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Posts posted by eagle90

  1. One of the many advantages of a patrol method camp - you can enjoy your meal and coffee out in the woods, not cooped up in a noisy dining hall.  DUring our weekend campout our adults cook and eat separately, but at summer camp we eat with the patrols on a rotation basis.  As resqman says its a great time to share a laugh, a concern, see who is a little homesick,etc.  A great way to bond with the scouts. 

  2. I'm going through the same thing right now.  Not only not turning things in on time, but when they do turn them in they do a half a**ed job of reading directions and filling out the forms.  No signatures, parent signing where scout is supposed to sign, no health ID card, no date, Parts A and B but not C. etc. etc. etc.  I often wonder how some of these parents function in day to day situations.

  3. Some of the more technically advanced members of our committee want to accept credit cards for monthly campout fees, summer camp, high adventure activities, etc.  Technically I'm not in their league. I do  have a cell phone, but don't facebook, tweet, or text.  


    Does anyone's unit out there accept charge cards for their fees?  Good?  Bad?  Horror stories?  Thanks in advance for your opinion and experiences.



  4. Our troop uses the BSA 12' x 16' canvas patrol dining flies.  We need to replace a broken ridge pole on one, and find that it is no longer available through Scout Stuff.

    The ridge is a two piece aluminum pole and a short extender pole. 

    Does anyone know where else to purchase such a setup or have an extra one you don't need?  Please let me know.  Thanks!



  5. Just a bit of background -  Our troop went to the Sea Base three times (2006, 2008, 2010).  SInce then we have put in for a spot, and for the last seven years have not gotten a lottery spot.  That is a whole generation of scouts - a whole Scouting career - that could not attend one of the BSA's premiere spots.


    Anyone else have similar experiences?  Do you think there is a batter way to assign spots?  Just frustrated with getting these rejection notices year after year and having to disappoint our scouts.



  6. We use them for all activities, but more for the imparting of information - Where we are going, when are we meeting, when will we gt home, what to bring, How much does it cost, isare parents coming with and able to drive, etc. 



  7. As a SM for a good number of years with over 50 Eagle Scouts (No, we are not a mill, just eager scouts), I purposely do not attend Eagle projects.   At first I did, but I found the scouts attending the project would come to me with questions instead of the candidate.  Didn't want to infringe on his project and leadership and a chance to learn and grow.

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  8. Having read this "Market study" in depth a few months ago, I think it is germane to point out that out of 22 camps rated, the HIGHEST grade for any camp was a B-.   When the summariews are read, more time is spent on giving a dissertation on what type of fish are in the camp lake or river than what programs and facilities are offered. 


    Why let the helicopter parents of a wussy generation ruin it for those who enjoy a week in the rustic woods, cooking your own food, sleeping under the stars.

  9. Our camp is 325 miles from home - about a 6 hour drive. 


    We want it to be far enough from home that it is different from a weekend campout, something the scouts can look forward to. 


    Do not want it close enough so that the helicopter parents can make daily or nightly trips to the camp to check on little Billy.



  10. Years ago we were to stop in the wisconsin Dells at a water park on our return from the Boundary Waters.  Unfotrunately the day dawned in the 40's and rainy.  Plan B - A trip to "House on the Rock", in Spring Green, WI, a Frank Lloyd Wright home and Museum.  The museum collects everything!

    Full size carousels, miniatures, faberge eggs, automobiles, model ships, pipe organs....etc.  The kids lovd it

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