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Posts posted by mikeb

  1. 1) before the red vinyl rain ponchos what was the "official" rain gear? I can't seem to really find pictures or info at all.


    I used a green vinyl official BSA poncho in the 70's, but I suspect you're looking for something "pre-plastic." I'm guessing you may have to go back to the 30's/40's for that type of thing.


    2) before the red wool jackets did the BSA have anything in the way of an official jacket? I know the really early scout uniforms consisted of like a canvas jacket type shirt. Did they offer anything other than the red woolrich back in the day?


    If you monitor eBay as I do you'll find a wide variety of jackets that were used. There probably were several varieties available at any time in the BSA's history.


    3) When did the BSA get rid of canvas spats (leggings) in the uniform?


    I'd agree with other posters that leggings were dropped in the 60's.


    Having an older brother who was "equipped" near the end of the classic canvas years I fell victim to many canvas hand-me-downs. I was never so happy as the occasions when I was able to persuade my father to replace one of those embarassing pieces with newer nylon equipment. Now the stuff is coming back as classics, and seeing it used again puts a smile on my face. Who knows, maybe I'll drag the old stuff out again myself.

  2. I had a very similar situation. I had a family that joined my Bear Den this year, coming from another Pack. Shortly after joining, the mother in this family began sending out scathing emails accusing various Pack leaders of everything from incompetence to taking "pay" from the Pack funds. In person (Pack, Den meetings) she would either avoid you or act quite cheery when conversed with. Her son acted fair enough, but always acted a little odd, kind of like a person would act if he was hearing bad things about you. After 6 months of this and the inability to get this woman to come into reality I finally had my fill and told the CM the family could no longer be in my Den. She must have felt the "vibe" because before action could be taken the family moved to another Pack. I wish them luck.

    As for your situation I recommend what I will do should this type of thing occur in my Den again, and that is taking the quick action of telling this family to ship out. I'm sure she is bringing your whole unit down, and destroying the joy your Den Leader has for the program. Yes, it's sad for the boy, but it'll be more sad when you lose a great Den Leader and the spirit of the unit.

  3. Thanks for the welcome and the info NJCubScouter, the site you posted quickly answered one question that I wasn't sure of, that was where the boys could wear the patch. I must confess that the answer of wearing it in the position of "temporary" patch was somewhat disappointing. One might think that with so few awards of this type available to Cub Scouts it would rate a "permanent" spot on the uniform. I now suspect several of my boys may never sew it on as it would wreck the "ambiance" of their segments. We're going to have fun earning it anyway!

  4. My Bear Den is working towards earning their World Conservation Award. It seems simple enough, complete Achievement 5 and all the requirements in two electives of three (2, 12, and 15) electives. Throw in a conservation project and the badge is theirs. Anyone have any comments or advice for us?

  5. Yea, whatever on the tan/khaki comment. I also received my Eagle in '80, and was in what was a pretty big council (old Theodore Roosevelt) at the time. As I recall us boys bought new uniforms as they were outgrown or could be afforded. The adults fell into groups. There were those who ran out and bought the new threads right away, some later on, then there were those like my old scoutmaster who never did buy a new style uniform. As a side note I think it's about time national restyled the "gay '80's" uniform. I personally would like to see something a little less flamboyant and a little more military field style.

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