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Posts posted by nolesrule

  1. Sorry Beavah, you lose geek cred for referencing the prequel travesty...I mean trilogy. You know, where we learn that Darth Vader is just a whiny brat who lashes out at the galaxy because his mother was killed.


    If you wanted a good analogy, Vader would have had to come up with additional useless paperwork and mandatory training in the hopes that no more mothers would be killed. Instead he had his step brother killed, blew up an entire planet including the adoption parents of his daughter, cut his son's hands off and turned his best friend into a ghost (and that was just his immediate family).


    Damn you George Lucas for destroying the characterization of a perfectly good bad guy.


    OK, rant over. Glad I got that off my chest. We can now return to our regularly scheduled squabbling.

  2. Hooray for buying knots. I bought my NESA Lifetime Eagle knot qualification at least 5 years before they even came up with it. :-)


    So when it came time to put my second shirt together a couple years back, I got the Eagle knot with the shiny border. It was the same price as the regular Eagle knot, so why not?


    My first shirt still has the regular Eagle knot, mainly because my wife does the sewing.

  3. I have to say the one scouter that I personally have the most respect for and whose advice I hold in high regard has 4 rows of knots. He wears them because he earned them, and he's truly there to serve the boys.


    On the other hand, some of the most pompous scouters I've met only have an Eagle square knot.


    I hate these generalizations. It shouldn't matter one way or another as long as it's in compliance with the Insignia Guide.


    And why is it that any discussion of any knot or adult award tends to devolve into a criticism of the nature of those who wear the knots? This argument is getting tiresome.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)

  4. "It seems as if kids today are cut from a different cloth than we were. There has been a decline in respect, ethics, morals and good behavior in general."


    The older generation always says that about the younger generation. And then they grow up to become the older generation.

  5. Reggie Bush had not been asked to return the Heisman trophy at the time that he relinquished it. The Heisman Trophy Trust investigation of the situation was still underway at that time. While it's possible/probable/likely he may have been asked at some point in the future, we'll never know.

  6. "But i wasnt there i dont doubt that the adults steped in and took over. I dont doubt it at all.... but i wasnt there. Thats another question..... Should adult leaders be able to participate in an eagle project?"



    So in other words, lacking any evidence, you are making unwarranted assumptions and jumping to conclusions.


    Last I checked, the project requirements didn't put restrictions on who may or may not help with an Eagle Project.


    His plan called for more participants. It didn't happen that way. Part of the post-project review is discussion of compensating for things that didn't go according to plan. But poor recruiting isn't a change in project scope.


    I can only assume that the project itself was properly completed in regards to the final output, unless after 2 pages of vague information, someone decides to state otherwise.


    The project was approved ahead of time, and we can only assume the project was completed without a change in scope to the satisfaction of the beneficiary. Therefore, as has been stated, this should be a determination for the Eagle Board of Review. If the Board has questions about the scout showing leadership in the project, and they always do, he will have to answer to them at that time.

  7. The labor part of my project could have been done by my dad and me in my garage in a couple of days, although I did use 5 or 6 people in total across 3 or 4 sessions.


    Consideration of the leadership of the project should be looking at more than just the scope of any execution phase, although it shouldn't be ignored.


    Personally, I think the bulk of the expression of leadership should lie in the planning and development stage. Too often I've seen projects handed to people with no real development by the scout involved beyond recruiting volunteers and assigning them what to work on during the day(s) of the execution phase. It should be his project, not someone else's where all he does as serve as foreman during the execution phase. Leadership of the execution phase should be considered as part of the whole.


    If a project doesn't need a lot of man-hours for execution, and that's where the objection lies, why was the project approved in the first place? It should have been obvious during the pre-approval process, so long as there was no actual change in scope.

  8. Can't comment on the loops, but in the IG quote above, it clearly lists only the professionals on the local level that may wear the regional insignia, with the exception of those temporarily serving the region at a national event.

  9. "A wise Committee Chair recognizes the fact that nobody gets to vote on the committee. They will try to lead by consensus. "


    I've sat in on many committee meetings, and the only time I saw a real vote take place was in regards to a large expenditure for a new trailer. I say real vote, because one unit committee always comes to a concensus but then for some reason takes a vote. I've never actually seen a nay vote on anything.

  10. Glad I could provide a useful suggestion. :-)


    I find many of these amusing. Sadly, our district always sets the date for the dinner so late that in the 6 dinners since I've been a commissioner, I've never been able to attend one due to previous scheduling conflicts.

  11. "I f I coould just figure out a way to combine my work, pocket and scouting caendars that didn't require a Blackberry or hours of crosschecking and adding events to 3 calendars"


    I use google calendars. It allows you to have multiple sub-calendars, of which I have the following... Business 1, Business 2, Personal, Scouting, Birthdays/Anniversaries, as well as my religious holidays, US holidays, and the football schedules for teams I have tickets to.


    I can share each of those with other people (e.g. parents, siblings, wife have full admin rights to the Birthdays/Anniversaries calendar), and I can follow my wife's calendar as well.


    Without it, I wouldn't be able to keep my life straight. Oh yeah, and it syncs perfectly on my Android phone.

