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Posts posted by eagle97_78

  1. This is a good question. There have been a lot of really good answers to this question. A few of you have said that you serve the COs, the parents, and the youth.


    First what we need to look at when we answer this question is: What was the reason that the Scouting movement was started? The reason in my opinion was to give young men something else to do that would instill good moral values into their lives.


    The COs and the parents are not the ones that are affected by what goes on in the unit. The youth that we serve are the ones that are affected. We definitely are there as adults no matter what level of scouting you serve on, to serve the youth and help develop the young minds of tomorrow.

  2. I am currently a leader in my late 20s and working with the scouting program has been the best opportunity that I have ever had. I have had people ask me why I am a volunteer without having any children in the program and I tend to answer them by saying that I am a protoge of the program and that I am doing this to give back and see these young men receive the same care and regards for the curriculum that I received when I was in the program. Keep on pushing forward and giving back to the most wonderful program that anyone can become apart of.

  3. Wood Badge is a milestone training for any adult leader that is involved in the Scouting program. As for being prepared for Wood Badge I have to say that I was pretty much prepared. It all had to do with my district executive being the staff advisor for the my Wood Badge course.


    Thanks to that I knew a little bit more about the course than I was suppose to know, but my district executive told me no matter what I heard about Wood Badge that I needed to come into the course with an open mind, because Wood Badge is different for everyone.


    To say the least I did go in with an open mind and got a lot out of the training and wrote some really good tickets and pushed myself to get them completed as soon as possible.


    It is now only 9 months since my course ended and over half of us that participated in the course have completed out tickets and received our beads.


    To say the least Wood Badge is an awesome experience as long as you forget everything you have heard about the course and go into the course with an open mind.

  4. kahits,


    There are a few different ways that a dirtrict camporee can be put on:


    1) A troop does all the planning and you get the effects that you are currently seeing.


    2) A group of people on the district committee do all the planning


    3) The District Program Chariman pulls together a group of adult leader's from the district and a few units and has a lagre committee to plan the camporee.


    To go along with all of this there is actually some literature that is out there that talks about planning a camporee also. Here are just a few ways that a camporee can be planned. In my opinion the last two ways seem to be the best ways to deal with all the problems that can arrive when it comes down to favoritism.

  5. I am looking at adding One More Hat onto the leadership table besides being the District Membership Chairman, and this hat is being the Committee Chair for a Venture Crew in my neighborhood. This Crew is actually going to meet at the same place that the Boy Scout Troop that I got my Eagle Scout from. I am very excited about this, but I do not know when to expect to have to do even though I have taken the Venture Training and I am already the District Membership Chairman. Can anyone give me an idea of what the job description of the Committee Chairman for a Venture Crew is?

  6. If the Webelos Leader was following the Webelos requirement guide then the actual earliest these Webelos should be able to Crossover is by the end of November if the th Pack does not stay active during the summer, but if the Pack stays active throughout the summer and does a lot of activities then I do not see why these Webelos could not crossover by the September or October Pack meeting. The only thing to question is how did these Webelos get there Arrow of Light so quickly because it takes just about 1 1/2 years to get the Arrow of Light award now a days.

  7. I was looking through the 2008 Philmont Training Course and saw that one of the new trainings is the Philmont Leadership Course. The write-up for this course reads as follows:


    Beyond Wood Badge! The Philmont Leadership Challenge brings Wood Badge skills to life in a majestic Philmont setting. Just as NAYLE hones and expands upon the skills taught to Scouts at NYLT, the Philmont Leadership Challenge takes adult leadership to an exciting new level through experiential learning. The Philmont Leadership Challenge simultaneously immerses you and your team in challenging scenarios that require the application of Wood Badge leadership skills for success.Learn to inspire, motivate and help others succeed. Prerequisite: Must have completed Wood Badge for the 21st Century and meet Philmont's Level A physical requirements.


    The course is scheduled for September 21-27


    I am just wondering if anyone knows anymore about this course. It sounds like a very interesting and knowledgable course. I just wish that they were doing it during a couple of different sessions.

  8. Warren,


    Congrats on completing your second weekend!! I do not think you ever get the Woodbadge song out of your head. I took a course back in the fall and I still haven't gotten the song out of my head, but I myself like the idea of keeping the song in my head because it reminds me of the ideals, values, and the leadership skills that learned during my time at Woodbadge. Keep on pushing forward and keep on thinking to yourself that "I am Going to Complete My Ticket if I Can."




