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Posts posted by EagleScout316

  1. That's probably because he has more functional strength than just attractive muscle. Tons of people are overweight; even I am. But it doesn't mean we are fat, or even need to lose any weight. It just means, according to the national averages, we might have too much weight for our body's size. However, everyone's body type is different: bone density, flexibility, lean muscle, and cardio endurance are all varying factors when it comes to the individual. Some people are stronger than others, and look like they shouldn't even be on a sidewalk. As I boast all the time, "I've got a six pack; it's just covered by a layer of subcutaneous fat." Basically, someone can be in great shape and still have a little bit of flab on the outside. But if your leader is seriously looking to lose that extra weight, I suggest varying his exercises. Doing too much of the same exercise over and over again will eventually result in a lack of results. There's sprints up hills, certain breathing exercises, and even swimming, all which train our bodies in ways in which we are not used to, and we understand a different level of fitness after mixing things up.





    Eagle Scout 3:16

  2. One problem intervenes there. I have no car, and probably won't be getting one for awhile. If anyone were to use the actual trailer, it'd be the Scoutmaster, but since he continually has shown that he's too busy for getting around to things like getting a proper trailer for the Troop, that workload falls on my shoulders. If I ordered it online, would they deliver it, or would i have to go and get it?

  3. I've even seen things go so far as a kick-a-thon and a flip-a-thon, lol. Actually, I was just thinking about the Scout Law, about how a Scout is Clean. Came up with the phrase 'Trash Bash', basically another a-thon without the 'a-thon' part. Thinking it could be a contest to see who could collect the most trash. Most of the pure garbage would just be thrown out, cleaning up our streets, but the glass bottles and aluminum cans could be sold to the city for recycling purposes.

  4. I was recently going over Personal Fitness merit badge with my Troop, and thought about having a Fitness-a-thon. You know, kind of like a walk-a-thon; scouts would go to family and friends and ask for donations based on how many pushups/situps/etcetera that they could do. Works for other badges, too, like Swimming or Cycling.

  5. I've recently been interested in getting a trailer for my Troop, and the only things that keep coming up in my searches are a bunch of RVs. Anyone know of any site to go to for getting trailers for storing purposes, only? If it's possible, a trailer with some Scouting emblems on it?

  6. Well, even for those who think they are in pretty good shape, here's a personal story. I've roughly stayed around 171 lbs. since wrestling in high school, but when I went to Philmont, I dropped 15 lbs. Then I gained about 10 back from the Taste of Chicago. Then, two years later, I did OATC, and dropped 20. Again, gained most of it back; stupid Taste. Finally, this past summer, I went on OA Voyage: not just walking around, but getting a great upper body workout. At the start, I weighed about 185. At the end, I dropped to 158, an almost 30 lb. difference! Since then, I've only gained back 10 lbs. (probably because I didn't go back to the Taste this year), but this time around, it's all muscle instead of flabola. What I'm trying to say here is that proper weight loss, or weight gain, depending on your goals, doesn't depend on proper exercise, but proper exercise and proper diet. Up your metabolism by drinking more cold water and eliminating things like pancakes and waffles. Eat more fruits. Throw in a few pushups a day.

    Enjoy it all, but in moderation.





    Eagle Scout 3:16

  7. Walking is an extremely great thing to do. When you are a goo 50-100 lbs. overweight, you don't want to go running, because that will burn off glycogen, and just make you more hungry. Similar to the effects of swimming. But if you walk outside at a moderate pace (not fast) for half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night, your weight will steadily drop. If you really want it to fly off, I suggest the Magnificent 7 from Matt Furey's Combat Abs (Yeah, I know the name sounds scary, but it's stuff that works). Another option is hill walking. Walk down a hill and up it normally. Then walk back down normally. Now walk up the hill with increased length inbetween your stride, so you're almost doing a lunge (but don't let your knee come past your foot). Then go back down normally. Now come up walking backwards, with the normal amount of length in your stride. Then walk back down normally. Now walk back up with increased length in your stride, but walk backwards (this one will be the hardest). Now walk back down normally. When you walk back up, walk normally, but walk with a little bit of a bounce in your step, almost like you are jogging. Then go home and drink several large glasses of water (colder is better). The longer the hill the better. If you can't find a hill in your town, stadium steps by a highschool football field work just about as good. Another good tip (not just for exercise, but for diet as well) is to write down things in a journal.





    Eagle Scout 3:16

  8. Thanks for any prayers. But I gotta just say, it's really easy to say that it's Satan's work at hand, and just as easy to say that it's God's work at hand. But no one on this planet will ever completely know for sure. Atleast I consulted a priest before anything else. Does money always have to be about greed and joining Satanic forces? What exactly is the right thing in this situation? It's too bad that no man in the world can really say, as God is God, and man is man. In the end, I guess I'll just have to follow my own heart. Let's hope I'm right.

