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  1. Are you talking about the, "ads by google" on this forum page? Except for these, I don't think you should be seeing anything else. Maybe your pc needs a little fine tuning, and clean out your cookies often. seed...whose son makes sure she sees no ads.
  2. seed


    A SAFE SWIM DEFENSE TRAINED ADULT IS MANDATORY!!! If your council office is anything like mine, they will check for this! John A BSA Lifeguard *********** Thanks for all your help, everyone. We might just have to skip the swimming this year. I'm not a swimmer, or I'd be glad to take the training. I can't get anyone else to step up to the plate for this one. Our council is excellent, and I'm sure the tour permit wouldn't even get past the secretary!
  3. seed


    We have been family camping many, many, times, but never where we could swim. I've just discovered a new State Park where we could do a little of everything, including swimming. Do I need someone certified for swimming, or is the parent being with the child enough? We've done Baloo and First Aid/CPR.
  4. If you have MS Publisher, it has appreciation certificates you can print. You can add some of the Cub Scout clip art into it also.
  5. seed

    Women In Scouting

    On behalf of the three women leaders in our pack, I'm going to start a letter writing campaign dealing with our uniforms. I'm going to start ASAP, or as soon as I find that one hour a week that it will take. With all the women who are in Scouting today, I think a little consideration should be given to us. We don't have a need to stand out. We just want to feel good about the way we look in the uniform. The material is cheap, the cut is bad, etc... With or without earings.
  6. seed

    Women In Scouting

    Shame on me, haven't done Woodbadge. It might be the only thing I won't be doing, or won't be able to do. I am selling it to a few new leaders though.
  7. seed

    Women In Scouting

    The majority of women, and some men wear turtlenecks under the uniform in the winter. I don't see it as much at important affairs though. I have seen our District Exec wear them at meetings many times. We have quite a few women leaders in different positions. United we can make a change! I say we take action!
  8. seed

    Women In Scouting

    "Sounds like we're all in the same boat. Lisa'bob" Thanks Lisa'bob! We are not encouraged to wear the yellow in our district. I see very little of it around here. Oh...but they do have a ton of it hanging at the Scout Shop! Can't figure that out either. When I get dressed to go somewhere, even if it's shopping, I want to feel good and look my best. I can't do that wearing this uniform. I do not want to be dressed like a guy. Heck, it doesn't even look that good on them either. I'm still looking for the "right" earings to go with this outfit.
  9. seed

    Women In Scouting

    "Basically, assuming that the information is still accurate, you can give the supply shop your measurements and they'll have your uniform tailored to fit." Thanks for the link, but that's REALLY not the problem. After it's all said and done, the uniform is made for a man. Ok, they have woman's clothing too. But there axactly the same. I have had to wear uniforms in the workplace also, even neckties. A woman's blouse does not need to have two big pockets in the front, with this yahoo coller that you can't do anything with. It's just ugly and mannish. It's no wonder that all the women, (and some men) wear turtlenecks underneath. Think I'm on a roll now...
  10. seed

    Women In Scouting

    National is in the dark ages. I don't know when culottes were in style, but it must have been in the dark ages. They are not something a younger woman wants to be seen in. ((shudder)) Don't think I am the only gal who feels this way... Don't get me started on the shirt that is cut straight up and down and our bodies are not! It reminds me of a box. In order for it to button properly, you have to buy a size that is waaay to large and then the shoulders are halfway to my elbows.
  11. I am a woman. I don't have a body like a man. I don't want to look or dress like a man. I don't want to wear man pants with weird elastic on the waisband, and pockets galore. It's not the color, it's the lack of style and cut, for a woman. I wear it to every meeting and function but I can't take it anymore. Is there any hope for my cause, or do I need to just change it on my own? What can they do , fire me?
  12. The AIM account can simply be turned off while your on-line. Isn't there an x you can click on? Or right click and see what options it gives you. It's very important that you learn everything about your computer. Ask a friend, read a book, or take a class. It's most important. You can limit what kind of sites they visit, but you will have to know more than them to do it. Do you know how to go to the Start Menu and then to Programs to see what you have on your computer? Do you know how to clear your History? If you don't, your in trouble. Good luck and don't give up. You can do it!
  13. Where I work there was a dramatic loss of income last year. Our General Manager was told to cut expenses by $150,000. As of Jan. 1, Heads rolled. Positions were eliminated, and hours were cut. We're still doing biz as usual, but a little more focused on watching cost. Although I'm not aware of any problems at our Council, I can see problems ahead. There are far too many people working in the Scout Shop. Usually there is a staff of three. I've always wondered how they can make any money. If you go into a Penny's or Sears store, they sales people are few and far between and they seem to manage, just like we do. I'd like to see the FOS mount a larger campaign in the community, instead of trying to get the money from our families who are already tapped out. I mean, I never heard of donating to the Scouts before I joined.
  14. I don't think using a Mr. or Mrs. in front of a name automatically gives you respect. That's something you have to earn. I'll call anyone whatever they want, just call me seed. Maybe I just don't want to grow up yet.
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