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Posts posted by tdyer56

  1. I still have to disagree with you. Is it written somewhere that a Cub cannot complete previous ranks if they joined late? If a Cub wants to complete everything, where is it written that they will not recieve the rank?


    Also, could a boy in say 1st grade work on his wolf as soon as he earns his Tiger and Bobcat ranks?


    Tim Dyer

    Pack 56

  2. I believe that a boy that joins cubs late can go back and earn the other ranks. I find it hard to beleive that scouting would say "Sorry, you missed out and we won't let you earn these ranks."


    If I had a boy join when he was in a bear den, and he worked extra to achieve those other ranks and then earned his bear rank; should he not be given the recognition he deserves? Every boy deserves the right and opportunity to earn EVERY award availble to them, no matter when they join. The only problem arises in Boy Scouts with the time requirements. At that point they can only do what is possible in the ammount of time. In Cubs, there is no time requirements.


    I don't have this problem, but if my son joined scouts late, I would want him to have the same opportunities the other boys had to earn there rank.


    Tim Dyer

    Pack 56

  3. I would love to help out. I sent you an e-mail at your first address also, and got back an error. I will e-mail your new one. Look forward to hearing from ya'll. When are you expecting to do this?


    Tim Dyer

    Pack 56


  4. I am split on this one. I grew up in scouting, I am a cub scout leader, and my son is in scouting. I stand for everything the BSA is. However, my favorite uncle is gay. I love him and want him to be happy. True he does not have any kids, so he would not be involved with scouting. My kids love him and his partner. Never have they tried to teach my kids to be gay, pushed it on them, or anything of the sort. I understand the concerns parents have about having gay leaders. But "perverts" will not be allowed due to the application precess....if properly done. I belive that the only gay leaders that would want to be involved are the boys, who grew up in scouting without anyone knowing, that turned 18 and registered as an adult. I do have morals and would like to see scouting remain the same....but where in the handbook or any other scouting material does it say to discriminate agaist others.


    So would I leave scouting....I don't think so. Reguardless of the decision, Scouting will still need very storng leaders.


    I know others may not agree with me, but I am sorry. As I stated before, I would love to have scouting stay just the same it is. But scouting does change through the years to keep up with the ever changing world.

  5. Just one quick note about the Scout rank. I think it does need to be plain looking. If you look at each patch progresively, you will see that the next one in a little fancier than the one before. Just remeber the BSA history.


    Bye the way....I am proud of my uniform with all the patches I have earned...trained...etc. But I am most proud of my Flag. I know that when I have it on, I am always carrying a flag with me.

  6. My pack is having an open class set of races for the parents, siblings, and anyone else who wants to join in. I believe it will be great. I have had a few parents come up and tell me it has been fun building thier own car along side of their boy. That also gives the adults something to do instead of building their scouts car for them. Hopefully it will work out well. I will keep you posted.

  7. I had one of those red vest as a cub and then also had a red nylon jacket in scouts. Going to and from scout events the vest or jacket can be worn. I believe that patches were made to be sewn on, if they were meant to be preserved in a three ring binder they would be stikers or certificates. My son recently earned his first 3 patchs. He was thrilled to see that I had sewn them onto my old vest (after I took all of mine off). He wore it for several days around the house and to the stores, I guess that is why they call it a brag vest. I don't think it takes away from the uniform, it just needs to be worn at the proper times.

  8. I was browing around a local thrift store and came across a brand-new, never been washed cubscout shirt. I got it for $3.95. I looked around some more and found that they had Boy scout pants. I went to another thrift store the next weekend and found my son a pair of cub scout pants for $1.94. I spent less than $6.00 and had a complete uniform. Be sure to check your local salvation army and thrift stores. I have also seen a lot of uniforms on ebay.


  9. I am the committee chair for my packs pinewood derby. I have found that the double elimination method is not very good. This year we will be using the Perfect-N system. You can find it on the internet. This is a chart generator that allows the boys to race the same number of times on alternating lanes. They are awarded points for the place they come in. After all races are done the boy with the highest number of points wins. I feel this is a better system because of 2 reasons...1. If a boy has 2 bad races..he is done. 2. The boys work had on their cars and want to see them race as much as possible. If you need to know more about it, e-mail me tdyer56@yahoo.com.


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