    Course SR-847

    Buffalo Patrol

  9. Lee,


    You are never too young to seek more knowledge when it comes to be a leader in the scouting program. In the course that I just finished back in October we had a young man that was your age and he was seeking to be a better leader. He took the course and had a great time. One thing that you need to look at is that if you do take the course you need to go into it with an open mind and be willing to learn.


    To answer your question you are never too young to take Wood Badge as long as you have completed the training requirements for your leadership position.

  10. On Tuesday, March 18 I received my Wood Badge beads. I don't know how it was for anyone else, but for me it was almost as emotional as it was when I finished the course. I received my beads at my Districts Volunteer Recognition Dinner since my Ticket had to deal with the district membership committee. My District Executive was almost in tears because it took her awhile to convince me to take Wood Badge and then my Course Director was the same way since she got to see how much the course really effected me. To say the least it was a great experience and now I am sad that it all done and over with. What is next?

  11. My Troop Guide was the person that approved my ticket and became my Ticket Counselor, but I do believe that the CD/SM did know what was going on. It has been only 4 months since I completed my Woodbadge Course and now I had to contact my Ticket Counselor to email him and let him know that I was done with my ticket. I emailed all of my write-up to him at the same time. So as of last week I was notified by my ticket counselor that I had completed ticket, and he told me that I did more than was necessary for my write-up. Altogether it was the greatest experience I ever had.


    Go Buffalos!!!




  12. Pack378,


    I just recently took Woodbadge in October 2007, in course SR-847. This course was two weekend course.


    I grew up in the scouting program just like yourself and did a lot of stuff throughout my carrier in scouting. I thought that Woodbadge wasn't really going help me out. My District Exectutive is a Woodbadger at heart and has been the staff advisor for the last two courses. She had been on me about going to three previous courses. I was being very hard headed and thought that Woodbadge would not help me out at all.


    After the first weekend I approached my District Executive and thanked her for continually being persistant about going to Woodbadge. When I did this I was in tears, because I had already learned so much from the course and already developed bonds with my patrol that I think will last a lifetime for me.


    To answer your question Woodbadge was well worth your time. You may see some stuff that is similar to when you took leadership training as a youth, but you will learn so much more and come out of Woodbadge with such a greater sense of what it means to be a leader especially while you work on your ticket.


    Good luck and just go into the course with an open mind and you will learn more than you think right now.

  13. I just went through Woodbadge and one of the training modules (I guess this is what you would call them) discussed a somewhat similar situation. I believe that you need to sit down and talk with this boy and try and find out what is going on with this young man. There could just be something that is causing this young man to complain and become defensive.

  14. I don't think that we should be truly worrying about how large our districts are, but we do need to worry about how many youth we serve. I have read the The message that Bob Maccuza(sp) gave at the Top Hands meeting a few months back and quoted someone for saying we in the Boy Scouts of America one reach 5,000, 000 youth, but we should be reaching 10,000,000 youth. I think we should be talking more about how we can reach thses 10 million you instead of comparing the size of our districts or councils.

  15. Scouting has meant so much to me. I started my career out as a Tiger Cub in 1984 and continued to receive my Arrow of Light. I then went on into Boy Scouts and obtained the rank of Eagle Scout. While in Boys Scouts I had many fun trips my most favorite was a bus trip that my troop use to take every year in January. Once I aged out I immediately became an adult leader for a few years until I stopped for two years then I came back and have been an adult leader ever since.


    I have enjoyed all my time in scouting and still enjoy my time.

  16. I truly appreciate the offer for help. I have been in contact with my district executive who was the staff advisor for the course and is the person that I report to for my position in scouting. If everything keeps going the way that things are going now, and it has only been a week since completion of the course. I might be able to complete tickets by the end of August as the lastest, is what I am guessing, but it isn't what I put on my ticket though.


    The entire course made a huge impact on my life. I cannot just pick out one or two things. I know that they use the movie October Sky to help with the training and now I am planning on going to the festival that they have in Coalwood, WV. I grew up in the scouting program and I did not know that any leadership training could be such a great experience.

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