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Everything posted by AnnLaurelB

  1. Boy oh boy oh boy! This is a touchy topic! Last year as the Tiger leader, we just went along with what the Pack did, and at that time we had a brand new CM (which I am, this year). He had never been in Scouts at all, and when the District announced the Invitational, he assumed we needed to do it. We sucked. Oh. My. Gawd. Did we suck! And it was huge and overwhelming and not very fun. Fast forward to me being the Cubmaster, and our Pack Derby was SOOO much fun! We had a blast. But then it didn't occur to me (just sort of copying the previous CM) that we didn't HAVE TO go to Dist
  2. Good point. And they get along fine. I've recently mentioned to them that we need to sit down and chat soon about the boy's advancements before our "year" is up at the end of May. That may be the time to say, "Look. You're already DOING it." One parent *can't* be the DL; he is the deposed CM who had so many personal issues that the Committee removed him (which is why I have the job. But I like the job. I'm not giving it back! ;0) ) They WANT him involved as a parent, because it's not his son's fault the guy's messed up, and he's now on the Committee (non-voting) as
  3. I'm not sure you're finding out that you're "wrong"! :0) I think each Pack/Troop is going to operate how/with what works for them. A Pack in the middle of New York City, for example, is going to do ceremonies (especially outdoor stuff) differently than we do here in Georgia. I'm getting ready to bridge two Web2's to our Troop. This hasn't happened in at least 5 years (long story). The Scoutmaster is a great guy, but he's NOT going to give the mama's of these two boys what they want to see by way of ceremony. So it falls to ME to provide a meaningful ceremony to recognize these t
  4. (*weeps softly into coffee mug*) I want a Den Chief! :0) I asked our Scoutmaster about that; he laughed and said, "I only have 3 boys. I'm hoping you'll BRIDGE me some more Boy Scouts SOON, and then I'll have Den Chief for you!" When I was the Tiger leader last year, one of the boys (who since moved away) had an older brother who was a Web1 in a different Pack (he went with his dad in dad's town, the Tiger came with mom in our town). I'm sure it didn't count for anything official for him, but when his mom had to bring him along to Tiger meetings, I treated him like a DC, and he
  5. The Web1/Web2 separate Den thing is a good point; the issue is going to have to be up to the Bear parents, isn't it? I have asked both parents if they would be Den leader (keeping in mind that they have NOT had one ALL year, and have both been doing their Requirements at home) and they both flatly refuse. Their choice, then, when their boys go into Webs is to either continue what they're doing, with NO Den (unless we get more Web1's from recruiting), make their own Web1 Den and one of them be Leader, or... go into a Den with the terrorist. I will put it to the two Bear parents
  6. *sigh* I know. IknowIknowIknow. (Our Pack has 13 boys right now; 2 Web2's will age out in May.) As a PARENT, he's the kid who I'd tell my son, "NO, HE CAN'T PLAY IN THE HOUSE!" and if he was outside, I'd make sure I found some outside work to do while he's around. The first summer we were in this house, EVERY time he was here (even outside), he would break something of my son's. His water wiggle thing, his Nerf gun, his TREE SWING for Pete's sake (who can break a tree swing?!?). He IS a "holy terror"! That summer we came to where I told him he wasn't welcome at my house without
  7. And you know what? I KNEW that. SHOULD have known that. I grew up in the church (not this one, but) and I learned long ago that to announce a need from the pulpit gets you nowhere. No, the only way to get people to pitch in is to look them in the eye and be specific about what you'd like them to do, why it needs doing, and how you think they'd be good at it. I KNEW that. What was funny is that at the last Committee meeting, after the email went out, this one guy showed up, saying, "You still need help with Cub Scouts?" He literally lives in his mama's basement, and can't work because
  8. Wise words. I think I'll have to implement this before the next Scouting season starts. Thanks for all of your input!
  9. Ooooh! I-I-I want a ScoutParent Coordinator. Jealous!! :0) That's a great idea; I'll keep that in mind as we find folks to fill spots! That job needs to be one of them!
