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Posts posted by jonathanrbaker

  1. "I happen to think that it goes deeper than that. Like I wrote before, I wish BSA (and scouters) weren't so obsessed with sex and religion. "


    And yet the years that a young man is in the Scouting program are crucial years in which he is forming his beliefs/attitudes/opinions on these subjects. Subjects which are already clouded by the "our-way-or-you-are-an-idiot/prude/bigot" society we live in.

  2. Our school system starts back the third week of August, and we are trying to plan an exciting start to the year (which I don't think has been done before in our pack). We are planning a Cub Scout Roundup night during the first week of school, and at our Pack meeting the following week we want to have the kids make Tie-Dye t-shirts (our activity shirts) while the parents are having an orientation meeting. We will also distribute the Raingutter Regatta kits so they can have them ready for the September pack meeting. We'll follow that up with a guided hike in a nearby national forest to get them started with outdoor activities.


    We're hoping that by hitting them hard with a lot of exciting events, we can set the hook deep.

  3. I have recently begun trying to lose weight (6'6", 320lbs) and one of my motivations is that I want to be a better example to the bus that I am leading, I would not pass judgement on someone for being overweight, as there are many mitigating circumstances that can be factors, but we should all strive to be in deed what we declare by oath.

  4. The other major problem is parental apathy. Besides the leaders and a couple other parents, we're not getting much help. I'm afraid this will lead to burnout if we can't get more help. I plan on addressing this at the September Pack meeting, as an introduction for the new families as to what the expectations are, and it can't hurt to review them for the returning families. Also, we need to do better about following up on boys that start missing meetings. You can't grow a pack through recruitment if you're not retaining your current scouts.

  5. Actually, we're really just trying to follow the program and survive this year (which began with no plan, no budget, no cubmaster and no committee), so that we can hit the ground running this fall. Thankfully, we've had some real troopers stand up and we've been able to keep the program fun and interesting for the boys, and they should all go up in rank, although we got a late start.


    Current Action Plans:

    -- Spring Recruitment for graduating kindergarteners (and others) at the end of May

    -- Encourage boys to attend camp and leaders to get completely trained

    -- Keep the pack active over the summer and achieve the Summertime Pack Award

    -- Already working on achieving the JTE award

    -- Program Planning/Budgeting Conference over the summer

    -- Leadership mostly lined up for next year


    I'm most likely going to step up as CM next year and let the other guy drop down to Committee Member, since he just volunteered to keep the pack from folding. I'm going to meet with the UC in the next couple of weeks so that he can help us put together a good plan/budget.(This message has been edited by jonathanrbaker)

  6. Greetings, everyone.


    I just wanted to make introduce myself to everyone. I am an Assistant Cubmaster for a pack in Louisville, KY. Our pack nearly folded last summer, but we've been able to pull it all back together this year. Personally, I'm looking forward to getting a fresh start this fall.


    I have enjoyed reading through many of the older threads and have found them very informative.


    Happy Scouting!


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