inspecctions of my Webelos what is expected. They are encouraged to try to find errors in my uniform. This gives them an incentive to be better than me.

    As a Troop Committee Chair/Assistant Scoutmaster, I wear my COMPLETE troop uniform to every troop event AND to roundtables. The same is true when I am representing District as and activities committee member.


    The example set by you, the leader, is the most important. Then you can work on making sure they all have uniforms, regardless of financial situation. I have provided most of my boys with uniforms from the local thrift shop. It does not cost me anything except time. The boys appreciate the help, and wear the components they have.


    Paul Johnson

    Tiger Coach

    Webelos Den Leader

    T-4013 Committee Chair


  8. The BSA rules are very clear that this person is not to be SM. The example he gives the boys is that any law or rule may be violated. My entire family was abused by an alcoholic during his binges. If the Chartering organization will not do anything, then it is imperitive that you contact the district with the problem, and also the Council Executive.


    The chartering org should know that this type of behavior violates BSA policy, and endangers the boys. If this type of person is what the charter accepts, what keeps them from accepting a convicted child molester? Rapist? Murderer?


    You did not specify the type of organization was the charter. If the org wants this guy to be SM, does the org's supervising agency know? Let the people over the org know what is going on, and very likely the org will be reorganized to eliminate the current leadership.


  9. As a disabled leader, I have had to overcome a lot of challenges in the last 4 years. Before my sons were old enough to join as Tigers, I lost a leg due to an infection from a farm accident. I now also fight Asthma, thyroid disorder, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and a poor immune system.


    This past June I completed Wood Badge training at Camp Buffalo Bill, Wyoming. It took my entire patrol to do it, but we pulled together as a team and ALL of us completed the course. I am now the designated Assistant PL for our patrol. Much comes from what you want to accomplish, and are willing to try.

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