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Posts posted by stevejb


    Amendment One


    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


    It seems to me the ACLU and other left wing radicals are trying to keep the BSA and other organizations like it from enjoying the rights granted it by the Bill of Rights.


    1) True, the government cannot establish a religion, but neither can it prohibit its citizens from participating in one. We have the right to exercise our religious duties as to how we wish to practice them. Yet it seems that there is a small minority that is trying to abolish anything to do with religion in this country by using the court system. That is in direct conflict with our freedom of religion.


    By using the courts to deny the BSA and other organizations from using "government" moneys, not only are they denying good programs from doing good works for their communities, good works that probably will not and could not be done by any government agency, but they are indirectly "prohibiting the free exercise thereof" which the Bill of Rights grants us as citizens. By giving organizations as the BSA funds to provide various programs the governments are NOT "promoting" one religious belief over another. They are providing funds to help the citizens of their communities and making use of an organization already in existence to do it, thus saving taxpayers a lot of money.


    Up until this last generation the USA, state, and local governments have always worked closely with the BSA with very positive results. The BSA has not changed its policies during the last 90 plus years, but today's radicals are attempting to change this country to meet its own agenda, and thus change the very nature of what makes our society great.


    2) It also seems to me that the ACLU and other left wing supporters are trying to restrict the BSA's right to "freedom of speech" and "the right of the people peaceably to assemble". These groups and supporters seem to be doing everything in their power to FORCE us (BSA supporters) to listen to their speech and deny us the freedom to voice ours. The BSA and any group in this country has the right to form its own groups, with its own requirements for membership. The BSA does not FORCE its membership requirements on anyone. People join it because they CHOOSE to join it. Anyone is free not to join the BSA if they do not agree with its policies.


    The BSA troops, packs, and crews have the same right to use school and city facilities as any other group does, including gay groups or atheist groups. By denying the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts these facilities we begin a trend that could soon see no citizens using the facilities they have paid for through taxes. Anyone remember one of the reasons the colonies broke away from England in the first place?


    3) I am somewhat frightened by the incident that has, and is, happening in the city of Philadelphia. A new city council can now create new laws that cancel former contracts that were made "in perpetuity". It seems to me that contracts made with cities are no longer valid for anyone, because the next city council can now choose to create a new law to discontinue any contract was made with previous councils. I was brought up to believe that a contact is always binding unless BOTH parties agree to cancel it. I guess that is not the case anymore.


    Anyways, there is my two cents on the matter. I am so sick and tired of the BSA bashing that I see occurring around the country, and I am very surprised to see it happening within a forum for Scouting. I finally had to say something.


    Go ahead now, and start bashing me. I know it is going to happen.

  2. From the scouting.org website:


    "A bully is someone who wants to hurt another person. Bullying can be physical, verbal, emotional, social, behavioral, or any combination. Bullying can also take place just about anywhere: on the bus, at school, at soccer practice, even online, via the Internet. However, bullying can be stopped. Help put an end to the bullying by taking action first yourself.


    * If ignoring the bully doesn't work, stand up for yourself with words. Rehearse what you want to say to that you will feel in control of your emotions when you confront the bully.

    * Tell the bully how hurtful it feels to be bullied, and ask why you are the target. Ask the bully to stop.

    * Sometimes, agreeing with the bully and having a ready response will work ("So what if I have a face full of zits. What's it to you?").

    * Hang out with a couple of friends; try not to be alone.

    * Tell an adult you trust, such as a parent, teacher, or coach."


    This requirement is described on page 57 of the 2008 edition of the Boy Scout Handbook.



    Seems to me it is spelled out for us.

  3. I like the Capture the flag idea. That would be similar to a football game. Avoid the other players, save your team mates. Maybe an option for day or night games, and various types of terrains.


    The shooting sports would make for other great aspects of the game. Fishing could be easily part of the game.


    Maybe it could done it a style similar to Thrillville, but instead of going around an amazement park, a player would go around a jamboree, participating in various mini games.

  4. I would like to conduct an experiment, and I am going to need your help to do it. As most of you know, February 8th is the 98th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. I would like your help to celebrate it in a unique way.


    Currently, there are a few thousand videos on Youtube that feature Scouts or are about Scouting. Most of these videos never receive more then a couple hundred views, if they even get that many. Only a few have ever hit the 10.000 views mark. I do not think a Scouting video has ever made it to the daily top five pages.


    There are millions of Boy Scouts in the USA, and tens of thousands of adult leaders and professionals. Add the Scouts and leaders from around the world and we have a staggering membership. Even if we get a small percentage of the Scouts and leaders with internet access to participate in this I think we could make this work.


    So here is my idea. Let's make a "Youtube Scouting Video Day" on February 8th. Let's try to get as many Scouts, adult leaders, friends, and family members to watch Boy Scout videos as we are able. Let's see if we can get a video or two to appear on the Youtube front pages and really help to promote Scouting to the internet masses, or at least the Youtube viewers.


    To make this the most effective I think we need to concentrate our efforts on just a few videos, but I encourage you to watch as many as your time table allows. Here are the videos I would suggest we watch:


    In The Scout Zone Video (2:24)


    The BSA Commercial featuring Jim Lovell (0:30)


    A Cub Scout Commercial featuring Steve Young (0:30)


    and finally, the "What Parents Say About Scouting" (5:52)



    This would amount to approximately ten minutes of your time if you watched all four videos, ten minutes to help promote Boy Scouting and Cub Scouting on a popular internet site. Would you be willing to spend ten minutes trying to bring Scouting videos to the light of day for one day?


    So, I ask that you spread the word about "Youtube Scouting Video Day". Copy this message and send it to other Scouts and leaders. Let's see if we can't get these videos highlighted to the internet masses and promote Scouting on February 8th.

  5. How about a thread highlighting Scouting-related podcasts?

    Here are a few for starters:


    The Leader's Campfire: An audio podcast featuring pack and troop leaders from around the country. http://www.leaderscampfire.com/


    Akela's Adventure: An audio podcast featuring a den leader, his Cub Scout son, and their adventures.



    An Hour A Week: An audio podcast featuring a cubmaster who chats about the thrills and chills of being a pack leader.



    Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast: A video podcast showcasing Boy Scouts doing songs, skits, and having fun on activities. Also the home of Buttons, the radical Boy Scout.



    PTC Media: A network of Scouting podcasts. Find all four podcasts listed here on one site.



    Do you know of any others?

  6. Here are a couple of Scouting videos for you to watch.


    The first features Boy Scouts doing the "Mad Scientist" skit.


    The second features Boy Scouts singing the "Song That Never Ends".


    Enjoy. Have a Merry Christmas and great holiday season.


    Steve B

    Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC

  7. Why don't we find a great scoutmaster to run for president, with a great cubmaster as his running mate? Maybe they could force our congressmen to go through Woodbadge training. It might make more honest people out of them.


    Just a thought.




    Steve B


  8. I had a little fun with the question, "You know you are a Boy Scout when..." with a puppet I have called Buttons, the radical Boy Scout. I used him in two videos trying to explain when you know you are a Boy Scout.


    In the first video he talks about knots, weather, tents, patches, and being outdoors. In the second video he talk about internet chat rooms, packing, setting up tents, and poison ivy.


    Check out the videos in one of three places:


    Boy Scout Troop 68 website


    or Youtube

    Or download it at Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast


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