  9. Well, the difference between a brothel and this place is that, if anyone does hook up, they are unable to do so in the bar. They have to go home for anything like that. And who knows; maybe I might reach out to someone with my views. Whether I work there or not, there will still be someone that will end up working there. As one of my friends put it, I'm 'robbing' them and putting money into my wallet. And as SAGReagan put it, my economic situation (which, I just found out, has been put into an even greater risk) supercedes my stance on morality. After all, my priest (of the Church that my Troop belongs to) agrees with that sentiment, and that if I should feel my morals being threatened too much, I should then go ahead and quit. In terms of better ways to make a living, do you know of one in Central Illinois that fits the schedule of a college kid, and provides a commission beyond a fixed wage? If so, just let me know.


    And in terms of things that God provides, who's to say he didn't put this out on the map for me to do? Perhaps it's a test for me to undergo. Perhaps, by going through with it, some type of good might occur from the overall experience. I'm not really sure what type of good, but I've gotta keep an open mind about the abilities of other human beings besides myself.





    Eagle Scout 3:16

  10. First and foremost, a Shirley Temple is a non-alcoholic cocktail made with lemon-lime soda and grenadine, with a bit of cherry and a slice of lemon. Variations include ginger ale, club soda, or orange juice can be substituted for the lemon-lime soda. There are also alcoholic variations, like a Dirty Shirley. In case anyone's wondering why I know how to make this, my grandfather taught me how to make drinks since I was little, so that whenever I came over to visit him, I could make him his favorite drink. Oddly enough, he never let me taste any of the drinks I made. However, when I bartended, most people just asked for bottled beverages. Others asked for their own special drinks that there were no recognized names for. For example, a shot of 75% Apple Puckers and a little bit of 151 to light the shot.


    Lisabob, thx for letting me know about that much of it in terms of stress. As for Scouts, I figure it'll be alright if I put a percentage of my profits towards my Troop in terms of a trailer or something. I'll be sure to let you guys know how it turns out. And really, what person in the world could possibly have that much time on their hands, excluding telemarketers. Also, finals are over with (thankfully). :lol:


    CA_Scouter, just to clear some things up, I'm not currently a bartender there; I did it for about 10 minutes, and haven't been back there since. As for the 'hateful' rhetoric, I utilized that from nldscout's bit about 'knowing one when he sees one'. Also thought that kind of strange, considering all he sees is a screen with words on it, where context can easily be misinterpreted, no matter what subject one is talking about.


    Having to 'out' a fellow Scouter would highly depend on what he was doing in the bar: if he's working there alongside me, or just ordering a drink, or even just hanging out so he can get free shots, I can't really discipline him for such things, as I've already committed those acts. However, if he is obviously displaying certain types of behavior that would sned out a red flag that he's gay, I'd feel obligated to do so. While I might be working in a gay bar (based on this example), I still would not be condoning homosexuality. Also, if it was someone in a position of leadership in scouts that was going to gay bars for the purposes of having relationships with other men, I would be doing a disservice to the kids in his Troop, and I'm pretty sure, be breaking a rule or two by not saying anything.


    Yes, I'm a Catholic.


    Yeah, I know all about that second-hand smoke. I wonder if they'd let me wear a gas mask.


    Rooster7, I really never did make that connection before that Stone Cold was actually making fun of John 3:16. I simply thought of it as him bringing forth his own religious doctrine, saying that he's basically more powerful than any man because of his faith, and no once can beat him because of his faith. We all interpret everything differently, I guess. If anything, it just made conviction to my own faith stronger, as I was watching a guy who I admired winning against the odds almost all the time, a guy who was using slight amount of a biblical reference. For me, Eagle Scout 3:16, Austin 3:16, and John 3:16 are not all related by their religious overtones, but by their connections to faith, and in how they are kept close to the hearts of the people who preach them.


    Anyway, thanks, everyone for your responses. I appreciate everyone's opinions very much.


    Your in Scouting,



    Eagle Scout 3:16

  11. Well, gee, nldscout, thanks for trying to accuse me of something that I know I'm not. I'd throw down an invitation for a fight the next time you come to Chicago, but it's situations like this that are a test to my self control. And it proves you to be an idiot who's probably hiding something from himself.


    Ca_Scouter, I don't know what else to say besides, "On my honor as an Eagle Scout, none of this is a lie". I can't really make you realize that it's for real; it's your prerogative to decide for yourself if the world is nice and pristine or there are actual problems out there. If you're ever in Peoria, look me up some time, and I'll let you try ta live my life for a bit. I'll tell ya now; it's hell. But how do I give the impression that I'm a participant in that culture? Just because I didn't leave the second I found out I was in a gay bar? Sorry that I didn't want to bail out on my friends and walk home at night in a crappy part of town in extremely cold weather. Again, whatever.