  10. I understand the candle concept, and that's not bad. We wouldn't be prohibited from having a candle, but ALL of the boys are frustrated by the one kid. If HE caused it to be blown out over and over and over, I'd be worried that they'd gang up on him. I've typed up a behavior contract to present to him and his grandmother. I'm trying to think up unique widgets to give out.
  11. I just had a CMgasm. BWAHahahahah! See, I'd ASK the Committee these things, but they *don't know*. They're just nice folks who agreed to let their names be put down for the Charter. I emailed my Commissioner and told him the idea about the behavior widgets. I'm awaiting his reply, but I think it's a FAB idea! If he keeps his widgets, he'll earn some treat. And to make it fair, I'll have similar widgets for the other boys. But HE needs to know that HIS widgets are more serious. "You lose your widgets, you're goin' home." Oh, and putting his hands on another Scout is INSTANT
  12. Yeah, a percentage of the parents just sit at the waaay back of the room. I HAVE had to say, "I need an adult over here, please." And they do come. (They're probably trying to stay away from the obnoxious kid). We meet in a church hall; the stuff's already set up in such a way that people CAN be really far back. When I have TIME, I do away with all but the very front chairs, just enough for everyone, but it forces the parents to sit up with their kids. To the grandmother's credit, she DOES stay on him, but the *BICKERING* and *WHINING* and *FIGHTING* is still distracting. I did
  13. No, I meant that I printed up little invites for the BOYS to give out at school! :0) We JUST started Indiv Cub Accts after this past popcorn sale. We had 10 registered cubs; we sold $1050 worth of popcorn. Please hold your applause. And now we're selling the Camp Cards, so my Commissioner suggested we keep track of each boy's portion toward camp in an ICA system (which is a photcopied check register, basically, for each kid). They can use the money if they want to pay up their dues, or if I say, "We're going bowling for BeltLoops! Bring $7!" They can use the money for that. We j
  14. I did get a parent to run the popcorn sale, but then she had to go and have a baby, so that was her last input. Dumb baby! (just kidding. she's wonderful!) I organized PineWood and B&G, but delegated most of the tasks. I'm BALOO trained, as is the former CM-cum-EventsChair. I don't mind being the BALOO tag on campouts. But you're right--there should be more, so in case I can't go, or have to leave. Our school is on break this week, but next week, I'll approach the principal about a spring recruiting night. I think you're right about focusing on bringing more boys in. If thei
  15. Forgot to add that I did email my Commissioner and my Executive. Both about the discipline problem, and our Committee being hobbled. My Exec is setting up a meeting with the UberCommissioner (whomever is over MY UC) and our Rep. My Commissioner is "mulling over" what he thinks I should do about the discipline problem. So at least I'm not bailing out this barge on my own!
  16. Thanks for your replies. We are sort of holding on by some threads; it was especially touch-and-go last year when the CM had to step down due to personal issues. They asked me to step in, but I was happy as a little clam just being the Tiger leader. Then the year changed over and the Bear leader and his son quit--he would have been the Webelos leader. So the grandma stepped in. Her (dreadful) kid was the ONLY Web at all until the fall recruiting night, where we got TWO 5th grade Webs. So she's led those two guys through Web2, and they're bridging. I absolutely agree that she cou
  17. No one asks her to do anything; she's just ...helpful, and enthusiastic, and involved. But her ONLY actual responsibility is the Webelos den. I'm really hoping some more Webs will join from recruiting night, because the Web2's are aging out, and my 2 Bears will share this kid's Den next season. The two Bear parents DECLINE absolutely to be Den leaders. They just wanna show up. Which is fine, but they'll have to show up to a Den with this kid in it. What really needs to happen is she needs a parenting course. But I can't force someone to do that.
