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Posts posted by stevejb

  1. Thanks Dan. That is one of the reasons I like to get these videos about skits and songs online. It reminds us adults about some of the fun we have seen, and it gives the current Scouts a chance to see skits that they could do during their own campfire programs.


    As far as the district taking over the Laughs for Lunch Show? I doubt it would happen. I don't think anyone on the district is interested in taking on something like this. And no, I have no intention to do it either. It was fun on the troop level, and enough work on the troop level. Hopefully, someday, the troop will grow in membership again and the show can be started up one more time.

  2. In our troop the Scout loose a corner on his first "mistake". On his second the card is ripped in half and he has to re-earn it. It has worked well in our troop and very few times has the card ever been ripped in half.

    We also review the Totin Chit and Firemanship Cards every spring. The older boys teach the younger boys. The young guys learn something new while the older Scouts have the safety rules refreshed in their minds.(This message has been edited by stevejb)

  3. I guess you could call the Laughs For Lunch Show more of a service project. We ask people to bring an item of food for the local food shelf as admission to the show. It has been a great experience for the boys to get experience speaking and singing in front of a group. I have had several former troop members tell me this really helped them later in life.


    Unfortunately, troop membership has been dwindling over the past several years. A couple weeks ago, during the yearly planning session, the PLC has decided the troop has gotten too small and did not schedule another show for January. So, after thirteen years the show comes to an end.


    Unless we happen to get more boys joining and start it up again a couple years down the road.

  4. I became an assistant scoutmaster when I was 19 years old, and was appointed scoutmaster when I was 21. I still hold that position after 26 years.


    As long as you are mature enough to handle the position I would not see any problem being a twenty year old leader. Go for it and put your knowledge and skills to work. And make sure you have a good committee to back you up.

  5. The latest video at the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast features Buttons, the radical Boy Scout, telling some really bad jokes to his friend, Randall. Another friend, Bones, gives his opinion on how bad the jokes are.


    This new video can be seen at:

    Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast



    or at PTC Media



    or at YouTube


  6. Two new videos have been posted to the

    Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast this month:


    MSPP #40

    God Bless The USA

    The Boy Scouts pay tribute to our servicemen

    during the close of their annual community show.


    MSPP #41

    Troop 68, The Early Years

    Take a trip back 25 years as you watch this video

    featuring Boy Scouts in the early 1980's.


    These and other videos can be found at

    Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast


    and at http://www.ptcmedia.net/


    The podcasts can also be subscribed to through iTunes at



    Steve B

    Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC

  7. Here are the latest videos posted to the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast that come from Boy Scout Troop 68 in Melrose, Minnesota.


    #35 - The Scouts sing the Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts song


    #36 - The adults leaders try to keep up during the VISTA song.


    #37 - Cats in the Cradle - The troop ends a show singing this classic song with electric guitar and grand piano.


    #38 - An Eagle slide show featuring pictures from through the Scout's years in the troop.


    #39 - Three Scouting Commercials produced by the BSA several years ago. Hard to find these videos today.


    #40 - The troop ends one of the Laughs For Lunch Show with a tribute to our country's servicemen and military.


    These videos and other can be found at http://www.ptcmedia.net/

    and at http://melrosetroop68.org/podcast/podcast.xml

  8. Wow! Three Scouting related podcasts have found their way to the iTunes Music Store "featured" pages in the "Kids and Family" category. I am not sure how podcasts make it to the Featured Pages, but I think it is great that these Scouting related podcasts

    have made it there. I think it helps to spread the word about Scouting to the public.


    You can probably help keep them on the Featured page, and maybe even help to rank them higher, by downloading and/or subscribing to the podcasts. Leaving comments on iTunes seems to help the ranking also. Maybe, with your help, we can move one or two of these podcasts to the front page.


    The podcasts are:

    An Hour A Week (audio)


    The Leaders Campfire (audio)


    Melrose Scouting Productions (video)



    All three shows are part of PTC Media which can be found at

    http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=220050583(This message has been edited by stevejb)

  9. Currently, through Scoutstuff.org, there are three short comic books for Cub Scout age boys featuring the three Cub Scout characters T.C., Akela, and Baloo. The comics deal with some serious issues, and are priced low enough (only 20 cents each) that you may consider getting a copy of each book for each boy in your Pack. Here is a quick explanation of each book taken from the scoutstuff.com site:


    Power Pack Pals #1: Bullying Comic Book

    These eight page comic books feature T.C., Akela, and Baloo talking to kids about bullying. Publication is collaboration between the BSA and several leading youth protection advocacy groups to help address the problem of bullying among youth.


    Power Pack Pals #2: Internet Safety Comic Book

    This comic book is the second in a series of youth protection comics for Cub Scout aged kids featuring Akela, Baloo, and T.C. addressing dangers kids could encounter on the Internet and how to avoid them.


    Power Pack Pals #3: 4 Rules for Safety Comic Book

    This 8-page comic is the third in a series of youth protection comics for Cub Scout aged kids featuring Akela, Baloo, and T.C. It illustrates scenarios that advise kids about the dangers of strangers and inappropriate behavior by adults toward children, and what to do in scary situations.


    Just curious... Have any of you used these comic book in your pack?


    Steve B

    Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC


  10. I think this is a worthwhile project because I think Scouting is a great organization.

    I think it is interesting that only two people from Pennsylvania have signed the petition, and everyone else is from out of state. If the state's own citizens do not pressure their government officials then nothing is going to change there.

  11. Your pack or troop is planning to hold a fundraiser. Is it a one day event, such as a meal or a car wash? If it is, then you need to get the word out about it. You need to promote it.


    How do you do that? And how can it be done for little or no cost to your unit? After all, if you have to pay for advertising, then you have to sell more product to cover those costs. Here are a few tips our troop has learned over the last twenty years.


    Check them at http://tinyurl.com/yrjjcy


    Steve B

    Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC

  12. That is great to hear Gunny. I never imagined that the videos were actually helping to recruit boys into Scouting. It's great that the Webelos feel Boy Scouting is not quite so scary after watching them. Maybe I should make a few more "activity" videos.

  13. Yes, I am a shameless self-promoter of the videos I make, because if I don't tell you about them who will? Besides, I like making the films to help promote Scouting to the internet audience. And I do not charge National a dime to do it.


    I am glad to hear the videos are helping you to sleep easier Gunny2862. How are they helping with your recruiting?

  14. The Scouts of Troop 68 have made a new video which features them with Buttons, the radical Boy Scout. In this video they play broomball during their winter outing. When Buttons decides to play, chaos reigns and the Scouts get to practice first aid skills.


    You can watch it through Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast at


    and read about the making of the film at



    The video can also be seen at PTC Media ( http://www.ptcmedia.net/ )

    and on Youtube at

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