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Tamegonit Arrowman

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Everything posted by Tamegonit Arrowman

  1. LOL, great story. Lightened up my day.. I feel sorry for the kid though...
  2. I belong to Tamegonit Lodge, WWW #147 (it's true, I belong to it, my life is practically OA and other Scout stuff ), I'm just an Ordeal for right now...
  3. Yeah, thanks for the welcome everybodies. And dsteele, did you mean that's your Enlish name traslated into Indian, or are you a Vigil? If you are that's cool. I'm still just a lowly Ordeal Thanks, I hope to stick around a while.
  4. And another thing, if you are a "control freak", and don't think that you could control that tendancy whilst having that position, don't take it. Those of you with intuitive natures will understand.
  5. While the techniques you speak of are no doubt well and good, there are always times that require punishment... On the brighter side, there are many ways to teach the Scouts in your troop good leadership and descision-making skills. Scout-leading-Scout is always so much better than Leader-leading-Scout. In my opinion, the Scouts should run the troop, and the leaders serve as guides and advisors. The Order of the Arrow organization, which I am so fond of, is also a good way to teach leadership and good virtues and qualities that will stick for the rest of their lives.
  6. There are some kids like "Bobby" in our troop, I used to be one of them myself Either he'll grow out of it, or the other scouts will get used to it. My advice? Give him time. As for the tent problem, I agree with Acco in that the scouts should work it out by themselves. Who knows, maybe someone will become friends with "Bobby". All I know is, don't have the kids take turns tolerating Bobby...that only makes the kids more apprehensive towards him, and makes Bobby feel less like a person, and more like an annoying thing to be tolerated, instead of an individual. Remember, ADHD kids have feelings too. Beleive me, I should know
  7. Yo, I just wondered what kind of Indian Regalia you guys use...have any special beading techniques? Post them here!
  8. I think you'll...enjoy it...*evil laugh* *whispers* If you see anyone named Allowat Sakima, tell him Tamegonit Arrowman said "hi". He'll know what you're talking about. Just kidding.
  9. I just wondered who here is a member of/is active in OA? Like I said in another thread, I am currently obsessed with the organization...just wondered how many other Arrowmen there are. While you're at it, post what lodge you're in too, so I can compare good 'ol Tamegonit to other lodges. Let's go!
  10. Hey, thanks. Are you in OA? I'm in love with the Order of the Arrow almost to obsessive levels.
  11. My favorite Scouting memory is going through the Ordeal...that was a great experience...
  12. One of our troop's favorites is breakfast burritos with all the stuff: potatoes, sausage, salsa, cheese, and of course eggs...I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
  13. Hello, I was just wondering...I'm a Life Scout from Missouri...are Scouts allowed here or just Scout Leaders? Because I can leave if you don't ant me here...just wondering.
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