  12. When I do my campmaster weekends at the local camp, I have to find out from the ranger whether or not I can give permission to the visiting units to build fires. When I camp with my family at state parks, they let you know at check-in whether or not fire bans are in place.


    Under the right (wrong) dry and breezy conditions, even a small cooking fire can be a potential catalyst for danger no matter how well attended.


    It's a shame it has to be that way, but an advancement requirement can't trump a fire ban. Sure, there may be ways to still accomplish a lit fire during a ban, depending on the limits of the ban, but in some areas it is a complete burn ban. The advice to consult with the local FD on possibilities is recommended.


    Just a few weeks ago, when I was serving as campmaster, one of the troops was teaching fire-building. No fire ban, in fact it was damp and dreary. All the new scouts built and were able to light their own fires. You could see the pride of the accomplishment on their faces. There's just something about a real fire.

  13. "Noelsrule, the reference to the voting amendments (15th, 19th and 26th) is very creative, but would be a stretch. Presumably you think so as well, since you mention "weasel"ing. I think the problem there is that the federal government does not actually conduct elections, the states do."


    The reason I included all of those is because they each include a clause that gives Congress power to make laws, and they all have to do with citizenship, and to some extent, identification. Like I said, though, it'd be a stretch.

  14. In Florida, major roadways are required to have "Reduced Speed Ahead" signs as a warning of an upcoming drop in the speed limit. I can't tell you how many times those signs have kept me from needing to slam on the brakes (or speed past) because of a speed limit sign that otherwise would have been obscured by a curve or elevation in the roadway.


    I have no problem with lowering speed limits for safety. But gaming the system so law enforcement can raise revenue is something else entirely.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)

  15. When the state legislature is already controlled by special interests, what difference does it make if special interests fund a general election campaign or the state legislature selects the senators?


    Color me cynical, but I live in a state where a criminal was just elected governor, and now he wants to disband government in the name of special interests and big business.

  16. I see it more as an interpersonal communication and personal management (as opposed to group management or even leadership) skills training course. In my experience interacting with people both in and out of scouting, these skills are sorely lacking by most adults, and generally those who feel they are above that sort of training are usually the ones who could benefit from it the most.

  17. I keep a few free (as in out of copyright) classics in the Kindle app on my Android phone. Comes in handy on long flights. The small screen size is not conducive to books with any type of illustration though.


    I've been debating between a Kindle and a Nook for over a year, but can't decide which I would prefer.

  18. Sounds like there are some issues with commissioner service in your district basementdweller. It's no wonder you formed the opinion you have.


    Our role is supposed to be about helping the units succeeed, being an outside observer that can impartially spot potential weaknesses and help a unit to nip them in the bud before they become a problem, or to assist repairing a unit that is already having issues. Otherwise, we are supposed to serve as a sounding board for unit leaders, answer questions, be a resource, and the first line of communication between a unit and district.


    Anytime I'm asked to introduce myself, it's name and position. Nothing more. Heck, I don't even like when I get introduced to everyone (as an announcement) when I visit a unit. Take's 5 seconds at most. Like you, I don't have much of a tolerance for pompous windbagging. When I open my mouth during a visit, it's either to answer a question or give a small suggestion if I feel a need. Sometimes a little socializing. Otherwise, I'm not interfering with anything.


    FYI, I only have 4 square knots (Eagle, AOL, youth religious, Commissioner Key), and am 4 out of 5 on Wood Badge ticket items.



  19. Eagle92, there will always be the occassional bad apple, at any position. How often do we read the horror stories of Little Napoleon scoutmasters or committee chairs, or the DAC that puts stepping stones in front of scouts to make sure they really EARN it. Or the DE who doesn't really care about anything but the numbers.


    But to make generalizations about any particular scouting position is just uncalled for.


    And the way the BSA is set up, most units' general point of contact with their district is SUPPOSED to be their UC. In our district we have about 30ish units (I don't know the exact number). If our DE had nothing to do other than service the existing units (which they don't as we all know), they'd have about 80 minutes a week to devote to each unit. A UC is supposed to, in theory, serve a maximum of 3 units.

  20. I have 2 small girls, so I have 10 years to go till I have any kids in the program, if I ever do at all. I am here solely to give back for what I got out of the program as a youth.


    I took Wood Badge last Feb/March and the things I learned have helped me become a better commissioner to the units I serve. The interpersonal skills are invaluable, and honestly I haven't gotten this much out of any course since I took Small Group Communication in college...and that was the once class where I referenced my notes frequently once I got out into the real world.


    Beyond that, I thought it was a great experience meeting people from other units and in other districts. who have become or may become resources to me, both on staff and participants. I knew 3 staff and 1 participant coming into the course. That number is much higher now.


    I thought the microcosm of the scouting experience as presented in Wood Badge to be very helpful. Sure, it's not Kudu's form of the Patrol Method, but it's a lot closer to it than many units I have observed actually practice, and gives me concrete examples to relay when helping guide them in the right direction.


    Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I will complete my ticket 3 months from tomorrow, and I plan to wear my beads.

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