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Posts posted by local1400

  1. "I think this "division" is just an odd quirk of online forums; maybe just this one. How do the rest of you feel?" I feel maybe in the last couple of weeks we are all suffering from cabin fever or something, and we just need a group hug. My fun meter is so low, it barely registers.

  2. If all Scout business were to take place on-line, why not skip unit meetings altogether? How about on-line advancement? A lad could earn Eagle and never leave the house! (I might be cuckoo, but that IS where we are heading). And if we do away with real-life interactions, then that dreaded uniform could go too. Everyone could be a Lone Scout! (My good friend, Johnny Fish {nickname}, always wonders why there are Lone Scouts, but no Lone Scoutmasters).

  3. Great thread John! I second the Cooking MB. Your reasons are good enough for me. If National wanted to keep the Magic Number at 21, I'd drop Communications, or keep Communications, add Cooking, and combine the Citizenship Nation/World somehow. Every young man should be able to cook, and not just Hot Dogs, and not just on a fire or camp stove. Plus the sanitation aspect (I am a clean freak to some extent!). The next item on my agenda would be Scout History. Seems like kids and adults today don't know where we've been. Some of the past skills mentioned in other recent posts come to mind. Maybe a Scout History National Award could be instituted? I'll bet a CSP from your council against mine 50% or more of the kids in your unit don't know who Boyce was (unless maybe you are from the Boyce Council!)

  4. Thanks for the update Jeff. I am sure most troops would be scared to have two whole patrols of new Scouts dropping in at once! That requires at least 8 more tents plus other equipment. (And that's probably the least worry). Eamonns right. These boys can join any troop they want to. They probably want to stick together, but they could certainly split up too. Whatever happens, please keep us updated and good job keeping this large a group. BTW, out of 7 crossovers in 2007, we have 4 still registered. You may find some kids don't succeed in a boy-run group. Sometimes crossover adults can't let go of running things (the old Webelos 3 Troop reference). Good luck whatever you do!

  5. Yes Buffalo, GWD is on the right track-she's read my mind! Are you forming a troop because none exists now or are you unhappy with the current situation in the troop you serve now? The council will be more than happy to charter a new unit (numbers game), but spin-off troops rarely survive! GWD also states the common problems of spin-offs: age outs, Eagle outs, recruiting, and etcetera. If you're disgruntled in your current situation, work to make improvements. And by all means, please let us know more info!

  6. If you have a great program, your patrols should be cooking at least 40 meals together during the course of the year, so a week at summer camp shouldn't make or break a troops patrol method. On your next outing, try timing meals from prep to finish, record the results, and compare it with the dining hall.

  7. In the parent thread, OGE wondered why new threads weren't spun instead of us straying from the original intent of the thread. That would leave us with a lot of threads with absolutely no responses. Perhaps it's because we all interpret what the poster has said differently. Perhaps, in our excitement to post and amaze the forum with our knowledge, we forget what we were going to talk about in the first place? Anyway OGE, here's a thread about nothing, to go all over the barnyard, in any direction the posters wish. Even the best and strongest rope can have frayed ends, pointing every which way. Where was I going with this?

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