    And DanKroh, real quick here: "You are talking about heterosexual men who engage in violent behavior that happens to be performed on another man. That is not homosexuality, that is rape." To me, it's still an act of homosexual behavior. When someone who is oriented that way behaves that way, it's not like they can help it, but if someone who's not does it because of their environment, does it take away from the fact that it is still a sexual act between two men? Whatever; I'm obviously not majoring in psychology, and I'm actually just getting more confused, so I'll just drop this.


    For Scoutndad, yeah, I've thought about that, and hopefully, any future employer of mine should not let something like working in a bar (of any kind) during my college years intervene with the type of person I am when it comes to doing my job. As for my intended career, I'm an Administration of Criminal Justice major; probably gonna shoot for either being a State Trooper, or join the Navy and go for SEAL (afterall, it's a family thing).


    For Torveaux, the 'Perceptions are reality' bit hit my point dead on. Of all things I'm worried about, it is a scandal, as where I may be working is not the best choice morally. Of course, were it a regular bar, sadly, it wouldn't be an issue, because the gay flag doesn't appear. And for scouts, being gay, or even being friends of gay people, somehow in and of itself, becomes an issue. Parents have a right to worry about their kids, and I'm basically saying that I don't wanna take that job if it means me getting kicked out of my Troop, whether from the head office, or from a complaint formed by the parents of the kids in the Troop. As for being a financial slut, I really don't see it as that bad of an option in that term, as everyone always looks for making more money, regardless of who they are (volunteers are obviously excluded). I'd like to live my life completely according to God, however, my apartment, a growing debt to my mother from being at college, and the future prospect of a 'car' all cost more money than I have, and I already work 4 jobs. Well, 2 actual part-time jobs, one as a fitness instructor at my college and one as a self-defense instructor for kids. The other two are donating plasma (not really a job, but I still get paid) and being an Assistant Scoutmaster for my Troop (which is, surprise surprise, a volunteer position). So until God makes money appear like Jesus did with loaves and fish, I have to seek out a job that will be the most benefitting in terms of a monetary outcome.


    As for Rooster7, it's kind of about John 3:16. I'm a huge professional wrestling fan, and my favorite wrestler growing up was Stone Cold Steve Austin. He coined his phrase of Austin 3:16 (I just whipped your [rear end]) after beating Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, who had gone around for a while toting a Bible and speaking of John 3:16. Eagle Scout 3:16 is a phrase I coined from my first trip to Philmont. If you guys ever get the chance to go there, or have already, think of looking around the top of Mt. Phillips for a memorial dedicated to an Eagle Scout who died of cancer, and had his ashes spread there. You'll find the meaning there.


    Well, that's all I really feel like talking about this topic for the time being. It's not like there's a position open at this place for the next month or two, and apparently, I'm picking up on some hatefull overtones towards homosexuals and anyone associated with them. All that matters right now is that I have to wake up early to catch a bus out to O'Hare airport, and then get home to my family for the Christmas season. As far as the job is concerned right now, I'm not taking it until I can talk directly with some of my friends at the head office in Texas.


    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays,



    Eagle Scout 3:16(This message has been edited by EagleScout316)

  12. My professor wasn't using outdated information, as it's something that was taught to me over 3 years ago. Yeah, I'm a junior in college right now.


    So, anyway, I just talked with my priest, and he agrees that I'm a college kid, and I need money, and so long as I don't enter into any act that is immoral, or do or say anything that shows I condone that type of behavior, I'm in the green. Only thing to worry about, as a Scout, is a scandal. Afterall, it is a scandalous type of place (unlike straight bars, they have a loft with couches to go and 'sit down' in).


    Born bisexual? That's the first time I've heard bisexuality keyed in with genes. But how bout other types of environments, like prisons, where men rape other men for reasons of power, or because there are no women around. Would that not be considered homosexual behavior and not orientation? Either way, choice controls everything we do, regardless of what's in our genetic coding. I can be attracted to a guy (for example), but does that make me gay? Or does it just mean that the guy has certain feminine qualities that I happen to pick up on more (long neck, clear skin, short hair)? The way I've been raised (not basing everything on religion here, though) is that we all have a choice. When adults tell kids that they are, or are not, a certain orientation (and apparently, bisexuality is now an orientation and not a lifestyle), I am no longer surprised that more and more kids of today are saying that they are this or that at such an age that, in previous decades, kids would not have been thinking about such things.