  18. Are you tired of me yet? I scanned the Cub Scout topics, and I don't see one about discipline, but I hope I haven't duplicated a thread. We have one kid who makes everyone else MISERABLE. The problem is that his mom (actually his grandmother who's raising him) is the Webelo's leader (the boy is a Web1, about to be Web2), and she does TONS for the Pack. She's always there every time the doors are open, but... so is her kid. He's HORRIBLE! (When we moved into the neighborhood, he found my son the first weekend, and my son invited him to his playhouse out back. The other boy had a
  19. "Parent Committee"! I love that! I also like the phrasing of "changing the model", as it would relate to me presenting the idea of a "Parent Committee" to the parents. If I could get enough regularly attending parents to REGISTER as Committee members, then the poor schlubs who we're torturing just so we have enough Committee members could be put out of their misery. As long as we keep our Rep/Liason from the church (charter org), we'd still have our Advancement Chair (he loves it), and our Events guy (the one other parent on the Com). I do like the idea of announcing that
  20. Oh, they're artful, alright! :0) They're a nice bunch of folks, just really busy, and as you say, really good at getting out of "Hey, could you _____?" I do have high hopes for a recruiting night, soon! I'm going to be honest and say, "Cub Scouting is a FAMILY activity! We WILL need your input!" Someone said BSA does not stand for BabySitters of America. I don't think I have many parents like THAT (but a couple), but they simply don't want to be RESPONSIBLE for stuff. They'll show up--just say when and where. And they'll stay. And help clean up. But they don't want their NAME on
  21. Oh, and KISMIF, I don't mind planning the program, either! That's what I'm pretty good at--being the Cruise Director/Ring Master! And I only have 2 Den leaders, one of whom is 85% absent. The Webs leader and I ARE the de facto planners/executers. But someone made the point that Cubbing takes place mostly in Dens. If I can find Den leaders, they'll do the committee "work" as it were. But some people don't like being responsible for lessons and stuff. I need THOSE people on the Committee.
  22. P.S. With regard to the Committee meetings, I DO send out an agenda before, and I DO present everything with "Oooh! I have this fun idea! What do you think??" The meetings really do roll along pretty well, and are over in no more than 60-70 minutes! So I guess that's not too bad! The guys on the Committee are pretty willing to say "Yes" to whatever I ask, as long as THEY DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. Our money sitch is pretty good; we DO have a treasurer who keeps the account neatly. But he won't keep the Individual Scout Accounts. I have to do that myself, and report to him each
  23. Thanks for all of your replies. We have 2 Tigers, 6 Wolves (mine + 5) (I lead that Den), 2 Bears, 1 Web1, and 2 Web2's who are aging out at the end of May. When my Web2's go, I'll have 11 boys, assuming they all come back after summer break. I have planned a pretty cool summer calendar, so hopefully they'll all stay involved! ScoutNut hit it on the head about the church--almost all older folks with no kids. I AM one of the ONLY "young families" there. The deposed CM and his kids go there, but the rest of the Pack all attend other churches. Our Charter Rep of course sits on
  24. This might be slightly off-topic; please forgive me. But I'm new to this Cubmaster gig, and I think I have the "provide the program" part down alright... ...but someone mentioned "the Committee should handle the business side". What is meant by that, exactly? I can't get my Committee to do a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. What business are we talking, here? They seem to assume I will do it all. I keep telling them, "I'm the party planner! I book the entertainment, and get out the invites, and make sure the guests (Scouts) have their maps (are advancing)." What SHOULD the Committee be doing? Wha
  25. On my "Hi, I'm new to the forums" post, someone asked me, "Are your Den leaders and Committee members doing their jobs?" BWAHahahahahah! That's why I googled "cubmaster forum" and found this site! No. No-no-na-no. They are not. The Chair just resigned (she's the Children's Minister at the Chartering church, and she's retiring). She wasn't *supposed* to be the Chair, anyway, as a staff member; she was just supposed to be a liason. But NO ONE would DO the job, so she has been the de facto Chair. But she's leaving kind of abruptly; we are without Chair. The other members are
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