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About ReneScout

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  1. Aye, you're right -- I apologize for overlooking that rather vital component. Back on the issue at hand, though, the national JTE guide says the following on this requirement: "In this requirement, lodges are asked to show positive growth in their annual membership records, which are traditionally perceived as members who have paid their dues. Therefore the successful collection of dues is essential to making a successful count of all active members. The only plausible way a lodge would fail to meet this expectation would be if more members failed to pay their dues than candidates in
  2. rismith, I'm not sure what you mean by saying they do not qualify for JTE Gold; did I miss something that Chief40 said that means they did not do well in other categories? JTE is a point-based system, and from what I understand, Chief40's lodge has earned more than enough points for the Gold level. What I said was in reference to Chief40's nervousness that his lodge would not earn the JTE award and that he would get that legacy. My answer is simple: His lodge will get the JTE award, and by my math they will get the Gold level. The JTE program is intended to reward lodges that d
  3. To qualify myself, I am a current section chief and am on my regional JTE committee and worked on the JTE handbook. The JTE system is tiered with bronze, silver and gold levels, each representing a specific number of points earned by a lodge accomplishing different tasks. The levels are earned not by accomplishing every objective as if it were a requirement but rather by earning points where a lodge is able to. The JTE system differs from the Quality Lodge system by this very groundbreaking principle: It's intention is to recognize lodges for how they perform on what they perform best at
  4. Orange (blaze) loops are for Varsity scouts, which is an LDS program. Unless the scout is a part of that organization, he should not be wearing it. Despite the prevalence of it, NYLT is /not/ permitted or enabled to create its own shoulder loops. I've rolled my eyes and shaken my head at kids wearing camo loops with sergeant stripes, citing their NYLT job as "trailblazer" as permission enough to use them, which is total BS. Loops are an official part of the BSA uniforming policy and is not a subject that can be changed by anyone less than the powers that be in Irving. And since loops are
  5. What I think is so silly about the uniforms National's been releasing is that they constantly try to make them look outdoorsy and suitable for trekking. What they forget is that no sane Scout or Scouter would wear their $100 uniform on any trek that would take their car out of their sight. Uniforms are worn at ceremonies, meetings and some events like camporees and jamborees. IMO, National should work on making the uniforms look good, not stress this cheap functionality gimmicks. But oh well, if getting this uniforms means I'll have a cooler back and won't have my uniform reading "Boy S o
  6. Has its merits and certainly would counter any possible verbal abuse, but also seems to be more a hassle than a boon.
  7. As a 3rd ASM, it's my job to work as the adult laison between the youth (PLC) and the rest of the adult leadership team. And from what I've seen of the boys at our troop meetings, I wouldn't trust them to decide on the issue of cell phones. At one point, when the patrols were getting their names set up, I witnessed two counts of boys using their iPhones to check their Facebook statuses. The ASPL was right there, too, and nobody did anything about it. I had to calmly ask the boy to put his device away. I would be very hesitant to trust such a body of youth to decide on a matter of this importan
  8. Having the PLC decide things is fine, but the leaders jobs is to make sure the program is followed and the laws of Scouting are obeyed (correct me if I'm wrong), so I think the use of a controversial tool, such as a cell phone, is well within the boundaries of adult discretion. I'd leave the more routine and easily-tossed-up matters to the PLC.
  9. What we're doing (and I say "we" because I'm the 3RD ASM and have been to the committee meetings to discuss the issue) is allowing cell phones, but with us watching closely. They'll be allowed on the tour, but we'll be watching, making sure they aren't texting while the guide is talking about the sights. They'll be allowed on site, too, but we'll have our designated "cell phone bag" which the phones will be in if we think the kids are making one too many calls to mommy. The parents also know about it, and we'll be having a special troop code of conduct that will require their signatures,
  10. Back at '07 World, people with Interpreter strips were instantly the most popular people in my troop, and likely others, too. I was the go-to guy for anything Spanish or Romance languag-y. Back at home, a lot of people notice the little badge and are instantly interested, both in the language and myself. It's quite a conversation starter. I haven't put it on my new Centennial uniform yet because it looks terrible due to color matching problems. Anyone know if the newest batch of strips harmonizes with the new tans?
  11. So last Wednesday, I had my interview for 3rd ASM for Jamboree troop 748. I got the position. =D
  12. Not a plan for program, but I'd like to say it would not hurt select, rather than elect, the SPL, ASPLs, QM and Scribe. Use the interview process. My WSJ troop did this and while the first pick for SPL was lazy by the time we got to England, the second SPL worked very well. Besides, for a troop to work well, there should be as little friction between the Green bar patrol and the Geezer patrol, and if the leaders pick the youth leaders, you can reduce the friction risks a lot.
  13. I don't see anything really wrong about this. Don't get me wrong-- I agree that he should have talked to the SPL about it first. But that is related to the headstrong attitude he has and seems to be more of a personality problem that is up to the leaders/parents to try and remedy. Now, since it was the SM who approved this "recon mission" or "espionage extraordinaire" then maybe it should be kept as an adult thing at first. Invite him to make a little talk at your next committee meeting and see what he has to say, then pass it to the SPL/PLC. The boys in the troop will probably not
  14. Most in the troop call him Mr. Leech, but I, and a few others who have been in the troop for a long time, simply call him "Tom." And that's actually what he prefers, too.
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