    Whatever. I'm tired of talking about things like this, and, as DanKroh has put it, both sides think they are right and will not conceed to any other way of throwing it. As for now, I guess I'll be going through with it. As my priest told me, I've got some pretty good morals, and if the proverbial poop hits the fan, I'll know that it would be time to quit that profession and seek work elsewhere.


    Yours in Scouting,



    Eagle Scout 3:16

  13. I really don't have any problems working in a gay environment. People have flirted with me, and that's as far as things go. When guys tried to grab me, they figured they didn't want to try to grab me anymore. As for leaving a gay bar and being seen by someone, the only thing I worry about is if someone from Scouts sees me leaving, and ten the issue is brought up into Scouts about why I'm working at a gay bar. Working there in general doesn't compromise my values. One of my friends put it this way; I'm taking money away from gay people. Oh, and btw, you can 'turn' gay; I guess a more politically correct term would be 'choose to be'. One of my best friends is bisexual, and he agrees that he wasn't born gay, that it is a choice for him. When I took AP Psychology in high school, our professor told us that there are two types of homosexuality: orientation and behavior. People who are oriented are born homosexuals; it is in their genetic coding to be homosexual. Behavior, on the other hand, is still probable as homosexuality can be based on the environment in which you live, which helps to direct your decisions. Thus, my mother's main worry, besides grades dropping, is that, should I remain in an area that, to us as a Catholic family, is morally corrupt, I might be more susceptible to homosexual acts. As for the tipping, all I know is this: if your a female bartender in a straight bar, you are getting about 100% more tips than your male counterparts, while, if you're a male bartender in a gay bar, and statistically, there are usually more males in a gay bar than females, then you're getting a much larger tip percentage than a female bartender in a gay bar. As for my female friends, they were quite literally dancing all night. And as for being deceptive and being 'eye candy', I consider it no more deceptive than a woman who works at Hooters. And as for the other bartenders, they make about $500 in tips every Saturday, and roughly 200-300 bucks every other night.

  14. Hey all,

    I've been with this Troop out in Central Illinois for about a year now as an Assistant Scoutmaster, and I really like being with them, and with Scouting in general. What this thread comes down to is, is that I don't want to do anything in my life that would be considered so risque that I might just get a call from the head office of Scouting one day where they would ask me to not be a part of the organization anymore. What it is, is that recently, three friends of mine (girls) played a joke on me by taking me to a gay bar. Just to set the record straight here, I'm in no way gay, nor will I ever be. I don't support gay marriage, nor do I support gays in Scouting. Back to the story, I ended up getting to bartend at this place, and found out that, compared to working in a straight bar where I made about $100 in tips for 4 hours of work, I made $25 in tips at the gay bar in just 10 minutes before last call. The problem that exists for me now is, I've been offered a job as a bartender there whenever they get a position available. Now, normally, I'd rather work in a straight bar, but as I'm trying to save up some money for the time when I will no longer be in college and supported by my mother, I feel that working in a gay bar (and myself being an extremely attractive exotic-looking male) is the more lucrative option. I already talked with my mom about this, and she said she was fine with it, so long as I kept my grades up, and didn't turn gay (no problem there). Of all things good and Holy, though, she said she was befuddled at how I didn't think of working at a gay bar until now (being that it actually IS more economically sound for a straight male to work at a gay bar rather than a straight bar). Now, I'm seriously thinking about this, because I don't do any behavior in this place that would make me ashamed the next day, and it's basically no different than working in a straight bar. The difference, of course, is in the type of customers that I serve. Now, although I do enjoy the idea of making money, I don't want to make so much money at the expense of my surrogate family (Scouting). If anyone knows of any exact ruling about working in bars while being an Assistant Scoutmaster, please get back to me on this.

    Yours in Scouting,



    Eagle Scout 3:16

  15. For those in Scouting who find it difficult to stay in shape, I would like to suggest going on over to www.mattfurey.com.


    I have a bunch of his products, including Combat Conditioning, which I share openly with my family memmbers. And being that I see Scouting as a part of my family, I share a few of the key exercises with them, especially since I got started not too long ago on Personal Fitness with my Troop. One Scout, in particular, is learning to lose weight in a safe and healthy way, and yet, he doesn't even go running. How often can you sell a line like that to someone that is out of shape? Anyways, I personally think it is a great program to go through (Combat Conditioning), and can be used by persons aged 2-94. Well, that's all for now,

    -Eagle Scout 3:16

  16. Oh yeah, baseball players from my highschool were always playing first hand shooter games to greatly increase their hand-eye coordination. And not all video games are played in solitude; things like Halo 2 can be played in co-ops. And there's always the occasional RPG where you can play with two people (I can only think of Chrono Cross).

    -ES 3:16(This message has been edited by EagleScout316)

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