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Posts posted by bacchus

  1. I understand and agree 100%, but need to carefully pick my battles up to the point where the seasoned leaders recognize and respect our fledgling venturing program. That being said, if a young man is applying for the highest rank in boy scouts, isn't he subject to the methods of boy scouts?

  2. Our crew wears a specially-designed polo. They do not wear the bsa-issue green shirt. The Board representatives from council do not understand a polo at an EBOR so these Venturers end up digging out their old outdated ODLs for one more activity.


    I'm thinking about getting a single crew green shirt with a life rank sewn on so the youth can wear that. Thoughts?

  3. "we are the only real traditional troop in the immediate area. LDS is the predominate religion here,"


    I don't understand this. Are LDS units not traditional?


    "so our recruiting pool is smaller than in other areas."


    I understand the thought process behind this statement, but you might be surprised. Many of the LDS units have issues and sometimes people want to take their boys out of the local ward and into a community unit. Continue to do your recruitment at schools, etc., as you would anywhere else. Because the LDS members are scout-minded, if their ward's unit is less than perfect they might be even more inclined to seek you out.


    The units I'm involved with do not have a fee system, relying on the fundraising system instead. Mainly because a fee system is against the rules for LDS units. I think it's because charging a fee might cause those less-fortunate to drop out. The fundraising model seems to work fine.


    Another Owl who gives a Hoot.

  4. You have to admit it sounds a little funny:


    Merlyn's running through the streets yelling, "There's nothing wrong with being gay, there's nothing wrong with being gay! But if you accuse anybody of being gay that's libelous!"

  5. When somebody uses a phrase (such as morally straight) you need to apply the definition at the time that the phrase was used. You can't change the definition by using the modified fad definition from the past decade that morality is really "anything goes". You can argue he was wrong to apply morals to scouting if you so desire, that does not change the fact that it was included in the scout oath, and we must use the original meaning.

  6. "How so? Because he didn't live by your definition of "moral" or "clean" or whatever?"


    To whom do you refer when you say "your"? The person who initiated the definition 100 years ago? Who are you to change Lord Powell's definition?

  7. I advocated tolerance of others views earlier. But some of you are taking it a bit far. Equating having a homosexual boy sleeping in my sons tent, with heterosexual boys and girls in a classroom? Really?


    Also, it isn't fear or hate that I don't want my son or others in my care under the influence of an outgoing person who will influence them to follow the same path. So please stop using the word homophobe.

  8. I read the article and it sure doesn't sound to me like he is openly gay. We could all take a lesson from HIM and be more tolerant of others. Even (especially) when they don't believe the same way we do.


    Also, whether he is openly gay or not, I believe the real question should actually be whether he is acting on it. I'm not going there. Who are we to interview a youth about his sexuality? Especially if he hasn't brought it up?


    I'm proud of him for earning his Eagle.

  9. In a perfect world the counselor removed his 1/3 of the card, and the scout removed his 1/3 at the same time - right before he gave the advancement chair the troop's portion. So the scout may not even have to track down the counselors.

    However, I realize we do not live in a perfect world.

  10. I have to side with Mark here. It doesn't matter to me that his son is one of the three affected by the timing. I think he would advocate for the other two even if his son wasn't involved.


    If a scout has earned the rank, why the hesitation to let him advance? These young men are up against so much. Why in the world so many want to throw additional obstacles in their path is beyond me.


    One thing though, I suggest the proper way to do this BOR is hold it on the 25th or as soon thereafter as possible. Surely you can get three people from the committee to volunteer and show up.

  11. At my ward's (LDS) scouting events we begin every meeting with the Pledge. It's not a sore spot for us. When the local Baptist minister stopped by to share his message with my family (and they weren't home) I let him say his prayer with me on the doorstep. It's the least I can do for somebody who is doing what they can to serve God and his fellowman. I even offered some water, but he had to get to the next house.

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