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  1. kcc41791, my lodge also has a Summer Camp OA Chief. His job is to oversee all OA activities at summer camp (Trail crew, Ordeals, Call-outs, and meetings mostly.) We do a Call-out on Wednesday night; this is the first chance for new scouts at camp to witness a Call-out and see what the Order of the Arrow is. By doing Ordeals and Call-outs at camp, it provides a longing for these non-members to be a part of this mysterious honor society. It also allows them to see their fellow scouts that they elected periodically during the day at camp. Doing the Ordeals and Call-outs at camp kind of advertises and recruits new members!
  2. Hillis, I think a class about making outfitting and the principles behind it would be a huge hit among new ceremonialist. This aspect of ceremonies is sometimes confusing and very hard so I think a class on it would be awesome!
  3. I couldn't remember how to spell the admonition to see ceremony scripts online. But thanks to you guys and Jumpstart, I was able to!
  4. Hillis, our lodge keeps the Ordeal (private) by giving non-members activities to do while the event is taking place. Troops usually leave someone behind in charge and they go and enjoy camp as usual.
  5. I would like to know any information regarding OA Trail Crew at Philmont. I'm thinking about signing up for it this year. Is it hard to get in? Is it fun?... Any comments would be great!
  6. How did your son get down to Philmont? Plane?
  7. I would just like to know any information, testimonials, and comments on OA's Trail Crew in Philmont.
  8. You mean there is no more Nemat program??
  9. Our Fall Fellowship went great! My dad got his brotherhood, and my brother and I had a fun time. We did not get our vigil..but it just shows that we need to get involved more in our chapter. Being busy is one of the things that is keeping us from that.
  10. Congrats! This weekend my brother, dad, and I are going to our fall fellowship. My brother and I have our brotherhood already and are up for vigil. My dad is going to seal his membership by getting his brotherhood too! It should be a great time!
  11. Our council's camp is similar to Johns. We do just the ordeal though. On wednesday the canidates are called out and then the rest is known to the OA members. Then on Thursday the canidates do some type of service project with Elangomats. Then after that the rest is known to the OA members. We also have an OA Cracker Barrel.
  12. OA is the National Honor Society for BOYSCOUTS not Venturing.
  13. Our council's camp offers both patrol opportunities and troop opportunities.Activities can be patrol or both. Patrol activities would range from rock climbing, to shooting, to canoeing to even cooking if you wanted. Our troop prefers to do eating together and certain activities by patrol.
  14. Our leader encourages us to take as many badges as we can when we are first, second, and third year campers. As we get older and have our Eagle badges already or have earned most of the merit badges the camp has to offer then those scouts can take free time if they want to. Free time offers the older scouts a time to hang out and have some fun together. Me fitting in the above catagory has chose not to take free time at camp. I like to be doing something not just sitting around in a camp site.
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