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Posts posted by GernBlansten

  1. When someone equates homosexuality with criminal behavior, you will never be able to change their minds. The bias and bigotry is ingrained in their psychological fabric. The best we can do is educate those who have not yet been stained.


    Think back 100 years, we had the same issues with racism and misogyny. I think we've made great progress there. Hopefully in the next generation, it will be a thing of the past.

  2. Do you think those scouts and scouters in that video demonstrated scout spirit? Do they represent the ideals of the BSA? Are they the best delegates our councils have to offer at a national event?


    Upset, yeah. It takes a lot to offend me, but I find that very offensive. If you don't find it offensive, I wonder what character you are made of. What values you truly uphold.


    In light of this behavior, it would be appropriate for the BSA to develop a training video and demand every unit view it on the proper respect the BSA should demonstrate to their honorary leader, no matter political bent. Especially at a national event. What I saw in that video was despicable.


    I think the BSA needs to nip this in the bud. In no uncertain terms. A very clear message that the BSA is not a political arm of the Tea Party, Republican, any political movement. A clear message that disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Period. Scouts and scouters need to leave their politics at the trailhead. If you can't, perhaps there's another youth movement looking for you.

  3. Those comments on the website where something, weren't they?

    I don't think we've heard the last of this. That video is gonna make the rounds. But I wonder how FoxNews will spin it? They are running it aren't they? Haven't seen it on the lamestream media yet either. But they didn't cover the Obama/View/Jamboree hubbub either. Probably won't.


    Do you think the BSA should apologize to the President now, or wait until next Jamboree when they invite him to speak again?

  4. Funny how FoxNews made a big deal about the president deciding to go on the View and not to the Jamboree, but made no mention of the disrespectful behavior of the Scouts and Scouters at the Jamboree towards the president. I guess you can call that "fair and balanced".

    Just think of the outrage had the president had a different letter after his name.

    You are right though. let this issue die. It doesn't reflect well on the BSA or its membership. Lets just accept that the BSA has become a political tool for indoctrination of future conservatives.

  5. Oh, I have no doubt our scouts would show the utmost respect and enthusiasm to be addressed by their president. I hope it happens.


    But in the off chance that some on the fringe did display unacceptable behavior, I'm confident that FoxNews would edit it out so as to avoid any appearance of being less than fair and balanced.

  6. In the immortal words of Ulysses Everett McGill, "I'm in a tight spot!"


    That email was standard Obama bashing noise I get daily from my father in law and other relatives of his Fox News generation. Normally I just delete without comment, but this one I opened and read. I thought it would be fun to just post the email in its entirety and give a quick comment much like my relatives add to their forwarded messages.


    Wise?, perhaps not, but I also enjoy poking badgers with sticks.

    Thanks for playing.

  7. VolScouter: "I agree with Calico. This thread is best terminated since apparently the White House is currently signing the certificates. "


    Anyone else agree that a discussion of an email with scouting relevance being passed around within conservative circles should be shut down so we don't talk about it?


    Is that scoutlike? Perhaps a review of Citz in the Nation is in order.

  8. WHAT?

    Are you saying that something that Glenn Beck is reporting is patently false? That he doesn't check his facts before broadcasting it? That FoxNews isn't Fair and Balanced?


    Next thing you will tell me is that Breitbart didn't take that racists speech out of context. That Fox news doesn't fact check their stories.

    Come on, throw me a bone here!

  9. Just got this email from my conservative relatives.

    I can't believe Obama would trash the BSA like this! Thank God for Glenn Beck to bring this to our attention.


    Email text:

    It is with tremendous sadness that I send this to my friends,

    unfortunately this information goes a long, long way to confirm the

    worst possible motives behind the man who fooled so many gullible American people

    into voting for him. The story you heard yesterday about President Obama refusing

    to sign Eagle Scout Awards is true.

    He won't sign life saving awards either.

    Every President since 1912 has been the honorary President of the Boy

    Scouts of America. President Obama refused that honor. Did you hear

    anything about the Boy Scouts 100th Anniversary? Why did the press ignore it?

    Let's see, they promote honor, integrity, putting others first, love of

    country and of course they believe in God. Not much press coverage on this story,

    the first president in 100 years to insult his finest citizens, Eagle



    John Beauregard, CEO of the South Texas Council of the Boy Scouts of

    America joins us just after 7AM.

    David Haynie has two sons who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

    Dave Hiser's son is working on his Eagle Scout award now.


    This is the E-mail Linda Thacker, sent to Glenn Beck and I forwarded

    to Glenn's producer Adam:


    Dear Mr. Beck,

    On March 24, 2009 I had the honor of attending my Grandson, David

    Osborne's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I imagine you have attended one

    of these wonderful ceremonies. I also feel confident that you are very

    knowledgeable of what it means to have earned the status of Eagle Scout. Our entire

    family is so very excited and at the Court of Honor we were all just beaming

    as our wonderful young man was honored for his achievements. After the Court

    was closed David's leaders pulled him aside and explained to him that they

    regretted to have to explain to him, as sad as it is, that his

    certificate was different from others they had presented because his certificate did

    not have the signature of the President of the United States. They

    explained that Obama does not support the Boy Scouts of America and therefore does

    not sign the Eagle Certificates. To date I believe there may be as many as

    10,000 of this countries finest young men who do not have the signature of

    the president of the country they have taken an oath to respect and serve

    on their Eagle Certificate. To my knowledge Congress chartered BSA in 1916

    part of which the President of the United States is the Honorary President of

    The Boy Scouts of America and President Obama is the first sitting

    president to personally refuse to sign these certificates. I believe if the country

    were to be educated on national television of what the Boy Scouts of

    America stands for they would join those of us who already know, and would be

    as outraged as we are!



    Also, your good friend Jim Lago was also in attendance at this Eagle

    Court of Honor. I had the privilege of speaking with him this morning on his

    radio talk show here in Corpus Christi and shared with him this same

    information. He was equally alarmed to say the least.

    This information should ignite in every parent the urgency to instill

    the great values held by the Boy Scouts of America in their young men for

    the cause of maintaining this great nation. We must stand united.

    With appreciation, Linda Thacker, grandmother to eleven of Americas

    finest future citizens, David, Erikka, Adam, Ryan, Hailey, Tygh, Mana,

    Gerritt, Maya, Ezra and Lynden Osborne.



    So, that's the story thus far, calls have been made, citizens are

    angry, especially the parents of Eagle Scouts. Wouldn't it be wonderful if

    ex-president Bush announced, he would be willing to sign all Eagle

    Scout Certificates for as long as President Obama is in office?


    We have a very small man in a very big office. Don't you think it's

    time to get rid of this Un-American Muslim Traitor and get a real American

    back to running our country, like what we grew up with. Because I have had



    If you feel like I do please pass this on.


  10. Beavah, what is BSA's official stance on atheist scouts?

    Their policy, not the actions of some units downstream from the national offices.

    I believe it is to exclude them. Now we all know that in practice, most line level units don't do that. That's the local option. It just isn't BSA policy.

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