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Scouter56's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Pony Express Council, Camp Geiger St.Joe,Mo. Early Fee for Boys $170.00 Late Fee $190 Early Fee for Leaders $100 and Late Fee $115.
  2. Many years ago I made the mistake of not allowing a young man to receive Eagle palms after the 18th birthday. Approx 7 years later I found out from National that a young man could receive Eagle Palms after his 18th birthday if all the requirements for those Merit Badges had been earned before his 18th birthday. He must have stayed active in the Scout Troop and showed Scout Spirit. So we went and applied for 3 more palms with the waiting period between each of the palms for this young man. Each palm was received and awarded to that young man. I believe that the rules have not changed since then but I could be wrong.
  3. Dont you already have a Field Director and Asst Scout Exec in Okaw Valley from the midwest council in St. Joe/
  4. DSTEELE I believe a while back you stated that you would like to be a Scout Executive. I hear that St.Joe Missouri Scout Executive is leaving for a Scout Executive job in Kansas. Might be an opportunity for you as a Scout Exec.
  5. I tried what you suggested and my council tells me it cant be done. Only if it was within the last year. Do you have any other suggestions that we might try. We would really like to connect our tenure.
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