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Everything posted by Scouter.

  1. Ok, I got it. Thanks! English is ok, but if not, lets teach them. And on the early explorers..."language = attitude". I'm really starting to enjoy this forum. The leaps from one topic to another are simply amazing. I read in another post on this thread....but in WV....why not Teaxs, CA, NM, etc? Maybe because spanish speaking folks like the opportunity of travel and interesting scouting experiences as well. Wait...they don't speak spanish in WV! They better stay in thier neck of the woods.
  2. Folks... My comments were not meant at any individual...just a general observation. That's all.
  3. In Spanish? Awesome! Do we have a lot of Spanish speaking citizens in the US? Yes Does the BSA want to engage those folks? Yes Does the BSA encourage International Scouting at home and abroad? Yes Doesn't the BSA have a Spanish Task Force? Yes Is the BSA partnering with Mexico for the 2019 WJ? Yes Do youth earn Spanish interpreter strips? Yes Has WB in the US been conducted in other languages? Yes - Vietnameese that I know of. Isn't there a knot for Outstanding Spanish American Scouting? Yes Does the BSA have Spanish Webpages? Yes Does the BSA have materials printed in S
  4. It is interesting to post a topic, come back a few days later, and find 25 responses. I never said anything about Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts (youth), or any of the youth programs in regards to limiting ..."Knots" which apparently was ... translated as...patches. What was the point of my post......? ....That I agree with the BSA National Awards and Insignia Committee. I never said anything about revamping uniforms, belt loops, hats, belts, neckerchiefs, and Beads. Humor with a ...."Adult Knot Sash"? Yes Jab at all patches and uniforms? No
  5. I found out recently that BSA is consolidating a number of "knots". My 2... HOORAY! Honest to gosh after seeing some scouters wearing 5 or more rows of knots...where do you stip. Tico Perez...National Scout Commissioner...wears 3...but I guarantee he has 9+. Me ? I have some but dont wear them all or at all times. To me Scouting = Youth Involvement Do the other kids look up to each other or oogle my patches. My vote is on the former. Seriously...I think we colud do with a few less ...adult knots.
  6. I would... 1) buy him a new HB ...yeah I know they are not cheap, but I've waste more $ on lots worse. 2) Sit down with him, ASM's, or anyone that would help me piece it back together. 3) Work on filling in gaps, if any, and get that boy back in for another BOR. 4) ...Checks and Balances...make sure my kids Advancement is recorded by the troop as the go. 5) Make sure that boy continues with scouting and feels go about it and no embarrassed. ...and I'd do it quick. S.
  7. Dan...thanks for posting that...I have also been trying to join for a while, but it would not work. Happy trails!
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