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Greying Beaver

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Posts posted by Greying Beaver

  1. Re: LDS and scouting.

    This a condensation of talking with several scouters, including the instructors at Venture Advisor Training at Philmont 2 years ago, and a Philmont staffer freshly home just in time to start school:

    1.) Every boy in every LDS congregation is registered with BSA in the age appropriate group, whether or not the boy is actually active or not. And the congregation pays for it! 2.) Every LDS congragation sponsors a cub scout pack, a boy scout troop, a varsity scout team, and a boys-only venture crew. 3.) The 6 through 10-and-a-half yr. olds are cubs/webelos. The 10-and-a-half's through 13's are boy scouts. The 14 and 15's are varsity team members. The 16 and 17's are venturers. At 18 the boys leave on their 2-year "missions". Because once registered as a boy scout, a youngster may begin working through the rank system towards Eagle in all of the programs. 4.) LDS congregation-sponsored unit's leaders are not volunteers; the congregation's pastor (bishop), after prayerful consideration, appoints a leader for each unit, and that adult is suddenly the cubmaster, scoutmaster, etc., no if's and's or but's. 5.) Going to Philmont is not an option for LDS troops, teams, or crews. Why? Because hiking from one camp to another with all personal and crew gear on Sunday is mandatory, doing so is considered "laboring on the Sabath (LDS'ers do not labor on the Sabath, period.)". BSA National has purchased property south of Philmont with six-day treks all beginning on a Mondays. It's called the H&H ranch, I think. I do know that currenly that it is not developed; no campsites, no programs at trail camps, no water available anywhere except at the base camp. LDS'ers are opting to go there. 6.) Any contact with any unit leader or the bishop about anything to do with BSA has to be cleared by the local "stake" (area) president before any contact with the bishop or unit leaders can take place. 7.) Up unitl recently, blacks were not welcome in LDS-sponsored units. After "the correction", blacks could join LDS-sponsored troops but could not serve as SPL's, elected or not. There was "another correction" in the LDS scouting program. You can see what drives these "corrections", but I won't go there . . . again; no t-shirt, no coffee mug.

    Now, what were we talking about. . . ?

  2. Wood Badge/21st Century tickets are designed to benefir a certain group in your unit. Whether or not they were aware of your ticket work, they should see your beads go over your head. But don't tell them what you did. I got my beads two years ago. My ticket items dealt with getting the parents more involved in the troop. One item was to compile a list of camping locations within a 100-mile radius of our fair city. My T.G. asked for a copy when she saw it! But . . . when the PLC was having their annual planning session and were looking for places to go camping, I gave them a copy of the list. It was dismissed out of hand by the boys. Gasoline prices have gone through the roof and are a concern that they were not two years ago. Our current SPL had been the New Guy PL two years ago. I whispered in his ear about my list. He wanted - and got - a copy of my list. Does he know the list was part of my ticket work? And never will. Betcha' the PLC at least discusses some of those places. Another fine example of " . . . Scouting is a dynamic program . . ." mixed with ". . . a boy-led program."

    I got my beads at a troop committee meeting. It's your ceremony. Do whatever YOU want.

  3. OK,acco40, I'll rise to the bait. Which lodge are you a member? What council? What is the lodge number? What color is associated with the medicine man in the ceremonies?

    And . . . I am a beaver from Wood Badge, and my hair is starting to turn grey, hence the username

  4. Aye, but bein' an honorary member o' th' Clan dunne gie ye thr right to be wearin' MacClaren plaid. My point was why the swatch of MacClaren plaid is found on the Wood Badge neckerchief. The kilt - plaid or plain - is not part of the BSA uniform (Pity, though! It is the most manly of garments.).

  5. The Order of the Arrow is a Boy Scout program. It is not a Venturing program. The only way anyone can be elected as a candidate is to be 1.) a registered boy scout who meets the requirements for election, or 2.) a registered female scouter who meets the camping requirements and is at least 21 years old at the time of nomination

  6. Hot Dogs banned?! Oh, Yeah?! Quote your source!! Next thing you know, Beanie-weenies will be on the list. Then Pop-Tarts (I know how to make those. It's the big guild secret, though.) Then E-Z Pop popcorn. E-Z Pop should be a staple. It teaches patience in waiting for the fire to die down to coals and stirring the pot while cooking. When they ban coffee, they will have paid cash for Trouble!

    Actually - one second thought - ban boiled hot dogs. Roased hot dogs taste better and no pot to wash.

    BTW - tried celery salt. Hershey's chocolate syrup on ice cream; celery salt on everything else.

    - Greying Beaver

  7. Moms on campouts? Absolutely! One rule that works really well: When Billy Smith's mom comes on a campout, Billy refers to her as "Mrs. Smith", just like all of the other boys do. And no younger - or - older siblings. The moms who come camping with us understand this and we have no problems with it. One mom said that coming camping was great; grandma and grandpa get to spend time with their granchild while she comes camping with the troop.

    We have found that having moms in the camp has a special benefit. On the very rare chance that a scout hurts himself, the nearest woman in camp becomes "Mom" and he will go to her to see if he's alright. I would rather the scout seek out "Mom" than have his "file-suit-at-the-drop-of-a-hat" parents go ballistic. Women on campouts? Come on, Mom! Women in O.A.? Welcome, my brother(?)! Women Wood Badgers? You betcha'! Boys need to have positive role models of both genders and seeing them interacting, too.

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